So far...,so good~
Comments By:
Angelica on 2005-07-08
I just dabbed on the Hydrogen Proxide and it has dried up the lesion 70%!! I feel hopeful!!!
So far so good
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Cold sore victim on 2009-06-03
Just tried hydrogen peroxide applied it with a q-tip and held it in place for about a minute (got it on my nose yuckk)the sore is looking slightly better will just have to wait and see. Will try again later today and see how it goes.
I'm not too sure
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Kristi on 2009-08-16
I did it.. Its tingling a bit, but I don't know that its drying it up.
It burns
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kc on 2010-05-01
It burns like a son of a bitch but I use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. It instantly fizzles up turns white and the swelling goes down in like an hour. Just don't get it anywhere the sore isn't. It hurts. Bad. But it works. Cold sore will be gone the next day. Sometimes you get little tiny scabs where the individual blisters were but not usually.
This works, especially with salt
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anon on 2010-05-25
I have two at moment. I tried hydrogen peroxide and table sale on one. Put white vinegar and salt other. Both worked SO well, but hydrogen peroxide and salt worked VERY fast... a few hours! be clean and smart when applying. Qtips... and only use once. I went through a lot this afternoon...but better to not spread. Amazing. thank God
Works great
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Anon on 2010-12-26
Peroxide works great it's only been two hours and is already dried out my sores. Some people say to use gel deoderant and I tried that and it worked but then it's so hard to get off that you just peel your skin with it and your left with a huge open sore so I definately think peroxide is the way to go also take lots of lyysene it really helps alot then neosporin for the scabs
Cold Sores Suck!
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Myranda. on 2011-02-04
I'm sixteen years old, and I've been suffering with Cold Sores for as long as I can remember. I have one right now, and its huge. I tried the whole " peroxide " type deal. Works wonders. I dried up the Cold Sore right away and it feels a lot better. But, the only bad part about it is I put the peroxide where the Cold Sore wasn't and it burnt away skin from under the Cold Sore. It hurts a lot, it was really dry and just felt weird. So, I just took a hot cloth and placed it on it to clean it, always a good idea to keep it clean. After all that I put this cream on, its called Kalaya. Its for Cold Sores, cuts, burns and scabs. Perfect for a cold sore. I have it on right now, and it feels like I don't even have a Cold Sore anymore. I highly recommend get Kalaya.
Peroxide makes your cold sore last longer!
Comments By:
Shelly on 2011-10-20
I tried the peroxide thing for a couple days after I got my cold sore and it only made it worse. Peroxide doesn't kill the virus so all it did for me was make it spread, and it made my already large cold sore humungus! The doctor said it's ok for general antiseptic but not for cold sores. Use alcohol instead.