To clear up baby's diaper rash make sure that you change her as soon as she is wet. Wipe the entire area with a wash cloth moistened with a 50/50 vinegar-water solution. Let her bottom air dry if possible and dab on regular Maalox (liquid antacid).
The vinegar and the Maalox neutralize the acid from urine and the Maalox also dries up the rash.
I tried the liquid antacid on my toddler's diaper rash under the advise of my pediatrician. He said to mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with my normal diaper rash cream. Unfortunately, she screamed both times I applied it until I cleansed it off again. It was as if it caused her intense discomfort. I wish it had worked..but not for us.
Working like a charm
Comments By:
Proud Dad on 2006-08-19
This was a very strange remedy but I tell ya - my boys rash l;ook 100 times better this AM than it did last night.
We're cleaning area - dabbing on the Maalox - letting it dry then covering it with Vaseline.. working great.
Seems lik a lot for a rash but this one was probably one of the worst rashes I have ever seen on a kid.
- Proud Dad
easy mixing to apply
Comments By:
Sarah on 2008-05-20
This worked great for us but it is messy...mix 1/2 vaseline and 1/2 maalox in a zip lock bag until it turns white and creamy then apply.
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