Definitely works!
Comments By:
kyrirhcp on 2009-05-03
im greek so we put alot of garlic in our meals, the smell is no problem! worls a charm!
Worked for me!!
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Houston mom on 2009-07-29
I had the largest cold sore ever, tried everything even the over the counter creams, nothing was helping, I cut a garlic clove in half and rubbed it on, it shrank down in 30 minutes then instantly fored a scab...better than the huge bulging mess I had!!!
its mint
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fruitman on 2009-11-14
its a bit painful but it seems to work if you can withstand the smell and pain it is good
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Sisi on 2011-02-24
I am now trying this for the first time, it stings a little but I'm sure it will work. It works for bee and/or wasp stings too.
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matilda on 2011-03-14
i have a giant sore inbetween my chin and lip, its red and enflamed. had it for two days. so am tring it, i think its working already after 10 mins.
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Tiffany chanel bland on 2011-03-14
i have a huge ugly sore on my lip!!!nasty:( i am now trying the garlic method n already i think its working!! well its getting better anyway. Ive had it on now 4 about 15 minutes n its going down!!!!yay
brontes zit
Comments By:
bronts on 2011-03-14
i am the proud owner of a huge zit. its beautiful. and the garlic works which is a bitter disappontment because i didnt even have a chance to say goodbye to poor little marvin he was a friend my only friend, teaching me right from wrong.
Harrison's Zit!
Comments By:
Harrison on 2011-03-14
I am proud owner of a huge zit! i tried the garlic methodand it worked! i am happy but also very sad! Marvin juniour the zit was my only friend he never ran away from me! he always listenined to what i had to say! i wish we had more time to say goodbye but marvin dear marvin zit will live on in mym memeory!!!