Home : Health : Remedies : Ringworm : Aloe vera and myrrh against ringworm

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Ring worm. Aloe vera and myrrh against ringworm

Submitted by cecile

If you have an aloe vera plant handy, though the pure aloe vera dream should do the trick, rip a bit of it, split it open and rub the inside on the infected area....instant relief! It helps kill the fungus too, as does myrrh, for this one you drop 10 drops of essential oil in a 25ml bottle, shake it WELL, and dab the liquid on the infected area.

I found that alternating the two throughout the day makes the infection disappear fairly quickly....I suggest that you carry around the myrrh mixture, so you can apply it every time you go to the loo! Smells nice too!

Hope it will help. Oh keep on doing both until fungus is gone, and probably do it more sporadically over the next two weeks, just to make sure it is well dead!

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interesting Comments By: kay charles on 2009-05-26
i will try it
womderful herb. one of natures best. Comments By: mrs karen smith charles on 2009-05-27
i have tried aloes for other complaints like period pains and it works, i am sure it will work for my 7 yr old who has recurring ringworm. thanks for that topic on home remedies.
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