Home : Health : Remedies : Toothache : Pressure points

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Toothache. Way to deal with toothache


1.Identify the paining tooth whether it is on the left or right side of the jaw--does'nt matter if it is upper or lower side.

2. Give continuous pressure on each finger nail for 20 seconds(press nail and finger tip together).

3. Press right hand finger nails if it pains in the right side jaw, likewise for left side jaws.

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try it Comments By: kathklean on 2006-08-25
The first time NO..Did it again and it's considerably better. This should hold till I visit the dentist in a few days. Thanks for the tip...
Fantastic - try this now! Comments By: Liz on 2007-10-02
Can't believe this tip worked the first time! Really helpful, thank you! Wish I'd known about this sooner. Everyone should try this. Brilliant!
best idea ever!!! Comments By: cutieecutee on 2007-10-26
i couldnt sleep my tooth ache was so bad, i tried tylonal and everything and nothing would help.

i tried this and it worked right away.
oh my gosh i cant belive it.

meh. Comments By: carrie on 2007-12-01
it helped a little while i was doing it but afterwards it felt just as bad as before =\
Well ... what can I say? Comments By: Lyn on 2008-03-24
Tried this and the pain subsided signficantly, will repeat as necessary until I get a dentist.

Great tip - will pass on to others.

NOT FOR ME Comments By: UMAR on 2008-04-25
DIDNT WORK Comments By: ANGRY on 2008-04-26


From agony to dull ache. Comments By: Darren on 2008-06-10
Cant belive this worked. It sounds like a wind up but I felt a diffrence instantly. The pains not compleatly gone, but relived it a barable level,from agony to dull ache.
Surprising relief Comments By: Sarah on 2008-08-04
I just tried this.. about four times on each finger of my right hand, and it really has taken the pain away. I'm not sure how long it will last but having a way of relieving the pain wherever I am will help a lot this week, as I have to be out and about quite a bit.

Thank you!

hmm dsnt work man Comments By: Tom on 2008-08-08
is it like it only works on few people, cuz my tooth still kills me man
Wow Comments By: Chris on 2008-08-12
Can't believe this worked for me.
Felt the pain subside as soon as i squeeded the first finger.
Thanks for the tip.

So Far So Good Comments By: happymonkey on 2008-09-25
Err I was in major agony, tried the whisky that didn't work but this has worked so far? Can't believe it!!!
err wow Comments By: in pain for weeks on 2008-11-24
works, takes the edge off, i no longer want to smash my head in....
pheww Comments By: molar rot on 2008-12-30
it has reduced a bit. Now i can go to sleep. Thanx
Amazing! Comments By: Anon on 2009-01-31
I too thought this was a joke, but what the heck just happened? I was in AGONY then after trying this the very first time, it disappeared completely. Now my tooth only feels like it twitches every now and then. Thank you so much.
Weirdly works. Comments By: Kay on 2009-01-03
Still can't believe this works, hopefully this will work until I get to the dentist.
Worked first time Comments By: Tim on 2009-01-12
Worked as soon as I started applying pressure. Was really pessimistic but wow! Thanks.
kinda Comments By: lindsey on 2009-01-13
it kinda worked, but the pain is still there, its not as bad though. thanks!
No sleep because of pain Comments By: Audrey on 2009-02-28
I got mi toothache yesterday and i didnt sleep last nite because of it i tryed this now there is no more pain thanks xxx
RUBBISH Comments By: UNHAPPY on 2009-03-21
It is a waste of time, Ive got to have root canal treatment on a troublesome tooth on monday and trust me this does not work.
Didn't work at all Comments By: Anon on 2009-03-27
Didn't work at all. Still in agony. Rubbish tip that was a waste of time =(
not sure how Comments By: kiras on 2009-04-11
but im off to bed now while im not crying
Rubbish Comments By: Bob on 2009-04-15
Just made it even worse, doesnt work at all
worked for me Comments By: willie on 2009-05-05
this worked for me,i had tried pain killers and clove oil but didn't help i tried this and pain has gone
Is it psychological?? Comments By: Vanessa on 2009-05-17
Didn't cure the pain but is certainly dulled the pain, now bearable until the nurofen kicks in.
I bite my nails Comments By: nail biter with toothache on 2009-05-21
my fingernails are non existent, where should I press instead? finger tips, cuticles, somewhere else?
im only a kid and im in terrible painnn helpp ! Comments By: someonee in alot of pain ! on 2009-05-22
hiyahh .
my dentist has no appoinments leftt
and im in terrible pain im only ten and live by my self in an old house so i know everyone in my small village especcially the dentist but they have said they seriously cant its not fair on the other villagers so i looked on the web for a cure and found this ! but unfortunatley it hasnt worked for me thanks alot though :) !!

chronic toothache and jaw ache Comments By: Christine on 2009-08-30
Just trid this after being in alot of pain for three days, has taken the edge off so will keep doing this thanks
Definatley worked Comments By: Mrs J Ircsik on 2009-10-03
could not believe it , it worked immediately I pressed my thumb
OMG Comments By: WOOOOOOOP on 2009-10-03
as if something as simple as this works :O! V. happpppyyy!
Mind over matter Comments By: Garry on 2009-10-05
not sure if this is psychosomatic but regardless felt a decrease in severe pain immediately
oh my god, it actually worked! Comments By: Samantha on 2009-10-10
i cant believe it! when i read it i was about ready to try and rip my tooth out, but when i did it, after the second or third finger, it worked!! its now gone from agony, to a dull ache. guess im about ready for bed now. thank you so much!!!!
no way thid worked Comments By: kirsteen on 2009-10-25
Cannot beleive this actually worked i felt it worked more when pressing my thumb as opposed to my other fingers but would def give it a try you have nothing to lose soo strange but works i thought it was a joke at first
Kind of worked...BUT! Comments By: Emma on 2009-11-02
Kind of worked, although i have pain and toothache on my left. I found biting my left hand fingers for a few seconds more of a pain reliever.
Oh My God It Worked Comments By: kirstee24 on 2009-12-22
Thought This Was A Joke It Got Rid Of The Pain Instantly As Soon As I Put Some Pressure On My Finger Nail
Ive Had The Troublesome Tooth Out And It Was Difficult To Remove As My Dentist Said I Had Really Good Roots And He Had To Dig It Out
Its Gone From A Constant Pain To Just Tender To Touch My Using This Remedy

Incredible Comments By: Charlie in UK on 2009-12-30
Thought this was a joke, but my 4am toothache has now subsided to a minor ache, enough for me to wait for the dentist to get outta bed atleast! Its been 3 hours since I tried it and I cant believe it - truly!
Temp relief Comments By: Chris (Saddleworth) on 2010-01-01
Gives temporary relief but made me a little queezy. Nice to know I can stop the pain.
Psychological Comments By: Anon on 2010-01-25
This is one of many 'pain relief' methods which are purely psychological - you're told that this will cure your pain, you're given something unusual and complex to do to take your mind off it, and this tricks your brain into not feeling the pain until something triggers it off again. Doesn't stop it potentially working, of course!
pain away Comments By: MoHQ on 2010-01-29
As your brain cannot accept two pain signals at one time, if you cause a pain or sensation somewhere else the original pain disappears!My dentist told me this as he has a brilliant technique for painfree injections. He rubs the gum
for a few seconds before the injection and you cant feel the injection at all.It also works with headaches. If you scratch or rub your scalp, the headache pain is less noticible as your brain is confused by the two signals. Try it!

So far so good Comments By: Anon on 2010-02-13
Middle of the night pain keeping me awake. Taken 6 co-cordermols in one go no let up! Tried this and the pain is alot better........ many thanks
WOW Comments By: stell on 2010-02-25
I have tried so many tablets in the last few days and nothing has worked!! When i read this i thought what a load of rubbish, but i couldnt believe it worked! Didnt take the pain completly away but now all i got is a dull ache....thank you :))
works abit Comments By: Tipsydomino on 2010-02-26
while applying pressure it works but pain soon comes back when brain realises there's only one pain source again - still it gives relief even if only for a short while!
pain Comments By: deborah on 2010-04-14
this did nothing for my pain
omg Comments By: lauren on 2010-04-21
I've used clove oil and painkillers every 4 hrs for the last 3 days and had no releif, I really am in uch bad pain, but just followed this amazing tip and I no longer want 2 rip my tooth out with my bare hands! Fingers crossed it lays off now and I can get some sleep! Thank you so much for the tip, its amazing xx
Thankyou Comments By: Steve on 2010-05-03
Absolutely awesome, thankyou.
Worked GREAT... Comments By: Shelly on 2010-05-29
I have been having excruciating pain in my mouth due to gum disease and this worked Great giving my meds time to take effect. Thanks
Worked for me - Thanks Comments By: Lizzie on 2010-06-13
Worked for me - Thanks
Unbearable Comments By: Bobi on 2010-06-17
in unbearable pain for past week with toothache, tried multiple different pain killers, edging the dosage higher and higher until i felt 'stoned', clove oil, neat listerine, everything.

resorted to googling home remedies and this came up! astounded it has worked!

No good Comments By: Chris on 2010-06-21
Doesn't work, if your toothache is that bad this will not take your mind off it or give you enough pain in your fingers to replace the pain in your mouth, if it works for you great, but you can't be in that much pain!
Toothache quick natural fix Comments By: Rob on 2010-07-10
Tried this as an alternative to painkillers and the pain is much reduced....thank you
i was sceptical but... Comments By: alex on 2010-08-31
my molar is feeling like it might abcess!! i've had that b4 so i kknow the feeling. Was looking fwd to a sleepless night but read this tip. Tried it becaus ei had nothing to lose.
By third finger i was getting a reduction. It may be th epainkillers finally kicking in but if so they were very late and
coincided well with the pressure.
This cannot be due to conflicting pain as the fingertip pressure is notpainful, (and anyway the brain can easily handle nore than one pain!!) nor due to suggestion - if you could suggest away molar pains you'd be very rich!
It seems to work on both sides and also with toenails and other pressure points also. i suggest its a relaxer and stress reliever.. but regardless - so far it seem to have worked.

what an Idea ! Comments By: Dhakkan on 2010-09-29
this is da worst solution I ever came accress !
i mean .. why was he thinking ??
was he thinking at all ?

amazing Comments By: Thomas (no longer a doubter) on 2010-11-27
Found this technique (somewhat confusing description......obviously accupuncter-based) on a Google search. My girlfriend had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday and was in total agony last night
I read her the technique....first time it lowered her pain.....second time even lower. This morning she said she used it a time or two during the night.pain was very tolerable through the night. Gone this morning.
Accupuncture?? All psychological? How cares? It worked!

AMAZING Comments By: bob sinclair on 2010-12-08
this really works it made my day . how brillant . :)
It work! cant believe it Comments By: FOXY NAT on 2010-12-19
Whether its psychological or not, it helped me. Took pain away to a level that I could barely feel it! May be mind over matter! But I feel it works!
okay Comments By: Jessica on 2010-12-28
This way was okay, it did get rid of the pain for abit :)
Its nt wrk man!!. Comments By: Nad madmax on 2011-01-02
I've tried it evrytime but the pain stil not gone.. :(
How? Comments By: DoctorDoctor on 2011-01-07
Horrible tooth pain. I just sat here doing what you stated, and I went away from the time I was pressing my fingernails. It actually significantly reduced the pain and discomfort.
GREAT Comments By: r adelaide on 2011-01-14
When one has a toothache one will try anything ..... just try it ...... it may help
WOW Comments By: DEVYANEE on 2011-01-14
This Is a Miracle Comments By: john on 2011-01-24
Ive probably poisoned my self with the amount of Tylenol and penicillin I've taken that did absolutely nothing...

Swishing ice cold water in my mouth made the pain bearable but as soon as I stopped the excruciating pain would return....

Now this thumb shit is a miracle!!! It completely stopped my pain! I just feel a little queezy..

Thanks! Now I can sleep after 30 hours of no sleep!! Goodnight!!

Wow! Comments By: clare on 2011-02-09
Top tip - this actually works!
What the..... Comments By: TheMonk on 2011-02-20
Wow, just wow. This is some sort of magic I tells ya. It works. I'm astonished. Just.....Wow
No but ive got to live with the pain Comments By: Rob payne on 2011-03-31
Pain every day this did not help prob mind over matter but not for me thanx anyway my friend
Slamm Comments By: Pottsy on 2011-06-04
Didn't really work for me, But this toothache does make you want to slamm your face into a brick wall and I think a coma would be welcome for a couple days! Anbesol and lots of it!
wow Comments By: Nadine on 2011-07-22
Can't believe I have been crying stupid with pain, pregnant too and wanting to pull my bloody face off, this is amazing only have a slight pain now, this really works, no tablets did anything, off to sleep, thanks everybody for your comments
well at this time in the am..i'll try anything Comments By: pip on 2011-08-22
kept and open mind and tried it.....but it didnt ork for me..gonna be a long night :(
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