Cure ringworm with athlete's foot cream
Comments By:
Vanessa on 2005-04-23
I would highly reccomend this to anyone my son had it and I applied the cream 2 times a day and they were gone .
It worked for me!
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DeeRose on 2005-06-24
This is the best way that i have ever been able to treat ring worm, not mess and works great!
?how long
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amilee on 2006-06-06
how long does this take to get totally ride 15 and dont want to pass it to my friends..boyfriend..or my family...or i need it gone fast...
yeah right!!
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Melissa on 2008-08-11
Ive been using the cream for 2 weeks they still look exactly the same first Im trying apple cider vinegar and if that doesnt work Im going for the bleach!!!
You could just buy.....
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J on 2009-04-05
Cream for ring worms. They sell it in the pharmacy for the same amt. of $$$ as athlete's foot cream. Although either should work. It's the same fungus, just on diff. parts of the body.
is it a ringworm
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anon on 2009-05-28
i have it for almost a year in my hand i used 2 tubes of lamisil and now 2 weks i am on sporanox tabletes still the same i tried bleech, nail polish ,i dont know what to do enymore pls help
i have ring worm
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sasa on 2010-10-31
i just got it a week ago and started to use athelete foot cream.I really dont think it is working how long does it take to get rid of it...
I don't know what to try next
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Anon on 2011-02-28
I have had ring worm for like three monthes now and have been tryin to cure it for a month but it isn't helping and all it is doing is spreading. I have no idea what to do next. It is stressing me out and making me cry please help me:(!
Try selsun blue
Comments By:
Iron lung child on 2011-08-30
If the cream isn't working try washing the spots with selsun blue medicated shampoo. It helps because of the sulfate in it, also put neosporin (I find the clear jell us better than the Childs one) because it helps keep it dry and also has sulfate in it.