Strike a match and blow it out. Run it quickly under water and then press the end of the match against the cold sore. I do this when I feel that tingle and perhaps see a small red bump beginning to form. I hold the match on for 30 sec. then I strike another.
I burn 3 matches all together and I do this 2-3 times a day for 1-2 days. When I do this I never get the cold sore. It dries out before forming and just goes away. It has been the only sure "fire" way to keep from getting the monster sore! Try it! It has always worked for me.
matches & cold sores
Comments By:
ANON on 2005-01-18
I was just told about this remedy last night, but my daughter told me to take the match stick, and run it under water, and touch it to the cold sore. I did this (didn't light it first), about 6 times last night and once this morning, and believe it or not, there is NO sign of it this afternoon. I am SO tickled!!! It was definitely a cold sore on the go, as that tingling is all to familiar. My theory, is it is the sulfur in the match head that cures it!
It's sulphur
Comments By:
Nat on 2009-10-16
A less smelly option is mixing some pure msm powder with water and dabbing it on. It is the sulphur that kills the sore. It dissappears in 2 days, at least for me. Msm is one of natures greatest gifts!!!
I guess we will see,
Comments By:
Anon. on 2009-11-11
I just now tried it. I don't know what i rate this 'cure' to be, but hopefully it is a good one! I feel a tingling sensation. hopefully it works. Just got done using aloe. going to try many other things tonight. I have been waiting to get my senior pictures done. And i will be getting them done this weekend. Right now it is small, but my lip is a little swollen, but not really noticable. Tried to get them done today, but didn't work. Hopefully It will be gone soon before friday!! Also probably getting a car friday and if i do, getting my licence saturday. Dont want a picture with an ugly sore on my face. I will try just about anything to get rid of it.
MSM and cold sores
Comments By:
Irene on 2011-03-19
MSM Gel is the absolute best cure and relief for cold sores. A week ago I had a cosmetic lip tattoo. On day 3 seven cold sores erupted on my top lip. I applied Mismo Cell Soother (which is 15% MSM and Organic Aloe Vera) several times a day. No pain from the cold sores but a bit unpleasant to look at. Day 4 after eruption only 3 scabs left. This should have been a nightmare but it was only a blip thanks to MSM. I've taken photos.
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