Home : Health : Remedies : Insect bites : Tea bags for Mosquito Bites

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Tea bags for Mosquito Bites

Submitted by NicoleJvon

Boil a regular tea bag. Sit it on the bite until it is cold. I needed re-heat the bag. This will suck out all of the poison and reduce the swelling w/o return of the itch.

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thanks... Comments By: anon on 2005-07-12
i was really desperate as my bites were many and very itchy. The more i scrated the bigger they swelled. The tea bag really does ease the iching and relieved some of the swelling- worth a try.
super. Comments By: amyy on 2009-05-03
great idea except i have like 25 mozi bites and not enough tea bags so i have to keep swaping :(
It may be the heat .....not the tea ?? Comments By: Mike on 2009-06-22
I am bitten every day during the summer in Turkey, but I have found the answer.........I find the application of a very hot flannel on the affected area always takes away the pain after a few minutes.
Run a flannel under hot water and apply as hot as you can bare it. This small discomfort for a few minutes stops the itching for good.
It works for me.......Give it a try.

Yep, just the heat Comments By: Anon on 2009-07-15
Hi, it most definitely is the heat. i had a mosquito bite me 17 times around my toes, and in that case it was much better to put my foot in a tupperware box of hot water, this lasted a lot longer of course, therefore i would recommend a hot wash or bath.
To stop Itching - Deodorant Comments By: Rene on 2009-08-27
I saw a video on utube where the man said use a roll on Anti-perspirant or Deodorant to stop the itching. I tried it and it worked...........Hooray!
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