Comments By:
Diane on 2005-10-28
Tried this on my 20 month old daughter, who was writhing around the floor in agony. Within 5 minutes, she was laughing and running around as usual. Fantastic
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silke on 2006-06-08
my daughter just woke up screaming her ear was hurting. i tried the over the counter ear relief drops and nothing. it didn't work. i tried the oil and instantly she started falling asleep. this really works. thanks
pretty good
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fernando galvan on 2006-06-18
it took a while but it works
baby oil
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neil S/Wales on 2007-02-11
only had baby oil available and give it a go seems to be doing the trick thanks for the tips
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suzanne on 2007-04-04
i tried this after 2 nites without sleep and after bout 15 mins it was pain free i wish i new this 21 years ago so i diddnt have to suffer
we shall see
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Jessica on 2007-05-04
put the oil in 5 mins ago and seems to have worked although i do now feel deaf in that ear. still better than earache! thank you!
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s wilson on 2007-07-14
my 17year old son was a bit reluctant to try this but after 1 hour of pain he gave in and now has no pain thanks
This REALLY works!!
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Greg on 2007-07-27
I was dealing with an earache at work for about 4 hours when I came upon this "home remedy". Being only a 5 mins walk from work I told my boss I'd be back soon, went home put some Canola Oil in my ear walked back to work an just like magic the pain completely dissapeared within minutes!
Better with ovile
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gillian on 2007-11-29
I have used this method form when i was young and so did my mum and her mum but has aways ovile oil.
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Jasmyn on 2007-12-31
My boyfriend used vegitable oil and it only hurts worse now...
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Kandi on 2008-01-11
We have used this for years!So to the people that are afraid to try this! It works! But dont use veggie oil! I have never done this.Use olive oil, warm it up, not to hot!
hell yeah!
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Shannon on 2008-03-30
My little girl (23 months) has had recurring ear infections over the past year. She was in obvious pain. We tried olive oil in her ears and it immediately worked. She said "hurt all done" and started falling asleep.
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XxamesxX on 2008-03-30
i tried it and it made my ear feel really weird. it hurts now.
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Amester on 2008-03-30
my mum does this and it always works. thankyou.
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Anon on 2008-08-19
would help if u sed which oils worked better i used vegtible and my ear is worse
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SARAH on 2008-10-30
thanks so much for this advise, never had earache before in my life although my 3 young sons have... i feel for them so much now, earache came on about 3 hours ago and was on the verge of tears when i thought i would look on net.. not expecting much really just desperate.. used the warm oil on a cotton bud and tilted my head 4 10 mins..have to say it really, really does work..AMAZING!!
fuzzy ear/pain
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loulou on 2008-11-27
My grandad used to use this method on my mother therefore you used it on me too. I had bad pains and it got rid of that, but now 2 days later im a little deaf? but it is a really nice feeling when you are in agony....
olive oil alievated pain
Comments By:
Marybeth Norton on 2009-01-29
I trie your olive oil treatment. Instaneous relief after.1 minute. Cheap fix
what a relief!
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jamie howe on 2009-02-10
never really suffered from earache but this morning and all day at work had the most uncomfortable aching and it wouldnt allow me to sleep either.poured down the warm olive oil and hey it seems to be taking the pain away.strange sensation though!!!
It hurts a little but it works
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johanna cross on 2009-02-23
I could not go to sleep because my daughter kept complaining that her ear was hurting. Used some olive oil and my daughter said it hurt at first however one minute later she said the pin was all gone. Thanks for the advice.
Thank God for google and oilve oil!
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Jenna on 2009-03-11
My boyfriend and I both got horrible colds about 3 days ago and we are supposed to be flying out to Vegas for our 2 year anniversary tomorrow...I just started to get and earache (I think it was from blowing my nose to0 hard too often). So i googled how to get rid of and earache and came across this site and decided to try it...So i took half a cotton ball and dipped it in a cap full of olive oil and out it in my ear and within about 5 minutes my ear felt so much better! Now I'll be trying a remedy for a stuffy runny nose.
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kiddwiththepaininhisear on 2009-04-14
i used canola oil and my ear hurts so bad right now (worse then before), i think i might go to the hospital.
I used car engine oil and it got worse!! :OP
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Dave on 2009-07-06
I used car engine oil and it got worse!!
Joke - I used vegetable oil and I think it is better as good as the ear drops I got as a kid anyway.
Various types of oils are mentioned, often Olive or Sesame, which are infact particular vegetable oils.
Olive is a it pricey, but I expect the cheaper stuff is just as good, they are just oils afterall.
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JOHN on 2009-09-01
olive i tried with this toasted oil and it dusnt work must be olive
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Casey (Dude) on 2009-12-30
Wow i tried this because i had such a HORRIBLE EARACHE! My mum heated olive oil with water for a while and then put it in my ear. It works!
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alyssa on 2010-06-09
I just used this on my nephew (olive oil) and it worked wonders for him!! Poor guy had been knocked out by the ear pain, I would have tried anything. But this sounded the best, and it was!!! Thank you sooo much!!
Instant pain relief in work
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Lyns on 2010-12-15
My colleague went to a well known chemist with earache to be told that they couldn't sell her eardrops as she had pain! They advised olive oil instead, so knowing that I keep some in my draw for salads, I offered to assist her. I saw a couple of bubbles but within a few miniutes her pain had subsided!
ugh not good
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Mandy on 2011-01-26
I used Canola oil and now i can't hear anything out of my left ear
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Leekie on 2011-02-03
Used good olive oil in desperation for four year old unable to sleep all night. Asleep within five minutes.Some people may have very waxy ears, hence deafness as warm oil will dissolve wax which may then clump together. I would try repeating oil over a week then seeing nurse to have ears washed out- I spent ages thinking I'd gone deaf and could suddenly hear! Not all oils are equal, processed oils begin to break down and will go rancid quite readily, maybe that would explain difference in peoples results?
Thanks for suggesting using an age old trick to help relieve pain.
people are idiots
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adam on 2011-03-19
dont use "any" oil
olive oil is best for the body.
people use veg. oil?! canola?!
Worth a try
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laura1980s on 2011-06-26
I'm not actually sure I have ever had earache or if I have I do not remember this pain!!:( I have just asked my better half to go an get me sum olive oil which he did :* so thanks to him an reading this cure I can slowly feel the pain going :) so thank you :)
my ear hurts like hell
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Jesse aaron clubb on 2011-08-08
I tried everything . So just go to the doctor and the will give you meds for your ears. My ear fills like my eardrum has pop.