just peroxide
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anon on 2004-08-26
For me if i just feel a cold sore comming i just put peroxide on it and it never comes.
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Ashley on 2004-08-29
I felt a cold sore coming on, so I kept a cottonball swabbed with peroxide on it on my lip for awhile, and when i woke up the next morning my lip was swollen, stinging, and the sore was still there!!
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john on 2005-01-04
dissolving the aspirin in peroxide only works if the sore has opened...try opening the sore with a needle on the second day and then adding the paste..to stop the sore from developing entirely, rub the tingling spot with ice
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Cold Sore Free, Finally! on 2005-02-03
I have been getting cold sores for as far back as I can remember. I have tried many products. I usually get on each month - I have a high yeast count, so I take an antibotic to prevent an infection - the antibotic for some reason causes a cold sore to appear. I have found a miracle! When I feel the tingling, I crush asprin with a tiny drop of water - careful - alot of water goes a long way. I place the paste on the area overnight. I do this for two nights for good measure and the cold sore doesn't appear. This has been effective for the past five months. Hope it works for you, too!
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Anon on 2006-07-13
Perfect combination asprin and peroxide, killed mine in 2 days. The scabs were still there BUT it didn't grow any bigger and the swelling was gone.
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carolyn on 2007-07-14
I used this stuff and it did make my blisters a kinda scabby but it made my lip swollen. I guess this doesnt work for everyone.
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anon on 2008-01-06
what kind of peroxide do you use, hair stuff or contact lense cleaner, thanks
P.RA.&.Abreva My Way
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Buddy Bull on 2009-03-08
Ok...This Is my Way to get rid of My Disgusting..Irritable..red swollen ugly....Bumpz around your mouf...Ok...here it goes First i cleanse my hands throughly i take a Q-tip.an dab it in Hydrogen peroixide...This will claen any bateria around the cold sore and also stops it from spreading.let that sit until bubbly an dry then Take another Q-tip disppose of the first one U DONT WANA USE TWICE...take the second Q-tip dab it in Rubbing Alcohole..and apply to ur cold sore after the R.A dries.MAke sure your hands are washed throughly..then Aplly Abreva...use as directed..CONTINUE DESE steps for about 4-5 tymes a day..An your cold sore should be gone in no tyme DIZ REALLY WORKS!!!!..FOR ME HOPEFULLY IT WORKS FOR YALL..!!!!
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C-with-the-business on 2009-11-15
old fashion soap And peroxide dried it right on up
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Maddi on 2009-11-30
This is it folks: At first sign of tingling, take Acyclovir or apply Abreva. If blister occurs, sterilize needle, coat tip with Abreva, lance the blister. Massage Abreva into blister every 2 hours and take Acyclovir as directed. Don't mess with alcohol or peroxide as those will further injur delicate lip area. Bleach and/or aspirin is just silly. Vaseline just prolongs sore. Abreva is it.
The Way to go!
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NoraStar on 2010-07-21
I was kind of scared about 'popping' my cold sore, but I had a vacation coming up and was determined to not look horrible. I bought alchol wipes, sterilized gauze, thing lacelets, BC asperin powders and hydrogen peroxide. Wiped [alchol] and washed everything down, lanced the bump [didnt hurt], squeezed it with the gauze and applied the mix paste of HP and asperin to the bump. I reapplied about 4 times over the night and in the morning just a tiny scab is there! No swelling, sore or nasty bump! Worked amazingly with no pain.
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Jaime on 2010-09-22
i got a cold sore yesterday morning, went to the store bought abreva, applied it but it just made it worse. this morning i decided to give aspirin a try. first i cleaned the sore with alcohol using q-tips, second i used a sterilized needle and popped the sore and squeezed it until all the fluid was out, next i got H-peroxide and gave it another clean with q-tips, lastly i got an aspirin, crushed it and mixed it with a couple drops of water and applied it to the sore. within minutes a saw great results. it started drying and it was less swollen. im doing these same steps every 3 hours. last sore i had it took 6 days to dry, however doing this steps seems like its going to be gone in about 4 days. good luck to everyone!
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BRE on 2010-11-14
Hi Everyone,
i developed a fever blisters about two days ago. At the first sign of the fever blister, I got some Camphophynique to apply to it. But it only got worse and bigger.
The next day, i went on this site and saw the home remedy to get rid of fever blisters and cold sores using aspirin and peroxide. Well I did just that! I took time to remove the fluid from the blisters then I applied the aspirin and peroxide mixture about 3 times a day and started to see the scabs appear. That was yesterday, today, I repeated the same procedure and tonight I washed my face and the scabs washed away and looks better already. No swelling, no horendous blusters just like scars in the healing process.
Thank u guys for all your help. It really made a difference!
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shellbell on 2011-04-07
this was so great!! it did everything you said it would, 4sure open it then add the mixture :)
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anon on 2011-09-20
i appy a good dose of pepto bismol with a q tip and let dry takes redness and swelleing down also very soothing works wonders