Home : Health : Remedies : Chapped lips : Honey for chapped, dry lips

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For chapped, dry lips this is the trick

Submitted by Missy

Ok. we've all been through the day that we had the worst looking lips for a picture or something right. so a quick fix would be to put Vaseline or chap stick on them right? 

Wrong. In chap stick there are chemicals that can infect your lips when you have bits of open skin (chapped lips). So put some honey on your lips let dry for a bit then without moving your lips, that's important, put on some Vaseline on top. Do this about 2-5 days in a row to get rid of chapped lips. I've needed to do it many times for auditions and commercials. Only leave that on for 10-15 minutes then with a Q-tip dip it in hot water and in two strokes take off the mixture.

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:-) Comments By: Cassie on 2004-09-21
I woke up with chapped lips one morning about a month or so ago. I never got chapped lips, because I live in Hawaii, and it's really humid over here. I tried SoftLips lip balm, Medicated Blistex, but they never worked...there was no improvement.

I bought honey and vaseline today at the store, and just tried it. So far, so good! My lips feel normal! :)

A Save The Day Thanks Comments By: Amanda on 2004-10-02
Today is the day our my senior homecomming and well I went to the football game lastnight, and here in Ohio it's a little chilly outside, well I woke up this morning with horrible chapped and swollen lips. I used this quick fix and it's save that day! Thanks So Much!
wow, Comments By: anon on 2007-11-18
it feels like its worked already!

a question Comments By: meenu on 2008-01-03
Can anyting else be used instead of Vaseline like coconut oil or something
HELLO THERE Comments By: LISA on 2008-05-23
Chapped lips Comments By: Emily on 2009-01-26
This really didn't work for me. I've had chapped lips for 2 years now. I had used chapstick, vaseline, cortisone, carmex, bliztex, burts bees, honey, olive oil, shea butter or just plain water, and nothing seemed to work. So, I decided I would see my doctor. They told me to use Aquafor. I've used it ever since and it works perfectly for me. I love it! You guys should try it out!
:-) Thank You Comments By: Anon on 2010-07-22
I coach softball during the summer and my lips became really dry and cracked over the season. I tried the honey and vaseline and it's really helped!

Oh, on a side note though put your hair up before you put the honey on your lips. ;) lol

It on right now :) Comments By: Chapped Lipzz on 2010-11-06
I just tried this...but it burns my lips badly right now.. like very badly.. so im not sure if this is gonna work
HONEY for your Lips wprks!! Comments By: Kazzy on 2011-03-30
Awhile ago I begab making my own bath treatments for my dry skin. I had read online about using honey in your bath, and it did help my dry skin problem!
Then a few days ago, I saw this tip for honey on dry lips. It's the best tip ever, as my embarassing dry cracked lips are healed and smooooooooth! TYTYTY!

q tip Comments By: akp on 2011-05-07
what do you mean by q tip and two strokes....i normally wipe it off with warm cloth..is it ok....seems to be working a bit
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