Home : Health : Remedies : Warts : Vitamin e oil

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Vitamin e oil for warts

Submitted by Kibber

I have learned that to apply vitamin e oil every day maybe 2 times a day the wart will leave and not return. This has been tried in my home, it works.

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not a chance! Comments By: Anon on 2009-01-09
Complete rubish! I have been using cream with Vit E extracts for years and recently started getting warts. . . I think I'll rather try the banana peel cure.
It works Comments By: Anon on 2009-04-14
I tried the vitamin e oil and it works great. With-in a few days the warts started to disapear!
Lotions with Vitamin E Comments By: Pamela on 2009-09-21
I recently told my husband to start using our cocoa butter with Vitamin E for his wart breakouts. A couple days ago after about 2 weeks of treatment with the lotion he has almost completely cleared up! I just started putting it on my feet....hope it works!
it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comments By: Bobbie on 2010-01-05
Many years ago my son had 24 warts on one hand and my daughter had 21. We went to doctor after doctor, and nothing they did helped. Then I found the best DR and he said to put pure vitamin E on the warts twice a day and keep them covered. It had to be pure Vitamin E, not creams or lotions.
All wart were gone and never returned, I swear by this treatment..

Vitamin E Oil Comments By: Michelle on 2010-04-19
I went the the dermatologist to have them freeze mine and my daughters warts and it did NOTHING!!! Went to get some wart remover and a girl at the pharmacy told me to put pur Vitamin E Oil on the wart and cover with a Band-Aid two to three times a day and it will go away. Guess what???? It does work and it only cost me $10 after I had already spent $500.00 at the dermatologist!!!!
dog Comments By: charlie on 2011-08-12
i have used vitamin e on my dogs warts and it does work
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