Home : Health : Remedies : Warts : Sell warts

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Sell your warts

When I was young I once heard of the cure for warts where you get someone to buy the warts off you. Only a few pennies, apparently it works.

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true Comments By: true believer on 2004-08-18
This is true. My sister did it and all of hers went away.

All it takes is one penny and if you rub it on the main wart it will disappear.


didnt work for me Comments By: Amanda on 2008-01-21
Selling my warts did not work for me, but with some of my friends it did, so i'm kinda in the middle with my opinion on this method.
idk Comments By: acerara on 2009-11-11
i think its a good idea so i tried it 4 a day and it worked a little. im gunna keep tryin it. wish me luck!!
hi Comments By: charlotte on 2010-04-08
hey i got a wart on my right hand on my middle finger i would like it to go away cause people can see it wen i write . i dont no wat is a good way to get rid of it can you please help me
i need help Comments By: charlotte on 2010-04-08
i got a wart on my middle finger and i tried this method and it has gone smaller do u know how long it wil tke to disappear n do i do at ngt or .. ? i dont no wen to do this
"wart witches" Comments By: Ann Borque on 2011-01-28
When I was a little girl, there was an older "wart witch" lady who lived in the woods and who bought them each for a nickel. While making eye contact with the infected person, she pressed and rubbed with her thumb on each wart for a couple of minutes while she talked to you. Then she placed the nickels (one for each wart) in a burlap bag and buried it at an unknown location near a swamp so the warts wouldn't come back. It kind of hurt, but the wart would fall off in 1-3 days. This never failed, not even once.
Wart witch! Comments By: Larsen on 2011-05-13
Where is this wart witch?I want to go see her I'm in desperate need and will do anying!!
Wart witch! Comments By: Larsen on 2011-05-13
Where is this wart witch?I want to go see her I'm in desperate need and will do anying!!
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