Comments By:
Anon on 2004-07-19
My son had lots of veruccas on his feet we tried everything from the chemist but to no avail I tried the onions and within 3 days they began to drop off within a week they had all gone.
Onions for warts
Comments By:
wartless in Seattle on 2006-10-05
I agree with the first comment. I once had warts on my hands and arm. The Dr. tried to freeze them off - painful and useless. I also tried numerous popular over the counter wart stuff and they did nothing. A man in a health food store told me to use onions, and in a week they were starting to deteriorate and maybe in a another week they were all gone never to return. Rub a cut onion on them twice a day for a minute or so to let the juice soak in.
Comments By:
Anon on 2007-08-18
Thought I'd give this tip a try after reading it here - was at my wits end having tried everything including chemical freezing at the doctors. Had warts around mouth and on hand. I was amazed that this worked so well. Took about 4 to 6 weeks for them to go completely but you can see them getting smaller and it's still the only thing I've tried that worked! Totally recommend this to anyone who wants rid of their warts, just wish I had heard of it sooner!
Comments By:
dung on 2008-02-02
i want to know whether i could you use it near by the eye?
because i have a wart below my eye
can anyone help
can i use it anyway?
getting rid of warts by using an onion
Comments By:
Kay on 2008-03-09
I am going to give this a try and will come back with my verdict..I have an unsightly wart right in the middle of my will let you know if this works!
onion and salt
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-09-13
I was told to dip raw onion in salt and rub on wart on my face, absolutely worked, and has not returned. Very effective.
Comments By:
kieran on 2009-11-11
I have only just started using onions for my wart. I have 1 on my finger, but I don't know what to expect, weather it will like shrink or it will fall of? Can somebody tell me what it will do?
Got rid of my incredibly stubborn warts!
Comments By:
Simon on 2009-12-20
This really really works! I'm often skeptical about these kid of treatments but trust me, it's worth a go as for me it got rid of warts I have very quickly which wouldn't budge using acid based gels and nitrogen based treatments.
Works....but not for all warts!
Comments By:
nas789 on 2010-09-30
many of my warts are gone.....but the one on my palm refuses to go...(sigh)