Home : Health : Remedies : Diarrhea : Boiled milk

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Boiled milk for diarrhea

Boil some milk for 2 minutes. Let cool. Drink. Works!

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great Comments By: G.M on 2007-09-05
this really worked.i had it really bad and it stopped it straight away. great tip.
Quick Sure Cure for Diarrhea Comments By: Barbara on 2007-11-22
I have used this home remedy for over 40 years. It works every time. I don't boil it for two minutes. Instead, I watch it closely. I have found that it works as long as it actually comes to a boil and starts to boil up in the pan or mug in the microwave. It suddenly boils way up, so be ready to stop it! Boiled milk doesn't taste great, so I always add some Quik chocolate powder and it still works.
I'm curious as to what boiling does to the milk, that causes it to stop diarrhea. Does anyone know?

you can add bread for a sick dog Comments By: Pam Washam on 2008-12-28
Thanks Barbara! I've been trying to find this! If you have a dog with diarrhea you can put some bread in after the milk is boiled. Quick would taste better to a human but the dogs like the bread. It really really works! Boiled milk does taste horrible but dogs like it for some reason. The bread does something for them but I don't know what. Use whole milk though not two per cent.
Thanks Comments By: Lucie on 2010-04-23
Thanks, this really works! i tried the apple, rice and banana one but that only made me worse =(
Im glad i found i felt better within a few hours!

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