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CD's. Make your own CD as a gift

Are you really at a loss for what to buy that special person this year for their birthday or for their anniversary? If you still have a bit of time left before that special anniversary or birthday you can create the ultimate present that will not only show how much your love him or her, but how much you value the memories that you have had together.

The first thing that you need to do is gather up all the old negatives in your house, or from their house. If you are really ambitious and you still have lots of time, you can gather up negatives from other family members to create this great gift. All the old negatives can be of times that you spent together, your lives together, children, grandchildren, grandparents, all the special people in your lives can be put together on this collection.

What the idea here is to make up a cd or dvd that will contain all the memories of the past, for years to come. With many families moving into the technology age, the photos of the past, the pictures from baby books, wedding albums and from all the events that are in between fall in to the cracks and are never looked at in the same manner as many of these other photos ever are. Creating the online, on disk photo album for your special person is going to be a great way to show that you care and that you put a lot of thought into the photos on the pictures.

If you have all the negatives you can have all these photos put on to a cd or dvd disk at your local photo center. It might be costly depending on how many photos you want to get organized and together, but it is only a one-time thing that you will never have to pay for again. If you have the photos, and a scanner you can scan all the photos that you want onto a disk and in some type of order and this take very little money at all, just time to put together.

Making this cd is going to be more than just a photo album of your past, it is going to be something that will live on forever as he/she shares these photos with others, as they remember the past, and look to the future as the photo albums online continue to grow.

You could create a photo album on disk that is just of your children, the grandchildren and events from these members. You can create another album of pictures of recent events and fun things you have done together. You can create a family photo album of all the members of your family, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents or old school mates that have long since moved on in life.

Creating the photos on disk that include memories from when you first met, things that you did when you were a small child, or photos of places you have lived or visited before is going to make this a very special personalized gift.

If you want to make the occasion even better you can scan birth certificates, marriage licenses, and deeds or other most valuable information and insert them with these photos for incredible effect. Another effect that you can use is to write a very personal letter, scan the letter and include the letter on the cd or dvd for the special person to always remember and know exactly how you feel about them.

If you are scanning your own photos to create this wonderful personalized cd, take advantage of many of the borders, and picture effects that you can include when working with photos, like dating the photos, adding the names, places or what you feel was special about the photo. It is all-similar to scrap booking but a scrap book that will take up very little space!

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