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Warez on the internet

Warez, Free software, free Warez, crack the code, passwords and cracks. These will sound like a load of weird new stuff to the most of us. However these are the ways that people acquire illegal software.

Okay, Okay I am no saint. I have over the years had pirated software on my machine but this is my point. I could save you all a lot of time and energy by saying forget it. You cannot beat a piece of registered, help line available, manual included software.

Go off if you want and go through the hundreds of XXXX rated sites to get a bit of free software. I've been there it is no joy believe me get a true copy.

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lol ur silly Comments By: bill fred on 2010-05-02
um you should never have to buy it and as far as xxx sites dude your just dont know how to use the internet but i give you an A for effort at least your trying to be helpful to the world the site does have some cool stuff on it just not this particular tip
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