Unstick two bowls
Comments By:
Claudia on 2011-03-13
For three years I looked at the stuck bowls. Tried your tip today in less then a minute they were no longer married. Thanks
Unsticking glass bowls
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Denise on 2011-03-27
I filled the sink with fairly hot water all the way to the top of the bottom bowl and put cold tap water in the top bowl and turned the bowl and it actually came apart....Thank you for the suggestion.
Cocktail shaker
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Jane Hudson on 2011-04-30
I have a cocktail shaker with glass body and aluminum top which is stuck to the glass. Any suggestions?
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Anon on 2011-05-15
Worked brilliantly - thank you
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Linda on 2011-05-23
Two bowls stuck together-tried everything to no avail-I was a super sceptic when I read this but willing to try and your suggestion worked just as promised. Thanks!!!
Two Stuck Glasses
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Todd Potter on 2011-05-28
Worked great..Just takes a little time.
Bowls stuck
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Monica M on 2011-06-01
AMAZING! I was frustrated trying to unstick my bowls and found your suggestion. I thought I'd give it a try - it worked in 1 minute. Thanks for your suggestion
two glasses stuck
Comments By:
Anon on 2011-06-11
It Works wonderful. Just took a little while about 5 minutes.
Two Decorative Hard Plastic Glasses Stuck Together
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Billy K. on 2011-06-19
Worked like a charm. I tried everything I could think of and it didn't work. So, I did just as was stated - ice in the inner glass and outer glass was placed in hot water and with a little pulling, they came apart.
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Charlie on 2011-06-20
I got a really cute pitcher with palm tree designs on it! It came with two matching glasses, which unfortunately were stuck inside of the pitcher! That's why I got it for free! Thanks to you I get to use them! hehehehe
Elementary Dear Watson!!!!
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Brenda on 2011-07-07
I had two acrylic glasses that were stuck and tied this tip and Voila!!!! It took a couple of minutes but they came apart with absolutely no effort! Thanks!!!
It really works! Thanks!!!
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Ivy on 2011-07-08
I had two pyrex containters stuck to each other. I placed water in the smaller bowl and froze that for a day. The next day, I boiled water for the outer bowl. I also added bacon grease between where the containers were stuck to make it slide out easier. Waited 5 minutes and pried it out with a spatula, it came out unexpectedly because I was kind of skeptical. I am very pleased. Great Advice. Thanks alot!!!
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Julie on 2011-07-09
My glasses were unstuck before I even finished filling the top one with ice! One of those solutions that makes me go... "duh!" Thanks! :)
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Rod on 2011-08-17
We are amazed haha!! It is true, we had two pairs of glasses stuck and with this simple tip we solved the problem!!!!
Thank you very very much...
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;}}} on 2011-08-17
I had but one chance for this to work and I had to sacrifice the last grape kool-aid ice cube to do it and it worked! I had already chipped the rim of the outer glass trying to rock them apart but I was able to save the inside one! I'm very pleased! Thanks! ;}
Incredible! It worked!
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Elise on 2011-07-26
I was about to throw out the two bowls I had stuck together. Thank goodness I didn't. Perfect tip!
didn.t work
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anon on 2011-08-01
I have tried this tip 4 times now in the last 2 hours and still they are stuck. any other suggestions?
its amazing
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Georgina Brown on 2011-08-05
i almost was dissappointed...then i put did it in the sink...upps there it goes...my daughter said yeheah...thanks
It worked!
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Kris on 2011-08-29
We had two brand new glass bowls stuck together. We tried it all to no avail. Your suggestion worked like a charm! Thanks!
Thank you so much for the tip!
Comments By:
anon on 2011-10-26
Had tried and almost given up the traditional way... Your way worked within minutes!
Thank you!