Home : Kitchen : Kitchen clean up : Freshen and Clean your Garbage Disposal

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Garbage disposal keep it fresh and clean

If you have an awful smell coming from your garbage disposal, don't worry, you can handle it! Just sprinkle a bit of baking soda and about two squirts of your favorite dish liquid into the garbage disposal.

If you have a small brush, bottle bursh or a clean toilet brush you can scrub out the inside of the garbage dispoal fast leaving it clean and fresh smelling.

Remember never to turn on the disposal while cleaning!!

After you have scrubbed thoroughly and you are sure that you got around the rubber gaskets good, you can then turn on the water and the disposal and flush thoroughly for a few minutes. If you like a fresh citrus scent, throw in a few cut-up lemons or limes and run them through when you turn on the disposal using lots of water.

Another quick fix for a smelly garbage disposal is as follows. Make vinegar ice cubes and feed them down the disposal. After grinding, run cold water through. The grinding effect of the ice will sort out any stubborn items and it will remove the odors and smells as well.

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