11 tips for easy wallpapering. Wall papering the easy way
Here are 11 tips that may or may not make your experience of wall papering a happier one.
Tie a piece of string or wire across the top of the paste bucket to rest the brush on. It is also useful for removing excess paste from the brush.
When removing picture hooks or screws from the walls prior to re-papering, stick markers in the holes to know where to re-hang.
To remove washable or painted wallpaper more easily, rub over the surface with a wire brush to allow water to soak in.
Add a good tablespoonful (25g) of baking soda to each bucketful of warm water when stripping wallpaper and the task will be easier.
Use hot water containing vinegar when removing wallpaper. Dip a paint roller or a large sponge into the solution and wet paper thoroughly. After two applications the paper should peel easily.
For removing stubborn wallpaper use a mixture of wallpaper paste, water and liquid detergent. The paste will hold the water in place while the detergent speeds up the wetting process.
Newly plastered walls need to be sized before painting or paper hanging. Special size or diluted wallpaper paste can be used.
Note quantities used to decorate a room and jot it on the wall before you finish papering — no need to measure next time.
When patching wallpaper, tear the paper to shape and it will be less noticeable. Match pattern carefully and paste in position.
After papering a room put some left-over paste into a screw top jar. It will come in useful later if you discover that a piece of wallpaper needs sealing down more firmly.
After wallpapering, rinse the paste table and brushes in salted water before washing. This removes the paste more quickly and leaves the brush bristles soft and springy.
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