Home : Handyman and DIY : Decorating : No time for cleaning paint brushes?
Paint brushes. Clean paint brushes if you are in a hurry
Even the best of us are so tired or it is so late at the end of a decorating session to clean up the brushes that we just leave them sit and they dry out, not to be used again - but no more!
Try this, secure the brush in a plastic bag sealing with a rubber band and then store in the freezer overnight. Defrost and clean at you leisure so you don't have to buy new brushes!
When taking a short break from painting, instead of cleaning brush each time, wrap in cling film or aluminum foil until you need it. (Not for long periods) You can do this for an hour or two while you run to the store or while dinner is being taken care of! There was a tip here that suggested using gasoline to clean paint brushes, the tip has been removed as gasoline should never be used for this purpose. See comments about this tip! Keep a coffee can of paint thinner handy so you can drop your paint brushes in, put a lid on it and not have to worry about your paint brush getting too hard to use!
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