Home : Health : Remedies : Warts : Garlic

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Garlic cure for warts. Home remedies for warts

Try taping a slice of garlic to the wart. Be sure to first protect the surrounding skin with petroleum jelly. Garlic is a wonderful creation, it can so many things. So I see no reason why this should not work.

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try out Comments By: sue Price on 2005-04-06
currently trying this method, had a slice of garlic on my wart for 3 days now, will let you know the outcome and my rating my change.
garlic on warts or verucas Comments By: Emma on 2006-03-15
Works a treat. My daughters hand was covered in warts and we worked on a few at a time. The warts just disappeared. We've also used it on verucas as well. Lazy garlic is the easiest to use
Yup Comments By: Matt on 2008-03-02
I tried this years ago and it definately works
works Comments By: Deb on 2008-04-29
We are trying this method on my sons warts. He has being suffering for years with them and has tried many treatments. One has gone already so we are hopeful. Be careful not to let the garlic on surrounding skin as it burns.
skin tag Comments By: Mrs Far on 2008-09-07
My teenage daughter finaly got rid of acne only to develop a skin tag on her face. We put garlic on and taped it with a plaster one night and the next day the skin tag had turned black and droped off a couple of hours later. Fantastic tip
1st class Comments By: Joy Foster on 2009-07-25
I had a wart on my nose, and rubbed garlic on daily, it worked a treat within a couple of days, unfortunately did not work for some warts on my fingers, I think the wart has to be quite new, for this to work.
I guess we'll see Comments By: Anon on 2010-05-20
As I type I've literally duct taped half a clove to my hand. I need it gone asap, it's rather urgent. It feels as though it's doing some good and i'll definately write back in a few days.
AWESOME! Comments By: roselle on 2010-06-20
i tried this just about 2 weeks ago and it definitely works! you should try this, it isn't harmful anyway, because it is organic. better than those product that you can buy on stores, very expensive yet not effective. but with this treatment, priceless but really helpful! :))
*thanks for this tip!*

Careful, you may burn yourself! Comments By: Teal Newcomb on 2010-08-29
As it says, be sure you don't get any garlic on the surrounding skin, you can get a BAD chemical burn. My brother tried this cure without knowing this, and he ended up with a huge blister that turned out to be a second degree burn.
Is it safe??? Comments By: Thalia on 2011-02-21
I have facial warts around my eyes, neck and chest since I was 23yrs of age, I tried a lot of things including toothpaste!!! I will try this remedy but I am a bit sceptical using it around my eye area???
try it! Comments By: madz on 2011-05-02
i try this garlic thing ..u just nid the wart bleed first and then tape the small piece of garlic overnight. it will dry and gone..:)

but in a week it will come back! im sad dat its not permanent.. :(

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