Home : Health : Remedies : Cold sores : Ice

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Cold sore grab some ice

Submitted by Domestic Goddess

My mom always said that, when you feel that first tingle, grab an ice cube and hold it on there...get the spot cold but be careful not to hurt your skin. This will seize the process, or at least lessen the size of the sore...hey, it doesn't involve bodily fluids!

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lie! Comments By: Maria on 2009-09-28
i juss did that for like a whole hour it didnt work!
I worked for me Comments By: Victor Neely on 2009-10-06
The Ice remendy worked me, it took about 1 hr of eat ice and applying Campho-Phenique, the swelling went down and the blister burst.
Wow Comments By: Deejay on 2010-08-05
2nd day into my cold sore, it was going to be a whopper! Very swollen but waiting for the blister to burst! I placed the ice cube on it and held it there until it melted. Minutes later the blister burst. Fantastic, thank you. Now to find a method to speed up the next stage.
Depends Comments By: Virginia on 2010-04-28
Some times it works for me and other times it doesn't. I have two HUGE ones that I put ice on as soon as I woke up and felt the tingle. But it has worked in the past before.
works for me, most of the time Comments By: Dee on 2010-10-22
It has worked for me if I put the ice on it as soon as I get the tingle of impending fever blister. If I don't do it right away it doesn't work. Still worth a try
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