I rub my gold ring on the sore for a few minutes every hour for the 1st
day and it goes away. I've been doing this for a few years and it
works all the time. The object has to be gold in order for it to work.
A ring worn on your finger carries so many germs why in the world would you rub all the germs from the day on to your lips I would think it would make it worse not better
Gold ring
Comments By:
B on 2007-06-11
Has worked for me for 30 years. Great cure.
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-03-17
This is all the power of suggestion, there's no way this can physically work. A completely psychological thing.
Gold works!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-08-06
Try it! This really works. It also works for sty's.
Comments By:
anon on 2009-12-30
I've never tried this, but word of advice; be careful to thoroughly cleanse the item of jewellery because though cold-sores are herpes simplex 1, with contact they can be transferred to your downstairs.
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