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Listerine therpy for toenail fungus....

Submitted by Don

Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.

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toenail fungus Comments By: Elaine on 2004-07-21
I would like to know more about Listerine mouthwash...how often do you soak and do you use the listerine full strength?

TipKing says: I have not tried this tip. When I am trying to interpret any tip for my personal use I think it through a bit. Listerine is used as a mouth wash so it is not going to cause too much damage to a really awful looking nail. If I had toenail fungus I would want to get rid of it ASAP so to start with I would try anything as often as I could. So I would use the Listerine, whenever I had a few minutes to treat the nails..

Length of Toenail Treatment Comments By: Dona J. Lethbridge, PhD, RN on 2005-02-19
To cure toenail fungus, you have to treat until a new, unaffected nail has completely grown in. It seems, then, that Listerine soaks would be needed, probably daily, for about 3 months. Listerine is a powerful antiseptic so I would guess it might be an effective treatment for a very intractable ailment.
Toenail fungus going away Comments By: Michelle on 2005-07-11
It really does work...after the first day I noticed a big change in my toenails. It must go thru your nail just like it would in between your teeth. It is a little time consuming but other than that its much cheaper than the prescription. Try it out
toenails Comments By: js on 2007-06-24
Just started using listerine today. i will post back when i see or do not seen changes
amounts to use Comments By: paul on 2008-01-06
hi three all
just read this form and wonder the quanities one would use, water it down say to cup to a litre of water or soak neat?

Fungus and cough Comments By: dg on 2008-04-27
That one cure for a persistent toenail fungus can KILL you as a prescription, via the liver. I think this is worth a try. I've been using Tolfonate for years and have only contained the problem. I used Listerine to kill a cough that nothing else would stop. I have since used it as a gargle whenever the slightest sore throat threatens me with illness and often stop it (several times a day). why not, all the drug companies advertise all the time on TV. We take pills for everything. What about a remedy that can only be suspect because it's not a pill or a by-product of a million dollar advertising campaigne. In short, we're brainwashed. Even our kids take drugs cause they see us taking them to fix everything.

Fungus that is white debis Comments By: Claudia on 2008-05-08
For the past ten dears, I have seen 4 dirrent podiatrist. They prescibed lamilsil for 6 months-no results. then I was put on weekly doses of Diflucan for 9 months-no results at all. Then Keralac topica treatment-zerp results. I finally gave up and ifigured I would have to just live with it. Most not be contagious b cuz it is only on both big toes and has never spread to other toes. It is gross though, I hate to keep spending so much $$ on predicures just to hide it. So know I wil listen to all of you and try Listerine (I am assuming the yellow one as I did try the blue and it turned the nais blue. Whish me luck. How long should I do it?
Do some of you folks think Vicks vapro rub is better? Please inform what u have had th most luck with.
Best regerds to all..

Listerine + Vicks Vapor Rub = Awesome Comments By: Anon on 2009-05-16
I've been using it for 2 in a half months and holy cow it's had a remarkable difference. I had a very severe case where all toenails were infected and now I have my right big toenail that is almost back to normal. Try using vicks vapor rub on the toenails after you soak and try soaking for more than 30min. I usually soak for 2-3 hours while eating dinner and watching tv with the family.
is this for real Comments By: anon on 2009-07-05
I have had toenail fungus in both big toes for several years now i have tried all the over the counter remedies and they do not work ...... Listerine??? how much do i use, how often??? i have very severe case thick chalky substance under both nails and it has spead to another nail recently....
listerine really does work Comments By: michelle on 2009-11-24
after a drunken night about 10 yrs ago, i ripped off my big toenail, unfortunatly i really never looked the same. toe fungus developed. so after another drunkenn night a yr ago, i did the same to my middle toe same foot, same thing happened aagin, more toe fungus.... doesn't look very nice. i read up on internet about this problem, but couldnt afford the shop cures. heard about the listerine so gave it a try. after 2 months of cutting away the infected parts on both toes and after dipping my toes in listerine. i have a perfect looking foot, infact all 5 toes look great. please for £1.99 its well worth it.
It's worth a try... Comments By: Daylily Diva on 2010-06-26
What do you put the Listerine in so that you can dip your foot? Can you use the dip more than once or do you have to start with a fresh batch each time? My m.d. told me to just cover my toe nails with nail polish and forget it but now I have three fingernails with it also (the pinky nail is almost totally black). Incidentally, I used to buy high-end shoes at consignment shops and was told that this was a likely source of the infection. So far, I've been soaking my feet, removing (carefully) the debris under the nail with a sterilized X-Acto knife and then packing it with Vick's Vaporub. At least the amount of 'crud' seems to be less and it's not raising the nail as much. Going without polish really isn't an option and wearing closed toe shoes isn't either because of orthopedic problems so: Has anyone tried the Listerine 'cure' or the Vick's one while continuing to wear polish?
It does work! Comments By: Anon on 2010-09-11
Soaked feet every day for fifteen minutes, noticed improvement within days. Nails became whiter, easier to cut, able to clean underneath them and have been cutting them short and cutting out fungus. After six or seven weeks my big toe looks virtually normal again. All of them are improving and
I am confident that this treatment absolutely does work. I stopped soaking my foot after a couple of weeks and now paint the nail all over and under where possible with Listerine several times a day....whenever I think of it.

At the time I started this a friend started using Vicks onn her toes and although she also reports an improvement it seems to be less effective than the Listerine.

I heard it from my pedi person Comments By: TraciGirl on 2010-11-20
I asked my lady that does my pedicures how to get rid of the fungus, and Listerine is what she said too. I soaked for a couple of days but not for long. I am going to try the 15 minutes or so a day and see how this goes. She cut away all the fungus damaged toenail and we will see how this works... she said 2 weeks without missing....
what type of listerine Comments By: danny on 2010-12-28
what product of listerine does one use for nail fungus as there are many
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