Home : Beauty tips : Hair : Dealing with static hair

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Hair Dealing with static hair

Submitted by B-uty Q'n

If you suffer from that horrible static hair, try brushing your hair with your fingers rather than using a nylon brush.

Your fingers are a bit more greasy so your hair wont fly up!!!

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the most useless tip in the world ever? Comments By: sarah on 2004-12-15
If brushing your hair with your fingers was satifactory then we wouldn't need brushes would we! INSTEAD - spray your brush with hairspray, or apply serum to your hands and "pull" through your hair to avoid over-greasing.
how stupid Comments By: keri on 2005-01-22
that suggestion doesn't work ! and if it does it only lasts until you leave the bathroom.
top tips for static hair Comments By: emma whitfield on 2006-03-15
ther are many ways to prevent static hair 1. dry your hair with a cool heat or leave it to dry on its own 2. use a light wax rub no bigger than your finger nail into your hands and smooth through to the mid lenghts and ends try to avoid the roots as they can appear greasy
Static hair happens all day Comments By: Chris on 2007-01-28
I wash my hair condition it and let it air dry. I put a headband on it or in a ponytail and my hair is everywhere. What I want to know is there a shampoo or conditioner out there that I can use that may be better than what I use now?
Help.......Static Hair !!!!!!! Comments By: Blossom on 2008-03-21
Hi, since having my hair coloured the other day I have not been able to do a thing with it due to static. It is completely out of control. I had a brown base colour & a few blonde highlights. If I touch it, put a top on, brush it, just about anything makes it fly into the air & stick to my face. Driving me mad...have had it coloured for years but this has never happened. Can anyone help???????
Aussie shampoo to the rescue Comments By: Lynne on 2008-04-28
Aussie smooth mate shampoo and conditioner do help, but be warned after a few weeks your hair will be limp, you will need to use another shampoo once every 2 weeks. This works for me.
static hair Comments By: lucy on 2008-06-21
Hi, I had blonde highlights a few weeks ago and the same thing happened to me and since then I haven't been able to control the static! its strange as I've been having highlights done for a long time now, did you find any solutions?
SERUM OR WAX Comments By: AiMEEx on 2009-01-25
once you've finished styling your hair (especially if its down and straightened) use serum (nikki clarke is good).. just a little bit or else it could look greasy. or even styling wax - i would recommend garnier :) x
Aussie conditioner Comments By: Sophie on 2009-01-11
The Aussie smooth mate conditioner is great it stops all static hair. I highly recommend it!
Comments By: sara rettelle on 2010-02-10
Tht dosent really work especially if u have thick hair u need a brush so instead use lotion or a dryer sheet they both work great
the most rubbish tip i have ever heard Comments By: Anon on 2010-02-19
this is the most stupidst tip ever it does not worked i was going out for a meal and my hair was very static from after i staritened it so i thyped in tips with static hair and it came up with this so i clicked on it and i tried but it was useless so i looked at some of the comment's and the best one was use some serum on your hair just rub a bit in and then use a bit of hairspay and for me it done the trick i hope my comment has helped you all .
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