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5 Tips For Decorating Your Home On a Budget‏

Submitted by Ran

Decorating your home is fantastic for improving your life style and for adding value to your home. If you follow our tips, you'll also discover it can be done on a small budget. Let's get to work.

1. Rejuvenate your walls - Painting is a fantastic method to rejuvenate walls on a tight budget because you can do it yourself and the materials required are not expensive. Another method to rejuvenate your walls can be achieved by covering parts of the wall using a re-positionable wall sticker which requires zero efforts.

2. Reorganise your room space - Home decorating does not not to cost much. In some cases you can really turn things around by simply disposing of your clutter and by making better use of your space.

3. Modernize your lights - Often people don't connect the dots and miss the connection between great looking decor and the lights used in the room. For a small investment you can modernize any room by buying more modern lights.

4. Renew pillow and sofa covers - Essential to achieve fantastic results, quality furniture such as sofas and pillows could be completely updated by simply renewing and recovering them. You will find that new covers will fit your current furniture or in worst case require very light alterations. Visit your nearest home decor center for off the shelf covers.

5. Look at older home decor catalogues - Items from years ago are still chic, but might cost less. If a piece of furniture from your favorite retailer's catalogue was nice last year, it is still nice now, but only cheaper. Try to find older items on auction sites such as ebay and general home decor sites.

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