Home : Tooth pain - Tip for severe tooth ache

Tooth pain - Tip for severe tooth ache

Submitted by GlitterDragonFly

Tip for really bad tooth pains, score gums, tooth decay pain, abscess. Use Hain Sea Salt with no Iodine. Pour some in warm water & rinse with it for about  5 to 10 min if in very bad pain. Make sure water is warm. Works best that way! You can use a little or a lot depending on how you feel. I make it very strong because it helps me better.

Keep doing this a few times a day or when ever you feel you need too. You can also put some Sea Salt on a q-tip & put right on the tooth that is causing the pain. This can burn & hurt like hell at first but it really works after a while. It can take a few days to notice a lot of relief  but normally it is very fast. It depends on how much & how offend you rinse with the Sea Salt.

Keep in mind that just because this works for most people there is a chance it won't work or some. For me it works like a Charm.

Good Luck & let me know how it works for you!

Great tip thanks
Comments by: Drew from Florida Jun 05, 2009
I did this and noticed fast results. Thanks so much.

Comments by: Anonymous from ky Jun 01, 2009
i have tried this and it works, of course it may not work for everyone

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