Home : Get RID of ringworm & stop the itch with Monistat 1

Get RID of ringworm & stop the itch with Monistat 1

Submitted by Anon

Well, I've tried them ALL over many years and the best thing I have found is "Monistat 1" or any number but it will only take longer as with a yeast infection. The number on Monistat clues you in on how many days it will take to get rid of the infection. Monistat 3 & 7 are much cheaper and the results will take longer. And if its safe for the inside of a woman then its safe on the outside of anyone. And most women have some form of yeast infection cream in the house. I find Monistat the best for me. It doesn't burn when applied, calms down within minute. Just apply to ringworm afew times a day, take your baths each day or showers, keep the area clean and dry if possible.If its in your private areas being male or female just keep clean, keep applying the cream, try to keep dry if possible.

This tip has 1 comments shown below

Yep it works...
Comments by: NaturalBeauTTY from USA May 10, 2011
I was reading on the internet about ringworm & stubmle across Monistat as an effective cure. I had used all my $9.00 Lamisil & decided to try the Monistat that I had left over in a tube. Honestly, I think the Monistat works better than Lamisil.

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