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How To Cool The Children

Imagine those hot days of summer when it is agonizingly hot. You and the children have tried to cool down by jumping in the pool, but it even feels like bath water. Nothing seems to be cooling you down. The kids are whining about how hot it is. 

What is there left to do? Try making ice cream. Nothing is more refreshing on a hot day than ice cream. Your kids will not only get cooled off, they will have fun making they’re own personal ice cream.

That is right! Make your own personal ice cream. 

They know where milk comes from but have they ever thought about how and where ice cream came from. With a few simple ingredients and a little time they will see first hand how ice cream is manufactured. The following is the ingredients that you will have to gather up. 

  • One sandwich-sized sealable plastic bag
  • One gallon-sized sealable plastic bag.
  • Enough ice cubes to fill the large bag ¾ full
  • One cup of table or rock salt
  • One cup of whole milk
  • Two or Three Tablespoons of sugar.
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla
  • Plastic spoons

Follow the next steps:
Put milk, sugar, and vanilla into the small bag and seal it with as little air as possible. Squeeze the bag carefully to mix thoroughly.

Put the small bag inside the large bag.

Add ice to the large bag until ¾ full. Seal the bag and turn continuously for a few minutes.

Open the large bag and add salt. Gently squeeze the ice and salt to mix and then re-seal the bag.

Turn the bags over continuously until ice cream is the right consistency (about 15 minutes).

Remove the small bag and rinse with cold water before opening.

You may get very creative with the ice cream by adding some of the following ingredients to make ice cream favorites. By adding hot fudge and nuts you would have a Hot Fudge Sundae Place ice cream in an ice cream cone and add colorful sprinkles on top of the ice cream. Another favorite is a banana split. 

For a banana split you will need a banana sliced in half then place ice cream on top. Place strawberry liquid, chocolate fudge syrup and pineapple chunks with whipped cream and cherries. This would be an incredible summer treat. 

Making ice cream is also a fun project to make in groups such as classrooms, girl scouts, cub scouts or church groups. It is cold to make but not really that messy. Most of the mess is contained to the large sealed bag. This can be drained and tossed, and clean up is done. 

Another fun dairy recipe is butter. It also is fun and easy to make. All you need is the following: 

  • Heavy whipping cream at room temperature.
  • A pinch of salt or other seasoning (cinnamon, honey, maple syrup, etc).
  • Baby food jars.

Steps to follow:
Fill baby food jar not quite ½ full with the whipping cream and add seasoning.

Shake continuously until butter forms (about 15 minutes).

Whether you chose to make ice cream or butter they are both fun and educational. My favorite was the ice cream. We used this recipe in my son’s Cub Scout group. It went over so good. The boys stayed entertained for the entire meeting, from getting the supplies ready, mixing the ingredients and decorating the ice cream. 

Last but not least eating the ice cream. 

The boys had a blast, as your children will, too, I am sure of it. This can be turned into a family event. Food coloring may be added to be festive. Add at little red and blue. Leave some ice cream plain; this will make a fun fourth of July ice cream treat.

Have fun with your children and STAY COOL!!

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