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Beautiful Shiny Blonde Hair

With thick blond hair, lately it seems to be turning dull looking. I’ve even bought those very expensive “blonde shampoos”. I really don’t think that they worked any better at making my hair lighter or shiny. My hair has gone through some abuse over the years. With every pregnancy my hair has change. 

It thickens during pregnancy and actually turns naturally curly. I wonder why it just won’t stay that way? After delivery my hair seems to fall out like crazy. My beautician has to remind me of all the hair I had accumulated during my pregnancy. So you see I am not losing my hair just the hair I had borrowed. 

After the birth of my last child my hair seemed to darken rather that stay its beautiful shiny blonde color. 

I went investigating to see what I could do to lighten my hair with out harsh chemicals. I feel my hair has had enough abuse it doesn’t need anymore. 

I tried applying ¼ cup lemon juice to my hair. Then I went out in the sun and spent the day. When I returned in from the sun I washed my hair with my everyday shampoo and conditioner. 

If you try this method of lightening your hair be sure to apply conditioner liberally. The lemons produce acid that could dry out your hair. This seemed to work with my hair. My hair appeared a little lighter than before I started. 

When choosing a shampoo. Choose one that is the best for your type of hair. First identify your hair type. Is it oily, normal or dry? Consult your hairdresser if you are having trouble identifying your type. 

For oily hair choose a gentle shampoo that is made specifically for oily hair. 
For curly hair a moisturizing shampoo is best.
Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner every day for hair that’s been dyed, bleached or highlighted.

To give brown hair a warmer glow here is a tip for you to try. Brew one strong cup of espresso and let cool completely. Pour the brew onto dry hair and let stand for twenty minutes. Now rinse it out. Your hair should be shiny and beautiful like never before.

I have another way to make your hair looking shiny and stunning. You may have heard of this before but I have tried this and it did seem to give my hair a lustrous shine. Just take a raw egg and massage it throughout your hair.

How about the hair that you can’t control? Those fly away static hair. To rid your hair of all this static just take an inexpensive dry sheet and rub it from your roots to your ends. 

Avoid hair loss by washing your hair regularly in warm water and a deep conditioner. Eat a well balanced diet. Take care of your health. Stay away from harsh chemicals. Avoid hairstyles such as ponytails or styles that will stretch and pull hair. Remember that it is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day.

The last tip I have is to make homemade hairspray. This is a way to cut those expensive hairspray cost. First take a lemon and chop it into four pieces. For dry hair use an orange instead of a lemon. Place lemon or orange in a pot with two cups of water. Boil until half of the amount of water remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in the refrigerator. By adding one ounce of rubbing alcohol as a preservative. The spray can be stored up to two weeks un-refrigerated. This hairspray has such a sweet smelling scent. 

I hope that you find these wonderful tips useful. Since discovering how wonderful they make my hair look and feel, I will never go back to store bought hair products. Remember to stay away from harsh chemicals that will dry and damage your hair.

Here’s to Healthy Hair.

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Blondes have fun Comments By: Lori on 2005-04-13
This was a really good article and I would like to see more like this
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