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Exercise Made Easier

Just like every other mom out there, I have found it hard to find the time to exercise. With a full time job, three children, and all the after school activities. Where could I find the time to devote 30 minutes a day just for exercising? I know this is for my own good health that I do this but when and how? After making a commitment to start some kind of exercise routine I have found it not all that bad. I even see the jeans getting rather loose. 

Carry around a small notebook to keep a record of your daily activities and the length of time spent on each one. You will be surprise how fast your time adds up. I began with 20 minutes of activities everyday. I broke this down so this has made exercise easier for me to stick with. 

Some suggestions for exercise.

Try walking or biking just 10 minutes in the morning before work. This will get you off to a fresh start. Feeling energized. Even if you have to get up a few minutes early it is worth it. 

On your lunch hour you can cut it short by just ten or 15 minutes and take a brisk walk around the building where you work. Add some weights for a bonus work out. 

Stretch at your desk. This reduces tension, gets your circulation moving and prepares you for a more strenuous work out later. 

Do some chores. Rake the leaves, mow the lawn or shovel the snow. Housework burns calories and it has to be done anyway.

Play with your kids. Shoot some hoops, practice some soccer, toss the ball, play hopscotch or jump rope.

Go on a family walk. Push toddlers in a stroller. Older kids can ride their bikes. Or a family bike ride. 

Take your dog for a walk. They need the exercise as much as you do and this will be beneficial for both of you.

The ideas for exercise are endless. Take what is right for your schedule and lifestyle and put something together. You could join your local gym or play a quick game of racquetball. Join an aerobics class with a friend. Or simply park a little further away from the mall and walk the distance. 

Take the stairway rather than the elevator. These are just some simple examples. I’m sure if you make a commitment like I have, you will become a healthier you. 

Remember to drink lots of water. Try to cut out the sweetened drinks. It's also best not to consume any food after 7:00pm. This food will just lie on your stomach and not be digested. Getting an early start on your workout routine my help you have a higher success rate than someone getting a later start. 

When you work out 15 - 20 minutes first thing in the morning you will have less distraction. You will get it over and can get on with your day. Too many things later in the day could develop to distract you from a consistent schedule. As I stated you would need to schedule a routine that is best for you and your lifestyle. 

You are more likely to stick with a program and have success if it is convenient for you. Team up with a friend or your partner and make it a team effort. 

With both of you working toward the same goal it will be more fun than going it alone. Also include your children not only will you be spending valuable time with them; you will be helping them stay fit as well. Your kids will enjoy this added attention. Just think of the extra practice they will be getting at their team sport. 

I love the added time I have been spending with my kids and the better lifestyle we have discovered. They are no longer couch potatoes and neither am I.

What lifestyle will you choose?

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Twinerize Comments By: Robin on 2005-04-20
After my twins, I needed this tip. Trying to work, keep up with the house and the twins five or ten minute excercise wasn't on my mind but with this I might beanle to do it. I will let you know.
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