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Grilled pork. Recipe for Grilled pork

Submitted by Cheryl

I have recently bought a grill, and have been experimenting. (Haven't had one in a few years!)


Take a few boneless pork chops
Place each one on a sheet of foil. 
Add two tablespoons of steak seasons. (I purchased this in a bottle, it isn't pepper seasons just orange colored steak seasons)

I wrap each pork chop individually twice to keep in all the juices. 
I don't add anything else, the fat melts and keeps the chop juicy, the foil keep the chops from making a mess all over your grill. 

Cook 1/2 hour each side to make sure it is done. 
I always over cook

Every one gets their own little package and the result is a juicy chop that tastes great!

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