This is a very old family recipe that has been a good stand by for me on many occasions.
You need:-
3lb. shin beef
8 pint pan
salt and pepper to taste
Cut the shin beef into large pieces and place in pan.
Fill pan with water until it just covers the meat.
Add salt and pepper -- don't be too generous, as more can be added later.
Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 3 hours.
Let it cool to hand heat.
Remove meat from pan and save the gravy.
Shred the meat into a separate bowl, removing any skin but saving most of the gelatinous substance. ( This is the setting agent )
If you want potted meat, put the contents of the bowl into the food processor and grind until the meat is of a fine texture.
Divide meat into individual ramekins.
Re-boil the gravy and sieve into a jug.
Pour the gravy over the meat until it is just over-moist.
Leave to set.
This can be frozen when cold.
If you want stew, just use the shredded meat and proceed as before, but don't put in food processor.
Put the meat into a bowl and pour the boiled, sieved gravy over it.
Leave to set.
Potted meat can be used on sandwiches, crackers etc. and is very tasty.
Stew can be used in the same way, plus you can make it into Potato Pie, meat pie, whatever. The uses are limited only by your imagination.