Home : Bugs and pests : Getting rid of silverfish

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Getting rid of silverfish

Silverfish are attracted to damp areas in your home and feed on paper - ie ; wallpaper, books, etc. If you sprinkle whole cloves around the areas where you've seen them...they shouldn't stick around too much longer.

I've tried this and haven't seen them since !!

Visitors comments

whole cloves Comments By: Cindy on 2005-11-06
I am on my way to buy whole cloves. I have two young grandsons and will try anything non toxic to get rid of these ugly lil bugs.
Silver fish Comments By: Ash on 2006-10-13
I do hope this works !!!
Does it work? Comments By: Anon. on 2006-11-10
I have this pesky problem. Mine are huge and very well fed! I find one or another at least once a month. Has this worked for anyone else?
Cinnamon and cloves Comments By: Satpal on 2007-12-23
Wrap up some cloves and cinnamon in thin pieces cloth and place in cupboards and storage areas in place of moth balls and it deters silver fish.
where do they go! Comments By: Halina on 2009-04-19
do the cloves kill them or do they just move on to another part of area?
silver peast Comments By: peter on 2009-06-07
can eny boddy help me of ways of killin silver fish for ever
Well.. Comments By: KAE on 2010-03-07
Having 12 cats and many many... many books is a real pain when it comes to silverfish. I tried a non smelling toxic product first and it worked but I had to limit its usage only to places where the cats would not be able to reach. That of course left out the bathrooms and the kitchen i which the usually follow us for a treat or just for petting. Bottom line I will use clove as well as salt in corners etc.

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