Home : Beauty tips : Hair : Coloring or dying hair : Self Hair Colouring : use 1 box twice

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Self Hair Colouring : use 1 box twice

Submitted by Gerri

Next time you use a box of hair dye, keep the shaker bottle and rinse it clean. Then next time you buy another box of dye only use half of the solution by using the old bottle and mix in there only half of the solution. Keep the other half of the ingredients for next time by tightly closing the lids of the original bottles.

This way a box of hair dye will last you for 2 applications. Its a good method if you have shoulder length hair or shorter. I was amazed when someone pointed it out to me, how much you can save per year if you think that we have to colour the roots of our hair every 6 weeks and now a box will be good for 2 applications in stead of the normal just one application.

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thankyou! Comments By: char on 2005-05-11
Such an easy and simple tip..whoda thunk you could do this... I tested it and it works- had no color matching problem . My roots and hair color are the same .. thanks for this $$$ saving tip
Wow! Thanks! Comments By: Deb on 2005-05-19
I have very short hair(above the ears), I will definelty try this next time I color! Thanks for the tip!
wow cool but my hair's too long Comments By: Holly Hoola Hoop on 2008-01-26
i thunk this was pree cool - i would totally try this out if i had shorter hair but my hairs preee long - but thanks for the info anyway!
Excellent Comments By: sharon on 2010-05-28
Very valuable tip...........keep it up
another tip to add to this Comments By: Anon on 2011-01-16
my mother does this all the time...she only does touch ups, and she saves the rest....in fact, u dont need to save a bottle from a previous box, u can use a plastic container to mix ur dyes in, then rinse the container. Keep it for future use.. and mix the dyes with an old toothbrush, rinse that too after use and use again.
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