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Gifts In A Jar

Have you ever needed a quick gift idea? You didn’t have a lot of money and needed something nice. How about cookies in a jar? For a fun Christmas gift, a house-warming present or just to say you care present. Cookies in a jar easy and unique. 

You will find these little gifts have big meaning at heart. Lots of people get into the joy of Christmas by giving out Christmas cookies. After so many cookies they seem to go stale. To prevent this from happening just place most of the ingredients in the jar and the recipient will be able to make the cookies on any giving day.

First steps to making cookies in a jar are to gather and have on hand one-quart wide mouth canning jars. The canning lids and rings needed for the canning jars. Colorful cloth to place on top of the canning jar. 

A recipe card or an index card work great too. A label can be applied if you wish. Last but not least the ingredients for great cookies.

I have two of my favorite cookies that I use for cookies in a jar. Number one is Chocolate Chip Fudge Mix In a Jar. Ingredients needed is as follows: 1 cup all-purpose flour, ½ teaspoon baking powder, ½ teaspoon baking soda, 1 ¼ cups rolled oats, 1 chocolate bar, ½ cup granulated sugar, ½ cup brown sugar, ½ cup chopped nuts, ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips. 

With wire whisk, mix flour, baking powder and baking soda. Pour into jar through a funnel. Pack down level with heavy object. Mix oatmeal in a blender. Grate chocolate bar and mix into the oatmeal. Pack on top of flour in jar. Add granulated sugar and pack down. Add brown sugar and pack down. Layer chopped nuts on top of brown sugar. Finish layering jar with mini or regular chocolate chips until even with the top (no more than ½ cup).

Use scissors to cut 9 inch-diameter circles from material such as calico. Place over lid and secure with rubber band. Tie on a raffia or ribbon bow to cover up rubber band. Label and store in a cool dry place away from a heat source so condensation and clumping does not occur. 

Attach the following instruction to the jar (on index or recipe card). 

Chocolate Chip Fudge Cookies: 
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spoon chocolate chips and nuts into small bowl, set aside. Spoon brown and granulated sugar into mixing bowl. Add ½ cup butter or margarine, creamed well, 1 egg, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract. Mix well. Pour oatmeal and flour mixture from jar into bowl, mix thoroughly. 
Roll into walnut-size balls. Place on greased cookie sheet 2 inches apart. 
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

Another favorite of mine is Holiday M&M’s Cookie Mix In A Jar. You use 1 ¼ cups granulated sugar, 1 ¼ cups M&M candies (use holiday colors), 2 cups flour mixed with ½ teaspoon baking soda and ½ teaspoon baking soda. Layer ingredients in order given in 1-quart wide mouth canning jar. Press each layer firmly in place before adding next ingredient. Attach these instructions to the jar: 

M&M’s Cookies: 
Makes 2 ½ dozen cookies. Empty jar of cookie mix into large mixing bowl. Use your hands to thoroughly blend mix. Add ½ cup very soft butter or margarine, 1 egg (slightly beaten), 1-teaspoon vanilla extract. Mix until completely blended. You will need to finish mixing with your hands. Shape into balls the size of walnut. Place 2 inches apart on sprayed baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 12 to 14 minutes, until edges are lightly browned.

These are even gifts you can have on hand. Ingredients will stay fresh in these tightly sealed jars. Since M&M”s come in many holiday colors these are a fun cookie to give. They have red and green at Christmas, brown and orange at Halloween, Light pastel colors for Easter and red, pink & white for Valentines Day. Cookies in a jar would be appropriate for any of these holidays.

Have fun making homemade gifts from the heart.

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