Home : Beauty tips : Hair : Dry hair : Your healthiest hair ever

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Your healthiest hair ever

Submitted by lauren

If your hair is really dry just pour olive oil in your hair (about a tablespoon) and wrap it in saran wrap and leave in for 10 minutes. then rinse out in warm water and you will have shiny beautiful healthy hair!!!!

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Olive oil is an old Italian Remedy Comments By: Julia Schartoff on 2005-03-28
Another remedy that my mother used, was after washing, towel-dry hair and massage a small amount of glycerine into your scalp and work some through your hair. Cover with shower cap or plastic wrap for 1/2 hour. Let it dry. It conditions the hair and helps keep the scalp from being dry. Rinse if desired.
great idea Comments By: cHrIsSy on 2005-04-01
WoW!!! WhAt a gReAt aNd ,chEap wAy tO gEt BeAuTiFuL ShInY hAiR (AnD fAsT,Too).
Ummm...... Comments By: Areeba on 2005-08-09
Excuse me...my mother's mom has been using olive oil. and so has my mother, and so have i. but if u just rinse out with warm water, then its shiny, that is because it still has oil in the hair. Ever thought of that?
last person is a dork Comments By: casey on 2006-07-25
to the last person that commented: if it works, why are you so concerned about having oil in your hair? i use a product with olive oil in it( a leave in conditioner) and it works great because of the oil that is left in your hair! rinsing it gets rid of the excess oil, but leaves in the right amount so it is shiny. dont complain about something that is not bad! seriously people! btw, i am not the writer of this comment, i just think the ignorince is rude.
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