Home : Cleaning : Cleaner home tips : Walls : Taking Crayon & Marker off walls safely

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Taking Crayon & Marker off walls safely

Submitted by Jess

I have kids at my house, so I have crayon and marker stains on the wall and everywhere else. The one product that works is Mr. Clean magic eraser.

It even took marker stains off of my coffee table! Also, all that stuff that builds up on the refrigerator handle is so easy to take off. It just wipes it all away, but doesn't damage the paint, or wood under. What a great Product!

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Does not work Comments By: nikki on 2006-02-12
I tried two different magic erasers on my wall it took off the crayon but did not take off the marker. The one thing that takes off crayon better is toothpaste. Just regular tooth paste takes crayon off walls and saves you money. But what works on marker

Mr. Clean--not all that great... Comments By: mom-2-four on 2006-04-17
I too tried Mr. Clean on my walls, but had less than satisfactory results. We have off white walls in an eggshell finish. After using Mr. Clean, I now have *mostly* eggshell finish. On the spots where I used the cleaning sponge, there are shiny patches. Once again, this does prove 'test on an inconspicuous area' is the wisest decision!
.. Comments By: ~~~~~~ on 2009-02-16
Not what i exspected
crayon marks on walls Comments By: jen on 2009-12-10
the best thing to use on crayon marks on walls is baby oil on dry clothe, wipes it right off, then take warm soapy sponge to wash the oil off the wall. very simple and easy to do.
Car wax Comments By: Momof3 on 2010-07-12
I used Turtle Car Wax to remove crayon marks on my walls. I am still looking for a solution for markers.....
Crayons Comments By: Sebrina on 2010-11-27
OMG I just bought my daughter $350 dresser, had it two days( purple,green & pink). Orange crayon all over it. Yeah tried the toothpaste came right off and did not mess up the paint..
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