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The Perfect Baby Constipation Remedy

Submitted by Teddy and Christie

We stumbled upon an infant constipation remedy that really works every time for us. We searched on the internet and saw a lot of remedies: molasses, putting thermometers in the anus, taking warm baths and baby laxatives.

The best natural remedies that have worked for us is to first avoid foods that cause constipation like bananas and cheese.
The best non-prescription remedy that we have found is the Russell Stover Sugar Free Jelly Beans. Start off with 5 jelly beans and if that doesn't work go to 10. I kid you not, it works for us every time and our daughter is 20 months old. Its also not too hard to get a baby to eat a jelly bean. I think it works because of the sugar alcohol. If you look on the back of the bag it even tells you that the product may cause a laxative effect.

Let me know if it works as well for you as it does for us.

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"sugar free" is scarry stuff Comments By: Anon on 2005-01-21
Hey, I don't want to rain on your parade regarding the sugar free jelly beans as a laxitive for babies, I know how exciting it is to find a home remedy that works so well! A word of caution though, it isn't the sugar that is making your baby have a bowel movement, it is the chemicals that they put in there to substitute for sugar. In a lot of cases it is an ingredient that starts with an m... There are lots of sugar free products that contain such ingredients, but they are VERY bad for the body. In small doses they are probably not going to cause major harm, but the fact that they induce a laxitive effect means that the body is rejecting the ingredient and trying to cleanse itself. I don't know but I couldn't put that in my baby's body.
I agree Comments By: Anon on 2008-01-24
Sugar Free anything is full of chemicals....maybe finding something else might be a good idea for your little one. I have 3 little ones so I know that when that situation is occurring you are just wanting it to be over. Prunes work wonders (juice or the actual fruit or baby food)

Karo syrup works Comments By: Doris on 2009-02-23
Hi there,
I used karo syrup for my kids, the light one. Thats what my doctor recommended. It worked well and is not bad for them. I put a teaspoon or more in juice or bottle. You can experiment to find the right dose for you little one. One mom whos daughter had severe problems because of a birth defect in the rectum gave her baby a small amount of milk of magnesia to help her daughters cronic constapation. Ask your doc about that. Hope this is of some help to you.

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