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Cleaning jewelry with Mr. Clean

Here's one I got from Helzberg...in those fancy machine's they use to clean your jewelry..? All it is is Mr. Clean (which has ammonia). The trick is to put some 

Mr. Clean into a microwavable bowl. Put your jewelry in it, & I do this to my gold and diamond jewelry. Place in microwave for a SHORT time as it heats up quickly. I mean about 10 seconds! 

Careful to remove, hot! Swish it around in bowl & then clean with the warm mixture with a soft toothbrush. You won't believe how bright and clean it comes out! That's the trick, Mr. Clean, a little heat and soft scrubbing. Viola!

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Mr. Clean use to clean jewelry Comments By: Spc85 on 2010-09-16
If you have white gold or anything silver, Kays say to dilute it, half and half Mr. Clean (green stuff) and water. I didn't know this when I did it with 100% Mr. Clean, it was too strong on the metal and it did change it a little bit. Because its white gold, I think the rhodium was fading a little. It's not as silver as it was. So Kays said to dilute it with water and I have and it looks AMAZING>
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