Home : Beauty tips : Hair : Problem hair : No frizzies, poofed out hair, and your hair will be straight

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No frizzies, poofed out hair, and your hair will be straight

Submitted by Lizard

Ok...well i have very thick hair and it's really hard to keep straight when i blow dry it once i get out of the shower...and usually it would make my hair poof out and have a bunch frizzies.

So one night I decided that I would have a shower before I went to bed, instead of in the morning...and not blow dry my hair. So once I got out of the shower I put my hair in a loose ponytail, even though it was dripping wet. And then went to bed. 
The next morning my hair was still a bit damp, like I wanted it to be. So I used the hair dryer...like I usually did.. and then just straightened it. once I flipped my hair up.

It wasn't poofy and there were no frizzies and (that's because my hair wasn't completely wet...it was just a little damp because it pretty much dried during the night) it was straighter than usual. And now I wash my hair every night before I go to bed and do the same routine....and my hair is still healthy, with no frizzies, poofed out hair, and straight! 

So I recommended u girls with thick hair to try this...even with thinner hair...it might work. Oh and make sure that you don't make the ponytail tight...just very loose, because it won't leave you that bump you get from ponytails. I hope it works as good for you as it did for me. Good luck =)

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awesome, natural, helpful, no damage, thankyou Comments By: Shazza on 2004-12-11
I find that untying tied up hair calms down frizz, fly away and fat hair. Finally! A natural and damage free solution!

I am positive that this works - thanks heaps for the tip - you are my hero :-)

Gr8 tip! Comments By: Ishika on 2009-01-03
I really hope this works!...but what if i catch a cold? or even worse tonsils!do you think any ting will happen to me? i'm really sensetive adout colds!
finally! Comments By: Happy on 2010-03-08
Oh my gosh! have been searching ON AND ON for a natural solution for my frizzy, thick, poofy hair, and this is it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! =)
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