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How to remove hair color stains from your skin

Submitted by Mr. Mark

Particularly dark hair coloring can often stain the skin it touches when coloring the hair. To avoid this problem, I suggest carefully applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly around the hairline and anywhere else you may come into skin contact with the coloring product. Also, I have yet to see a case where 24 hours didn't do the trick. Simple perspiring pushes the excess color out of the pores, and as difficult as it may seem to get off when just finishing a hair coloring, it's amazing how easily it comes off after even a few hours. There are those of us, however, who put that stuff on ourselves because we're concerned about our appearance NOW, however! As a hairstylist with 30 years experience, I can tell you the best methods to remove hair color from your skin are:

  1. Cigarette ashes - Finally, that friend or relative who still smokes has a redeeming quality regarding their habit! Gently rub cigarette ashes onto the stained area. It works miracles.

  2. (The most commonly used method in hair salons) For more difficult stains, use cuticle remover, that can be purchased at nearly any drug store or beauty supply. Be careful though to rub it gently, as being too aggressive can actually remove skin!

  3. Permanent wave solution will also remove most hair coloring from hands and skin. Be careful though, once again, not to rub too hard, or to leave it on the skin for more than a couple of minutes or so. Many people have sensitive skin, and ideally should so a patch test before using this method, although, I've never personally had a problem with the little bit of irritation I may have incurred, as opposed to the color stain I would have walked around for a day with.

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Another tip Comments By: Anon on 2005-07-26
Simple shampoo works great as well. Get a Q-Tip, dip it into the shampoo then wipe in gentle circular motions over then hair color. This of course works if you are still within the first 30 minutes of the hair color stain.
getting hair dye off your skin Comments By: christel on 2006-04-07
Simply use some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe gently. Comes right off if done during the "waiting" period.
easiest way Comments By: tamanna on 2006-06-20
just rub with nail polish remover!
Betcha have this laying aroud Comments By: Kathy, Fort Worth, Texas on 2007-04-27
Believe it or not toothpaste works, it is already in your bathroom and you do not have to run out and buy something else. Just apply with Q-tip, rub gently and wipe with wet cloth. Wash are with your favorite cleanser and Tada it is gone. I do not know if toothpaste brand makes a difference, but I used Aguafresh extreme clean mint. It leaves a cool fresh tingling feeling. Try it!
Baking Soda Comments By: Balmy on 2008-07-06
I use baking soda with a little bit of water u mix it and make a paste then rub it and tadaaaa gone!
baby wipes Comments By: kelly williams on 2008-09-04
i use baby wipes to mop up any spills on my skin. i do it in the waiting period and it works really well.
Nope. Comments By: Shana Bolton on 2009-05-18
Those things dont work.
Nail Vanish Removerrr! Comments By: Emaaaaa =) on 2009-06-02
i was coverd in black hair dye and i got it come straight off with nail vanish remover
Use Shampoo! Comments By: Lea on 2009-07-16
The stylist dyed my hair a level 5 Red which left dark stains on my skin and around my eyebrows that were also dyed. Nothing not even peroxide would take of the stain. I used my new Joico KPAK Resonstructive shampoo and rubbed it on the stains then rinsed and the stains CAME OFF! Not joking, this shampoo works.
If not for this I would still have plum colored stains on my face.

still stained (by hairdresser!) Comments By: Carol P on 2009-07-21
Came back from the hairdresser and was horrified when I looked in the mirror. I look like something from a comedy sketch! I've tried soap, shampoo, nail varnish remover, make-up remover and toothpaste. Nothing has worked. Skin now all red as well as dyed!! I'll just have to go into hibernation until its gone.
It works every time-no matter what tyoe of color you use. Comments By: Hoffyjonsd on 2009-11-25
This has worked for me every single time. No matter what kind of hair (or eyebrow) color I use. And it doesn't burn your skin.

Take ground coffee and shampoo and mix it together. Smear it over the stains (can be used in the face) and let it sit for couple of minutes. It may sting a little but it won't last. Rub with wet cotton and rinse. All color has gone ;)

All of them are bollocks Comments By: Leeeanne. on 2010-02-04
Ive tryed them all and still black handed, must be diff. skin types.
Salontek ESP Essential Skin Protection works Comments By: Robert on 2010-03-16
I'm a guy and I color my hair with a level 6 hair color. I hate the gray showing through. I always used to get stains on my forehead that were hard or impossible to get off. There is a new all natural product on the market made from plants and vegetables that can be added to any haircolor, perm, or bleach or can be applied around the hairline that stops the skin from becoming stained before it happens. It also helps with redness and itching. I have been using this product for about a year and I know it works. My hairdresser uses it even on level 1 and 2 hair color. You can get their info and order it on line like I do. They have a website. info@salontek.net
Toothpaste Comments By: Sally on 2010-05-21
A minty miracle!!
I was dying my hair (BRIGHT RED) at home for a party that night, yet as I am the epitome of clumsiness, I managed to get the blood red dye all over my face (cheeks, nose and chin included), neck and shoulders.
Luckliy though my grandma came up with the antidote - toothpaste. Yes, not only for the gnashers guys! My face stainage was removed (along with unsuspecting plaque that may have been lingering).
Also, the toothpaste made me feel fresh all night long!!

black hair dye on my neck!!!!1 Comments By: shioe on 2010-08-20
dont let the wife do it...go to a professional
Toothpaste Works Comments By: Anon on 2010-08-21
I use dark brown to black haircolouring and even with applying vaseline to the hairline and face beforehand, I always get dye stains on my face and neck. After washing the dye out of my hair, I just take a "deep cleaning" toothpaste on my fingertip and rub on the stains in a circular motion. If any stains are left after I rinse, I simply do it again. Works every time and doesn't cost a penny! I have very sensitive skin (eczema) and have never had a problem with the toothpaste.
NO SUCCESS Comments By: mad aunty on 2011-02-17
Toothpast, baking soda, nail varnish remover have all being tried and tested. Nothing has worked to date.
cigarette ashes Comments By: Anon on 2011-03-02
i tried nail varnish remover sort of worked toothpaste didn't work so tried cigarette ashes and it worked first time !!
Crap! Comments By: Anon on 2011-07-14
I dyed my friends hair black yesterday and got the dye all over my hands. I have tried near enough everything including; nail varnish remover, baby wipes, toothpaste, alcohol, soapy water and even bleach. So far, bleach has been the only succesful thing but the stain is still there. Any other methods?
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