You can buy the almond oil in the Chemist. Put it into dry or damp hair and leave for 1-2 hours. You can even use a hair dryer for a few minutes for better effect! Wash out and style as normal
i tried all the things mentioned in this site and nothing did really work, my hair still dry, if someone knows something really works please tell me.
not workin
Comments By:
lavina on 2006-06-11
well i tried it...hav been doin it 4 like a mth but doesnt work much.....
half corrrect
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-06-05
well you can really apply this oil and get excellent results. i apply the oil at night and wash int he morning and oh Don'T Use the dryer
nice but can get better
Comments By:
varsha on 2008-10-28
try using jojoba oil .. it reduces dryness .. or may b olive oil mixed with castor oil .. after applying on scalp with cotton in the end apply on the hair shaft. thats the ends of ur hair..
half way there
Comments By:
pagsca on 2008-12-16
i was told to wrap the hair in a towel and leave the oil in over night...
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