Home : Health : Remedies : Splinters : Removing a splinter with Magnesium Sulphate

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Removing a splinter with Magnesium Sulphate

Submitted by Ryan

Get some magnesium sulphate from the chemists, liberally apply it to where the splinter is, leave it over night covered with a plaster, and in the morning it should have drawn it to the surface.

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how does it work? Comments By: Anita evans on 2006-06-15
How does it work?

TipKing says: I do not know and have not tried it

removing splinters with magnesium sulphate Comments By: Lee on 2006-11-06
I tried this and it really does work. I put quite a bit of the stuff on my wound then put a plaster on and left it over night . It brought the splinter to the surface and I pulled it out with tweezers. what a releif
It works great! Comments By: Anon on 2007-03-07
It is a good remedy, also useful for the treatment of boils.
because .... Comments By: cristinella on 2007-12-11
it's supposed to work because it's essentailly a "drawing" agent to draw out puss from boils. putting it on a splinter means it will draw it to the surface so that you can easily remove it. that is according to my pharmacist but it didn't work for me
Alternative to going to the chemists... Comments By: CCKatie on 2009-01-28
I found this site a while ago and it works really well with sugar and soap. http://www.cornishfirstaid.co.uk/first-aid-advice/removing-a-splinter.html
It should work Comments By: P V on 2011-04-20
I have used it many times and it usually works. Particularly effective with wood splinters.
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