Comments By:
NET on 2004-09-26
You are a genious!!! I was trying to dye my hair back to its origional colour (brown) and my hair turned black! I am very pale, so I looked very gothic and dead! The lemmon mixture worked so well! My hair is now dark brown with natural highlights, and it is soft and smooth! THANK YOU!!!
It Really Works!
Comments By:
brilliantbrunette on 2004-10-19
I, too, was trying to get back to my perceived natural color of brown and it also came out almost black. I tried the lemon juice/conditioner mix this morning and it worked! My hair is still a little darker than I prefer, but is much, much better than yesterday! My summer highlights came back (actually a little lighter than before) and my hair is brown instead of black. I will wash normally this week and if by the weekend, it is still too dark, I will apply the lemon juice again. What a wonderful tip!
It really works!
Comments By:
Cassieclay on 2004-11-07
Thank you very much - I had my hair coloured at a salon yesterday - went from blonde with highlights to reddish brown with a few blonde highlights; colour went wrong in the salon so they did it again, differently this time - I woke up this morning with a very distinct green tinge! Thanks to you, it's gone now!! Thank you so much.
Getting There
Comments By:
Christina on 2004-11-20
I read this about a week after i colored my hair black i have been using the lemon juice about every other week it's gotten lighter but not that light. It's pretty Dark brown and wierrd bloches of lighter brown but it's still working. Good tip although it takes a while.
It's lighter
Comments By:
playbaby on 2004-12-20
I'm a guy. I tried this Just For Men stuff. I freaked. Your tip helped. At least it's not so black as to be purple. But I have a tip for guys...forget about it!!!
did not work 4 me
Comments By:
Ashley on 2004-12-23
I tried this tip and it did not work for me. I dyed my hair blk wich turned out way to dark for my skin tone. So i tried this and not a single change. E-Mail me if you have any other tips that may work.
its ok
Comments By:
Miss K on 2005-01-16
thanks for the tip but it didnt do all that much for my hair i did see the colour running out but when i dryed it it wasnt that diffrent thanks anyway. xxxxxxxxxxx
worked 4 me
Comments By:
hayley on 2005-02-17
thanks for the tip the lemon and conditioner really works my hair looks a lot lighter and to start with it was nearly black
has no one heard?
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carole espie on 2005-02-26
sorry to here all your colurs are going wrong, but havent you all heard of Elimin8 by RUSK. It breaks down the colour without damaging the hairs own pigment.
Great Tip!!!
Comments By:
Nurse Shannan on 2005-05-10
totally worked....just one thing though, you have to wash the lemon juice out at the end or your hair will be sticky all day.
black hair at my temples w/the rest auburn
Comments By:
lisa on 2005-05-17
i go to a stylist she dyes my hair auburn
but at my temples it is black,what causes
this & how can it be avoided? she doesnt
know what causes this,1st time this has
happened with her doin my hair,help.i am
42 & i do have plenty gray.
Comments By:
anon on 2005-05-25
I have naturally medium brown hair...I dyed my hair with a brownish red, and it came out dark dark brown, almost blackish-I wanted cry! I used your tip with the lemon juice, repeating the procedure 2 times, and now it is back to a beautiful medium brown with reddish highlights=I love it, and it didn't harm my hair-THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS TIP!
No kidding, it really works!
Comments By:
Cis on 2005-05-30
I was kind of skeptical, but then I decided to give it a try. I went to the fridge and found a bottle of lemon juice 100%natural, those that u mix with water. Did what I had to do and squeezed it outfrom my hair. I saw the dye coming off, not a lot though. Then I washed my hair and after I styled it, I reaalized it is LIGHTER! It is still dark, but with brown shades, more natural then the gothic dead black i got before. You notice from the way you hair color will look more natural then it was. Besides, it is SHINY and SMOOTH! I bet if I do it again, it wil be even lighter!!! That is so amazing, spread the word girls!! Lots of people are struggling to deal with black dye that got too black. And that is so simple and easy , and it WORKS!! If u don't believe u can send me an email and I will confirm! :)
uhhh no
Comments By:
shannon on 2005-07-13
i tried it and it didnt really work for my BLACK hair =&...any other ideas?
I haven't tried it yet, but I have a question
Comments By:
Nicole on 2005-07-16
Like everyone else here I was going for the brunette look which is my nautural color and ended up looking black. I'm going to try the mixture, but it would help if you would tell me how much of eact to use, I know it says 3 parts to 1 part, but an average measurement would be better. Like... 3cups lemon juice to 1 cup conditioner?
Comments By:
anon on 2005-07-20
This is unbelievable. Worked great. I too was trying to dye my hair back to its original color (med-dark brown) and it turned out almost black. I've been shampooing 5x a day and barely any noticable change...until this. Thanks so much.
Not so Lucky
Comments By:
JaQ on 2005-08-01
This didn't work for me. I did it the day after I tried coloring my hair brown and it came out black. It seems to have so highlights now when I walk outside but it still looks black inside. Maybe I didn't leave it on long enough? The directions are really vague - maybe you just have to get lucky and figure out excatly how much and for how long to use the solution.
i am going to try the lemon juice
Comments By:
lynn on 2005-08-09
how much lemon juice do I use with the conditioner?
TipKing says: The tip calls for 3 parts lemon juice to 1 part conditioner
fantastic tip!
Comments By:
Aud on 2006-01-25
This is a great tip - thanks so much, it really works , my hair colour has lifted by 2-3 shades and the different tones are now visible rather than the dull flat, darker colour from before
*****Fantastic Tip - THANKYOU******
Comments By:
TJ on 2006-02-27
Yes I am a guilty one who tried to dye her own hair, picked the wrong blonde and ended up with a tinge of green, used the lemon and conditioner, green tinge gone and happy with new colour - Thankyou
green hair day
Comments By:
anon. on 2006-04-19
I have a question. Does this remedy apply to permanent colourants or semi/toner only? I used just for men & now have green hair! HELP.
TipKing says: Sorry I have no experience of this tip.
How Long?
Comments By:
Mar on 2006-09-02
I tried the lemon/condition mixture and it worked a little. Perhaps I didn't keep it in long enough - any suggestions for how long?
help please
Comments By:
flickity on 2006-10-10
I have dyed my hair red/dark brown and it doesn't suite my skin tone at all, is there anyway you can lighten your hair at the salon without having all the colour stripped out. Can you dye over already dyed hair with a lighter shade, say a head of highlights, Very tempted with the lemon thing but really want a quick fix.
no changes for me
Comments By:
ana on 2006-10-18
i died my hair dark brown but it turened out looking more like black and it made me look so pale. i tried the lemon juice and conditioner mix trick but no changes at all. i was dissappointed. i guess i should have asked this question before i tried it, but does the lemon juice damage or change the hair pigments in any kind of way?
Comments By:
JAMIE on 2006-11-04
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Stacy on 2006-11-22
I had my hair dyed at the hairdressers 3 weeks ago. I'd planned for a dark brown (my hair originally is brown) and it went a black colour. I was devestated as it made my complexion very pale. I used the mixture and within a couple of days of using it, my hair turned a dark brown. Now i get compliments of how nice my hair is. Thanks xx!
More Help
Comments By:
Sam on 2006-12-05
Do I need to sit in the Sun or will the lemon juice work on it own without the sun.
TipKing says: I always thought that you needed the sun!
It really works!, just be patient.
Comments By:
mizzy on 2006-12-05
I'm so happy that this worked, i have never had a hair mishap till yesterday, when i ended up with some funky color on my head. So i tried this and it worked well. what i did was let the stuff sit on my head for 2 hours, then blew dried for a bit, washed and the color came out the way it was supposed to. THANK YOU!!!!
Didnt work
Comments By:
Billie on 2006-12-22
Didn't work on me, I wonder why it's working for some people and no others?
will it wrk ??
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hana on 2006-12-19
i have black hair will this wrk 4 me ??
Would anybody give a more detail description
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lala on 2007-01-12
I dyed my hair way to dark accidently (I thought it was natural black, it turns out to be really black). I'm really tempted to try this method. Can anybody let me know what kind of lemon juice worked? How about the conditioner? How long do you keep the mixed on your head? After the mixer, do you also need to use just lemon juice to rinse? Very desperate, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Brilliant tip!
Comments By:
Paula on 2007-03-16
I have used a Loreal hair colour for years and for some reason my hair took a different colour last time and ended up greyish green, not my usual lovely blonde shade. I tried this tip last night...IT WORKS.My hair is a nicer shade than normal with out any tinges of green or grey remaining. Thanks you're a life saver...A girls crowning glory...!
Comments By:
Rosie on 2007-03-17
Thanks so much for this tip. I dyed my hair with a semi permanent beige blonde, which took to the ends of my very blonde dyed hair a gray/green, Morified i tried various methods seen on the net, Ketchup, tomato juice, peroxide wash,and head and shoulders to try to get rid of it (all in one day!!) but it didnt work, I just tried your tip and it has removed most of the gray/green colour. Its still way too ashy for me but at least its alot better. I will do it again tomorrow, as my hair feels like straw today and needs conditioning.. Thanks.
still confused
Comments By:
eva on 2007-03-19
do we need to shampoo after put that mixture? I dyed my hair 3 times but it shows nothing when I'm inside, so dissapointed of that. Help.
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anon on 2007-03-23
i have recently dyed my hair blonde bt it has gne far too blonde!!! wat do i do 2 make it darker but stay blonde??????
umm, blonde gone orange
Comments By:
BRAZZA on 2007-03-26
will the 2 black solution work 4 the 2 orange one?
H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers for the advice
Comments By:
Ella on 2007-05-06
My sister used one of those 'do it yourself' hair dye kits. She has dark brown hair and wanted on put some bright red streakes in it. However it went horribly wrong and now she wants it back brown. Would this wreck her hair?
Thanks for the tip!
Comments By:
Cee on 2007-06-01
My hair was a really light brown and I wanted it darker but when I dyed it - it turned out too dark - almost black. I used the lemon juice with conditioner, left it on my hair for about 30 minutes and when I rinsed I could see the color coming out. Now my hair is a chocolate brown color - exactly what I wanted in the first place - Thanks!!
Blonde hair gone light purple
Comments By:
scottie on 2007-06-11
May hair is dyed blonde with gray roots. I usually use Excelence, but tried Feria "dark brown." My hair is now a light purple shade with slightly darker purple roots. I look like an old woman with purple hair! I am a fraid of what will happen if I try to color over it with what I normally use. Help!! What do I do??
it didnt work :(
Comments By:
leah on 2007-06-11
hi i put brown streaks in my hair yesterday and it came out way to dark. it is mostly in my fringhe and looks horrible. i tried the lemon juice and it didnt really work but thanks any way do you know how to get it out? please help.. thanks
Nothing Happened..
Comments By:
Cortney on 2007-06-18
My hair is a medium brown && I decided to dye my hair just a little bit darker && It turned out JET BLACK! I tried this && nothing happened. Maybe it is because I used lemon juice from a lemon. My hair is still black && it sucks.
Comments By:
cassie on 2007-07-05
I have colored my hair black with a perminint at home hair color kit. I tried this i almost used a whole bottle of lemon juice and left it in for half an hour. My hair feels great but there is no color difference. some of the dye came out but it still looks black. If anyone has any more ides or tips to get my hair back to its original brown color please let me know thanks
Worked perfectly!
Comments By:
Abscessed on 2007-07-12
worked like a a brunette so it gave me lovely light brown highlights after the first application.
thanks sooo much xxx
It worked!!!
Comments By:
Nicky on 2007-07-14
My hair is died blondish, I wanted it darker, brownish... it turned greenish. Yuck. I tried this and it worked wonders!! No more green - just a nice, warm, brownish gold tone!
Hair Colour Gone wrong
Comments By:
Jananna on 2007-07-15
I tried..... I had dyed my hair 7 weeks ago with a lovely dark brown and the salon highlights did show through was great.... yesterday i bought another packet but to my horror i realised after i had bought the wrong one and my hair is deep red.... I have tried the lemon juice with conditioner but nothing happened am i silly but can the exact amount of lemon juice be described in more details..... and how much in mls of each.... HELP ... i really dont want to pay £100 at the salon to get it back to normal.........
need to know how to fix colour
Comments By:
jananna on 2007-07-15
Re may previous message. The colour if deep red perm colour.. i want to go back to the Dark brown it was before will the lemon juice take all the red out or will it make it more lighter....... Oh Help i have a meeting this afternoon at work cannot go looking like a beetroot.
I didn't think it would work, but did!
Comments By:
Lu on 2007-07-18
I had brown hair gone black...I squuezed a whole lemon in a bowl and added a deep conditoner - 3 parts lemon, 1 1/2 parts condition.(Aveda Cherry Almond Bark). I mixed it up and used a dixie cup to pour in small amounts on my hair. I kept it on for 40 minutes. I used the hottest water I could stand and rinsed it out - very skeptical as I saw no color in the water. As I started to blow dry my hair, I could see immediate results. It was not a drastic change, but took all the black,black overcolor out of my hair and left the browns with what look like natural highlights. Thanks so much!
Help me please
Comments By:
Lisa on 2007-07-24
I recently dyed my hair red and on top i did blonde high lights they came out orange so I tried to dye it all blonde and it came out orange and blonde it looks awfull do you have a sugestion can I dye it back to med brown will it work please help me thank you Lisa in Ma.
Another very quick fix
Comments By:
Linda on 2007-08-03
I dyed my hair last night my hair was dyed blonde (now natural color is mostly gray)it was time to dye it so I tried a dark blonde so the summer sun didn't turn it way to light. It came out a medium brown. I needed a way to lighten it before I have to go to work which is now 9am the morning after. I took some hair peroxide mixed it with shampoo, stir, took a brush about an inch wide and proceeded to coat my dry hair. I left it on for about 20 minutes, took a shower and it is much better than it was to start with. It at least has some golden highlights.
Please clarify directions...
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Unwilling greenish-blonde!! on 2007-08-05
Just wondering - are you supposed to blowdry your hair with the lemon juice & conditioner solution in, and then rinse???
please help :D
Comments By:
bob on 2007-08-24
i dyed my hair whta was ment to go a dark brown but it has gone black. i want my natural colour back but do u have any more tips email me at jodierelton thanks
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Erin on 2007-08-24
I died my hair a darker red and it turned purple. I did the lemon juice thing and left it on for an hour. After I rinsed it out, my hair was a beautiful, warm auburn color, which is exactly what I wanted in the first place! The change is subtle, but there's no more purple in my hair and I don't have to spend more money to get it fixed.
Comments By:
bby gal on 2007-08-25
will it work on bleached hair cos ive got orangey bits in it that NEED 2 b lightend????????
Ashy turned beautiful
Comments By:
clairesmama on 2007-09-14
THank you sooooo much for your tip!!! It worked like dream! I was very skeptical but tried it anyways. So what happened was my hair was light golden blonde and tried to dye it medium beige blonde, well my tips went ASHY almost looking purplish. So I put this stuff on I used 1/4 cup deep conditioner, and 3/4 cup lemon juice, left it on about an hour or so, and VOILA!!! I have the most beautiful and now back to my natural blonde!! THANK YOU!!!!
Comments By:
mary kate bell on 2007-09-15
i dyed my hair blonde this morning and now it gone tooooo blonde!:(and little bit scared cause it wont fade when i wash it!!cause it was blech and im confused.
but il try that.
Comments By:
PAM FROM FLORIDA on 2007-09-17
I was trying to put some color back into my naturally blonde hair after a summer of way too much sun (hair almost platinum). I used a "biscotti" or medium blonde color which looked warmish on the box but really pulled a lot of ash through the top of my hair especially. It was a gray!! So, I came upon this tip, happened to have somee lemons in the fridge and it made my hair come back to a beautiful shade of blonde with pretty highlights and it is super soft. You helped me turn a really disastrous situation to a triumph--THANKS!
Comments By:
MIA on 2007-09-26
I have colored my hair blond for years and years and had decided to go back to my natural color brown. i bought a light brown hair color kit and after about 10 minutes my hair started to turn purple. After waiting the recommended 30 min. all my hair turned gray. I tried to dye it again but it did nothing. I left the lemon mixture on for 45 min. and then rinsed. It worked perfectly. No more gray and my hair is back to my blond color.
dark hair went green
Comments By:
Patricia on 2007-09-25
I had a highlight it went to a yellow orange, we then dyed it to a mega brown carmel with a complenment blue, the hair turned green so we put a acpriot brown and still to dk. plus still green.
What can I do to get the green out
Did Nothing :( HELP
Comments By:
Anna on 2007-09-27
I tried the mixture and it did nothing to my hair. How long did others with successful result leave the mixture on for? Also after you dry it should you wet it completely again? PLEASE HELP
Thank You !!!!
Comments By:
Ginger on 2007-10-02
I don't know how you came up with this but, all I can say is it works wonderfully. I had tried to go from blonde to ash. My hair looked just like that ASH (like the ashes from a fire). YUCK!! I used your solution with great results. You put a smile back on my face! A big HUG for you!!!
Comments By:
vanessa on 2007-10-08
I mixed 1/4 conditioner and 3/4 cups 100% lemon juice and left it on for an hour. Then dried my hair (not completly) before rinsing it-i have very long hair and it takes me an hour to dry it so i wasnt going to rinse it 2xs. Then I rinsed with straight lemon juice and you could see the color going down the drain. I washed and conditioned my hair as usual and IT WORKED. Its subtle--still left some ash but its much better. I had very yellow hair and wanted it ashy so i bought-medium ash blonde--it went to a very dark ash blonde--gray green color--gross. lemon juice is so cool. i also read it takes away freckles so i used it last night it really makes you look refreshed. WARNING: my roots were a straberry blonde and i knew it i got the lomon it them they would go orange--couldnt help it, but its not to bad. be careful if your roots are very dark.
Can you plz tell me what you mean by !!!!
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Natasha on 2007-10-09
3 parts lemon juice to 1 part conditioner, does it mean 3 cups of lemon juice???
TipKing says: Yes! As long as the mixture is 3 to 1
Coloured my hair light ash blonde
Comments By:
Mrs J Gallagher on 2007-10-14
My hair was a bit of a yellowy blonde and my hairdresser advised me to colour my hair with a light ash blonde, which I did, it turned out an horrendous grey/green colour and it looked like I had aged 30 years.
I used the 3 parts lemon juice and 1 part conditioner (30ml of lemon juice and 10ml of conditioner) I only had time to leave it on for 30 mins but the results were fantastic, the green tinge was almost invisible and the grey and been blended in, Thank you so much for this tip it has saved me a fortune!
Comments By:
npiche on 2007-10-17
Well here's the deal, I had light blond hair and wanted it just one shade darker. So I thought I would be smart and save money as hair dressers in Australia charge about $350-$400 for long hair colouring. Bad idea-I wanted to cry! My hair was grey...not just a little shade of grey--like gunmetal pewter grey! I thought there was NO WAY I could repair that. But I happen to come accross this site and its a miracle! This works!! My hair isn't its original blonde..but it's not grey one bit anymore! Atleast now I can leave the house as I would not before! Thank you so much!!!!
Comments By:
Duluthsmooch on 2007-10-16
I tried this after dying my blonde hair with light ash blonde which turned greenish gray. Yikes! Even better color and my hair feels great.
Worked great
Comments By:
Linda on 2007-10-23
I didn't believe it when I read this. But I thought what do I have to loose. I already have purple highlights. It took the purple out and gave me back my blonde highlights. I also used the Loreal whch I have used for years, but this time it went very wrong. Thank you so much. Your a life saver.
It worked
Comments By:
Anon on 2007-11-03
thank you tank you thank you! i tried to dye my blonde hair a light brown colour and it turned BLACK!! so i tried thi solution and my hair went to the brown i wanted in the first place. I really could see the colour trickling out :)
Comments By:
Red Blunder on 2007-11-03
I'd have to say as a cosmetologist, I hadn't heard about this. But I colored my sisters hair at home, and once the color was on her hair she decided she didn't like it. It was a red color. She saw this and thought she would give it a try. It turned orange.
This is a great idea. I just suggest not using it on red.
life saver
Comments By:
stacy on 2007-11-04
the instructions were vague, but once you get the formula correct this tip is a life saver. i had red hair(colored, not natural) and i was wanting to go a shade darker, say a medium brownish red. i usually go with garnier color, but chose a brown color within loreal preference. my hair came out an ugly ashy dark brown almost black color. i freaked, because i have been through color correction before and i wasn't going to suffer it again. the first time i tried this tip i didn't see much results, but i decided to try again the next day before giving up on my poor hair. i made less mixture(eyeballed the ratio and i got about 1/2 cup of the mixture rather than a full cup). i let it sit for an hour and 15 minutes with a plastic cap over my hair. i dried my hair until it was almost crunchy. i did not dry as much the first attempt- this may be the critical step. then i rinsed with lemon juice and shampooed my hair. i didn't see a lot of color running but when i checked the results my hair is now a medium brownish red. i seriously about cried. i thought it would never work, but this has really saved my hair.
Comments By:
Lauren on 2007-11-09
it didnt work for me! my hair turned out blk and i tried it over and over again--nothing worked!!!!!
Instant gratification!!!
Comments By:
John on 2007-11-19
If your hair is too ashy, (grey or purplish tones)try this! It removes those tones and you are left with more natural beige blonde tones instantly!
If you dyed your hair black...
Comments By:
Margaret on 2007-11-30
I tried to dye my hair medium brown and it turned out black! I freaked out and tried to dye it again, but it didn't work. I tried this solution and it kind of worked. I used 2 tablespoons conditioner and 6 tablespoons lemon juice. I let it sit for 30 min, then blew my hair almost dry, rinsed with lemon juice then rinsed the lemon juice out with the hottest water I could stand. I then washed my hair. It took the edge off my black hair, it didn't work exactly as I had hoped but at least the black isn't as BLACK as it was before. I guess i should have let it stay on longer, but I think if I try this again in a week it will keep lightening my hair.
Also try washing your hair with prell shampoo,that seems to take some of the dye out of your hair.
Comments By:
jenna on 2007-12-11
This really does work. I was nervous the whole time I was doing it, but I didn't want to put more haircolor chemicals in my hair so soon after coloring. I paniced, and only left the lemon/conditioner mix in for 20 minutes before I rinsed it out. My hair turned out beautifully, it lightened a shade or two and looks very pretty and much more natural. It even looks like there are some 'natural' hightlights now. So pretty. Thanks for the tip!
soap powder
Comments By:
gem on 2007-12-12
i dyed my blonde hair back to brown and it went BLACK!!! i rang my salon and they told me to use soap powder or washing up liquid! wash your hair with that it really works it will lift the colour a shade lighter
Feria Caramel Kiss (Dark Iridescent Blonde) DISASTER
Comments By:
jennygogo on 2007-12-29
By the time I read the reviews of this Feria hair color product online, I already had purple hair. Thanks, Feria. Thanks a lot. Anyhow, I had been bleaching my hair white for almost 2 years. I decided it was time to try to return to my natural dirty blonde color and used this dye. I got a lovely grey-purple blend. I could have lived with bright purple. But this was disgusting.
I found this site though and decided to give it a shot... I dug out some lemon juice (it expired in may '06... it's now just a few days from '08) and mixed in some conditioner. Left it in my hair for an hour, then did the towel dry/blow dry thing (tho not completely)... It looked a TON better. I rinsed it with more stinky expired lemon juice and then shampooed/conditioned. It's not perfect, but it's a heck of a lot better than purple-grey. Now it's more ash-medium-blonde.
Comments By:
kmb on 2008-01-02
All I can say is THANK YOU!!!! You saved me a ton of money and embarrassment. I too had used a medium ash blonde to tone down and even out my frosted/two toned hair and the tips ended up purpley-black..the rest a very drab grey. I used 30ml lemon juice mixed with 10ml conditioner(small medicine cups)...left on for about 12-15"...blow dried, rinsed with pure lmon juice and washed/conditioned as I usually do, then dried and styled and it was much better. No purple-grey tinge..even some natural looking highlights. AMEN
Skeptic Convert
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-01-03
I did not expect much from this remedy but was desperate when I unintentionally dyed my blonde hair murkey grey with a light-blonde/Ash dye (Loreal-'Copenhagen' colour, cheers to Loreal the jerks). I used freshly squeezed lemons and dried my hair with the mixture on, rinsed with straight lemon juice and left that on for about 30mins, then rinsed again in warm-hot water. Bloody brilliant! It removed the all of the grey and left me with this beautiful blonde hair colour. Saved me an expensive trip to the salon, thanks so much.
the lemonnn
Comments By:
TooDarkk ! on 2008-01-05
i am a 15 year old with dark dyed hair !
i am very down about it and hate it !
i have searched and searched for different methods of removing the dye here are sone of my ways.
i have been using vosene original shampoo wich everytime i wash it removes a good amount of colour also i found adding a 5 pence peice size of "bblonde" pure poroxide to my vosene shampoo when washing helps aswel. its working very well but i am very impatient and am currently sitting with the lemon juice and conditioner on my hair !
hope these tips help you.
Hair Disasters over!
Comments By:
Michala on 2008-01-05
Try Color Oops if you've just dyed your hair or Color Oops Extra Strength if its been over a week. It corrects hair colour by shrinking the dye molecules so that they just wash away, its ammonia and bleach free, very safe and will return your hair to its natural colour, although it won't work if your artificial colour is lighter than your natural colour. Any other questions email
Comments By:
Misty on 2008-01-06
I must say, I was a big skeptic. However, after my black hair dye left me with purple/blue roots, I decided that I must do something about it. I read this tip and thought, why not try it first. Boy, am I glad I did. My hair looks better than it has in a long time.
Basically, I got the large bottle of *Real Lemons* and mixed it in a cup, 3 parts to 1 part Redken Conditioner. I poured it on my hair (no water was needed) and I massaged it into my hair, especially the roots. I left it for two hours, rinsed, shampooed and conditioned. The results were Fabulous!!! A must try before spending money at a salon. :-)
Slight purplish hue DID subside after this treatment
Comments By:
Debbie on 2008-01-08
I just had my hair colored from natural dark blonde with very blonde highlights to a darker color of Light brown with highlights at the salon. My hair looked slightly purple and gray!!! I read all the comments, then mixed 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice with 3/4 thick conditioner and let it sit on my hair for 1 hour. The purplish tone did seem to go away. It's not any lighter, though. But it IS better. Thanks!
Better than the experts!!!
Comments By:
Kat on 2008-01-10
Thanks to this post my lovely brown hair which the hairdresser bleached (yes, all over!!!!!) and turned green, is now back to a half recognisable nuetral colour.
Maybe not quite how I wished for it to look, but better than the greeney/grey it was. Thank you soooo much for the lifesaving blog, and just for anyone else who has a disaster like mine...use this Tip!!!! Try it 2/3 times as it didnt work at first but now, I can show my face in public again. Thanks to you!
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karen on 2008-01-22
Used a warm red on ginger hair, it turned flame red. Used fresh lemon juice and conditioner for 40 mins- result- toned down version. Very happy with new colour.
i have brown, ginger,green hair
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anon on 2008-02-05
i have dyed my hair about 4 differnent natural clour is blond i accidently dyed it green, i went to a salon they died it brown, but it then went really gingery they died it brown again and the green is still coming through. if i put lemon juice on it will it turn it ginger again or get rid of the green! i need help!
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Roxy on 2008-02-11
I dyed my hair this auburn color and my hair came out like a vibrent Purple and I did this and its my good ol' Natural Red agai!!! I am so happy and I didnt have to spend all my money fixin it!! This is the best tip ever!!! Thanks!!!
vosene shampoo
Comments By:
'anon' on 2008-02-16
vosene shampoo is the best way 2 fade colour i cnt say iv tryed d lemon mix if you do 2 shampoos with d vosene shampoo every time you wash ya hair and use conditioner leave d vosene shampoo on 4 5-10 mins on the second wash and you will see a difference im a hair stylist and i would strongly advise it
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Anon on 2008-02-21
this tip is fab! at first i thought it can not be possible but it is. i could actually see the colour coming out when i was washing the mixture out of my hair. TRY IT ... IT WORKS !
blond hair gone orange
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sue on 2008-02-24
i died my hair a dark blond and it went a bit to orange so i put hightlights over it but u can still see a lot of orange what can i do
Canadian Girl Thanks You!!
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diamondeyz on 2008-02-28
well thank gawd I checked out this site...I tried this last night and left it in my purple (was supposed to be ash) hair until it dried and it worked like magic also I used my hair dryer to heat it up a bit
thank you soooo much
Grey/Green Be Gone!
Comments By:
Rebecca on 2008-03-02
I had tried to cover blonde color gone bad (was strawberry blonde with a medium brown. The end result color was golden brown with grey/green over the blonde! NASTY! Not to mention I was selling haircolor in a promotion! I needed it fixed, and fast! The lemon/conditioner worked awesome. I left it in for 30 minutes. Rinsed w/ lemon and shampooed. Now it's a nice combo of the two colors, you can tell the blonde is colored over and it's not as dark, but 100% better, 3 shades lighter.
I am so greatful
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Angel on 2008-03-05
I dyed my hair my normal color I use and it had turn green/blue at the ends and up to middle of hair. I cried cuz last time this happened to me nothing worked. OMG I am so happy to have found this hint I did it and it is GONE thank you thank you thank you.
Beautiful blonde to grey back to blonde
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anon on 2008-03-06
This works!!!
I had beautiful blonde highlights with about an inch of dark brown grow out (my regular colorist lives 2 hours away). The lady who cuts my hair convinced me to let her color it. I told her I wanted to stay signifacantly blonde. She gave me very dark hair with a very light thin weave of blonde. I looked like I had salt and pepper hair (I don't have any natural grey). I was devistated, went back the next day and her solution was to take out the brown. I ended up with brassy light brown with some dark dark and some light light. I left, used a color stripper, then went to another sylist she fixed the color but then put a wash in to take out some of the brassiness. This just made my hair look totally grey. I came home did this and my color is way way better. The grey is gone. Thank you, thank you.
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Jules18 on 2008-03-10
I made the mistake like many, dyeing my own hair at home. Now days, it can be really expensive to have your hair done. So with little thought, I did it myself. I have been gradually going blonde, and spent hundreds of dollars doing it. So, I took it into my own hands and did it. Well... It turned blue. So thank you for saving me money! It looks wonderful now! This really does work.
old hair color?
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concerned mom on 2008-03-11
Hi, was wondering if this solution works on hair that was colored weeks ago? poor daughter colored her hair brown but now over time it has turned greenish...she is a natural ash blond and it doesnt seem to matter what color we use she always turns green so I was wondering how soon after you color your hair can u use this solution?...Do You only have a fw hours or can u use it weeks later..
Greatly Appreciated
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Meaghan on 2008-03-11
I have very porous thin curly hair which was far too ashy for my liking. Nervously I put 10 ml conditioner with 30 ml lemon juice and covered my hair with it. I then dried it 3/4 with my hairdyer and covered my head in clingwrap. After about 40 mins I added another lot of the mixture and again dried it under the hairdryer. I left it for about another 30 mins then rinsed my hair with the lemon juice before shampooing and conditioning. My hair is incredibly so much better. It has lightened the shade and taken out the over ashy look. A hair and makeup friend of mine said it was a perfectly fine method. So happy and appreciative of the advice and surprised it worked so effectively. By reading the other comments it does sound particularly suited to blonde hair gone to ashy.
Orange hair
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Meredith on 2008-03-16
Can anyone please help me???? I went to the salon to get a cut and color..but the color came out way too orange on the top of my head...Any ideas on how I can get this orange out????
This Worked Incredibly!!!
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Sarah Cruz on 2008-03-20
I wanted to go back to darker brown hair after it had been lighter for awhile. I purchased the new Nice 'N Easy "Perfect 10" Dark Brown color (live in the U.S., not sure if this product is sold elsewhere). Anyway, my hair came out BLACK as can looked like a bucket of paint had saturated it! I washed it out many times, to no avail. I didn't want to go through the nightmare of choosing another haircolor to try to fix it. I found this site (THANK YOU!!) and tried the mix of 1/4 cup conditioner, 3/4 cups 100% lemon juice. I left it in for 2 hrs. and it turned into a shade of dark brown that looked natural. I did it again 2 days later and now it's a lovely shade of lighter dark brown (with highlights), which is the shade I wanted to begin with. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!
A Bit Too Dark!!!
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Kelly B on 2008-03-25
Ok, so I dye my own hair. Yuck, this time I went for a medium brown and it turned out black!! I tried 3/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup conditioner, left it on for 1/2 hour, partially blew my hair dry, then rinsed. I saw color leave! And, my hair is lighter and now liveable!!
hair gone wrong colour help
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irene clack on 2008-04-10
Hi please could you help, I coloured my hair last night hoping it would come out a light blond. but it has came out more like a reddy ginger. Please could you tell me if I can do another colour quickly. it is so bad.
Thanks so much!
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Jenna on 2008-04-12
I have been looking everywhere for something to get the color out of my hair because my hair is naturally blonde but i dyed it red and then tried to dye it blonde again! Oops! big mistake it didn't work and who would've thought that i would find the answer here?
Natural Jet Black Hair w/ 45% Gray
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Nanise on 2008-04-12
I have natural jet black hair 45% gray mostly in the front and temples. I am female early 40s. The gray is more along the line of a platinum tone. Very shiny and bright. I want to soften the black without messing up the gray. About 3 or 4 inches of my hair has what's left of brown hair color that is growing own. What do you suggest to lighten the natural black? I do relax my hair.
be careful!
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anon on 2008-04-19
Wait to do this, trust me! If you just highlighted wait about a week or your hair will break off and have a cotton candy texture. I am not kidding.
Thank you!!
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sexybunny on 2008-04-22
Thanks for this tip it really works! I mixed the lemon with an intensive conditioner, applied it to only the places that needed lightening, left it for 20 mins, blow-dried, rinsed with lemon then water and voila! Thank you for sharing this with us DIY hair-colourists!
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Hair dye disaster! on 2008-04-22
I dyed my hair last night to which was supposed to be a medium brown (not very dark) but turned out black at the front =S
Tried the lemon juice thing but it stung and didnt make much difference.
Any tips?! Need to get it lighter!!!
This Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
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jessica on 2008-04-22
this did not work at all!!!!!!!!!! i have been using it for three weeks and it didn't work! thanks a lot! not!
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JO on 2008-04-23
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Suson on 2008-04-24
I had recently tried to dye my hair a lt. Brown, it turned black and green!!! I used a product called Color Oops extra strength, 2 boxes, if you have long hair like I do, it worked. stinky at first, but it is a miracle, so if the lemon jice just won't work, try this product, my hair turned out really pretty. Make sure to read the directions though! Good luck, and God Bless!
why ???
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alyssa on 2008-04-29
y didnt it work for me??? i put the 3/4 lemon juice in with 1/4 greentea conditioner and it didnt work ??? i left it in for an hour and nuthin... i dried it a little bit before i rinsed it out and still happened i watched the dye come out when i washed it but when i dryed it, it was still really black and not any lighter??? what else can i do i really dont like the black color :( please help me and quick :(
Total and Utter Life Saver!!!
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Salster on 2008-05-05
Ok, been bleaching my hair blonde on top for a few years, by salon until about a year ago when i took things into my own hands... how hard can it be?Well i bought a differnt shade to normal and used it friday night... it turned this god awful chav blonde! Almost illuminous So saturday morning, straight to the supermarket and bought one I've used before to try and hide my mess. Well this went terribly terribly wrong. It was a nice colour about 1" from my scalp down, but the rest was this dull, horrible faded grey colour. NIGHTMARE!!!Searched online and found this place... LIFE SAVER!!
Ok my exact instructions... squeezed 13 lemons by hand, strained and mixed 9 spoons lemon juice with 3 spoons of conditioner, mixed well until smooth. Applied lots and lots to top of head, wrapped in cling film and towel turban. Left on for an hour. then blow dried til almost crispy. then rinsed and almost shampooed with the remaining lemon juice. Then shampooed and conditioned as normal. left to dry on its own (better for your hair) and then styled as normal. Stunning! I can't belive it worked, but it did! Miracle cure! lol. I still have enough lemons left to do this treatment again, so I might just do it before my hols in 10days. Thanks soooo soo much!!! xxx
No longer so green with envy!
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Tina from Oxon on 2008-05-15
Thanks for the tip!
I've been using the same light blonde hair colour from Superdrug's own range for a year and a half every 2 6 weeks but they had run out of my shade. So I bought a golden blonde one instead. Maybe this was my mistake because after using I could see my hair had greenish-grey tints on the fringe and at the sides where my hair was previously lighter in colour and longer in length. The front part looked a dull colour. ( The back of my hair has been cut very short so it didn't have much dye in it ). Not golden!
I rang my mobile hairdresser hoping she could come and dye it quickly but she never returned my call so I searched the internet. I had to rescue an old lemon out of the bin! I used your solution on the greener parts and after a blow-dry wrapped hair in cling film. It was now resembling sea grass so this helped soften it! I didn't have much time so only left it in for 3/4 of an hour and followed the rest of the tips. Close up I can still see faint green tinges BUT the rest of my hair is a glorious blonde again. I might try again with a fresher lemon tomorrow but thank you so much! x
Yes!! It does work!! From green/gray/brassy to pretty blonde
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Anon on 2008-05-15
I followed the directions of another poster--1/4 cup good conditioner and 3/4 cup ReaLemon 100% lemon juice (bought it at Kroger's in the juice aisle)
stirred and put on hair for one hour with a shower cap over it. rinsed out and marveled at the results--easy and natural & no chemicals
You are a saviour!!
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Katie BBB on 2008-05-17
I could hug you. I tried to give my mousey, already highlighted, hair a bit of a lift with a L'Oreal Feria blonde dye. My hair turned out a strange grey/purple colour - horror! So I then went and bought an Excellence dye I have used before (I know, how silly can you get?) to try to get the colour somewhere near normal. But no, you won't be surprised to hear that my hair was just a more vile shade of purpley-grey than it was before. I surfed the net hoping to find some help and came across this site. method is to use the juice of 3 lemons (I have short hair) and 1 part of conditioner. I soaked my hair in the mixture, put a showercap on and left it for an hour. I then blowdried my hair. Result? Gorgeous blonde shiny hair. I then jumped in the shower and shampooed and conditioned as normal. I can once again face the world.
Worked Amazing for me
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Tammy in the USA on 2008-05-26
Did as instructed when i rinsed with the lemon juice I saw the grey green color go down the drain from the toner I used on my blond hair. Thank you for the post!
green blonde hair, lol
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Sheila on 2008-05-28
Ok I was told not to use an ash blonde... ok, I didnt listen. Am going to go and do this immediatley. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
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Jessica Wallace on 2008-05-29
I bleached my hair last night, and toned it with manic panic virgin snow toner, and it turned purplish on the blonde parts and gold (yuck) so I washed my hair twice, still purplish and dry, then i came across this wonderful tip, and I used 100% real lemon juice and conditioner and I dried in till it was slightly damped, put some more on just lemon juice, got in the shower, shampooed it virgiously then condition again, got out and wow the results are great, I added a little more lemon juice as I begun blowing out hair, its now a pale beautiful biege blonde, great tip for blonde hair gone wrong! thank you so much
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Hilary on 2008-05-29
OMG this really does work! i just got my hair done an hour ago... I wanted to get rid of some orange colour, making my hair light brown.... it turned out DARK BROWN> i was so scared of what my mum would think but then i found this! it really, really does work. ive only done this once and left the lemon/conditioner in for 1 minute and it still worked!! thank-you so much! i love my hair!
It Turned Greenish Ash & grayish looking hair back to normal
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Anon on 2008-06-04
I died my blonde hair dark brown , Yuck and then highlited it to get rid of the dark brown, Turned greenish ash, with grayish looking streaks, yuck. I used 2/3 a cup of lemon juice, and filled the rest with conditioner to equal a half cup. left it on 45 mins ,blowed dried it as best I could , rinsed with lemon juice, then shampooed & conditioned, it lifted my hair three shades and is a shinny dirty blonde, I am doing it again tomorrow, works great.
thank you
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jenny on 2008-06-03
i put a home dye on my hair,blonde,but it came out too dark for me,followed your advice and it worked perfectly.thank you so much for your advice.Lemon juice n conditoner def. works, thanks
Trying to go blonde and get a yellow and orange color??
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jessica on 2008-06-12
I recently went to Hot Topic and picked up their bleaching kit, 40volume, to go blonde from dark brown. It was previously black and I used ColorOops to go to brown.
I did this a month ago and waited, conditioning heavily, leaving conditioner in my hair 2 times a week over night, by rubbing it in and putting a towel over my pillow. Rinsing it out than applying Leave in conditioner, Heat Defense spray, and than defrizz before I hair dryed and than again before i straightened.
The only problem was that my hair turned canary yellow and reesey piecey orange, than the toner turned some parts silvery blue.
I saw this and thought I'd give it a whirl, why not?
I bleached my hair last night, and toned it for about 10minutes. Washed it out and conditioned. Sprayed in Pantene Pro V stay in conditioner and blow dryed it. Sprayed it with conditioner again and went to bed.
Woke up put loreal vive pro mosterizing conditioner on my hair dry and left in for about 3-4 hours. I did not rinse this out before the next step.
Put toner in it again this morning, and got caught up with the baby and forgot that it was in there so although other parts werent as orangey a few good strands were silvery blue.
I got a small applicator bottle and put 3/4 lemon juice and 1/4 loreal vive pro conditioner to moustirize hair. Mixed it, and squirted it around brushing and coming it in as i went. I left that in for about 20minutes.
Blow dried it until it was semi damp, turned on warm to hot water and rinsed that all out, than dumped lemon juice on it and swished it around and re rerinsed.
Towel dried it, and than put sunsilk de frizzer in it, than blow dried.
my hair more natural looking, blondes and light browns and the blue streaks are gone, to a light blonde.
Not bad! Much better than the catastrophe it was before. I will probably bleach it in about 1-2 weeks to go down more just blonde. But if you do this soon after your initial bleaching your going to FRY your hair. BE PATIENT you will get more of the result you are looking for. In the mean time, if you cant stand the colors find a hot bandana or do a funky style with your hair and just say you did it on purpose. its not their hair so tell them to shove it!! LOL
trying this now..
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Tessie on 2008-06-20
Okay, I had dark brown hair with blonde bangs, I tried to lighten it by using blondissima to take the color out and then put a light blonde color on it, it went copper orange on my long hair and white at the roots and bangs. (I have been dying my hair since I was 17 and im 38 now lol) I dyed over that color with a darker blonde ash color and it went greeny brown in the front and coppery brown on the long parts, the roots seemed to take the color of the dye though.. my hair looks awful.
I went to buy two big bottles of "real lemon" and used the conditioner I have at home to mix them. It didnt mix well at first so I used a whisk to blend it until frothy/smooth. Ive just put it on my hair and am waiting but I'll post what happens after I leave it on for an hour.
Trying this now..
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Tessie on 2008-06-20
Well, not bad. The green is gone and replaced with a light blonde color. The longer parts of my hair that were copper are now strawberry blonde - still a tad brassy but not embarassingly copper like it was. My hair was very fried due to overprocessing though.. I did see some color as I rinsed my hair, nothing very impressive however, but still color. My hair feels sort of like straw but not too bad considering that I left the mixture on for an hour. I would have to say that this is a good idea, and I will reccomend it to my friends as well. Thank you for the helpful tip :)
It's a miracle!
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Grateful of UK on 2008-06-22
Thank you so much. I put some low lights in my (too) blonde hair and they went green! Tried tomato sauce, bicarb, purple shampoo - nothing. Then I discovered your tip for lemon juice - voila, it worked! Thought I might have to go work tomorrow with a hat on.... ;0)
can i do this to get orange out??
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louise on 2008-07-03
help!! i used loreal perfect blonde dye to dye my hair a ash blonde but its gone a bright orange in the middle and is hard 2 discise! so wud this work 4 me? scared of trying it after whats happened...
it really works!
Comments By:
tina, england on 2008-07-11
thank you, thank you, thank you. after being blonde for all my life, for some reason the colour i put on ( one which i always use) turned a horrible greeeny grey! after using the lemon juice and conditioner, i can now leave the house again.
Havent tried it yet
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patrice bailey on 2008-07-14
Hi all i have just recently died my hair blonde however my roots did not lift with the colour and are at present YELLOW!! my hair is naturally blonde, however i always get highlights in my hairdressers that do not contain any bleach, but now i feel that its ruined! does anyone think that lemon juice would be a good idea to try n strip the colour out?
Wanted dark brown and got black
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Andrea on 2008-07-17
Well I've been dying my hair for about a year and a half, always dark brown without a problem. Last night however it turned out black. I actually cried before finding this.
Feeling a little bit better and a lot more hopeful I gave it a shot. I let the mixture sit in my hair for 45 - 50 minutes, blow dried, rinsed out with more lemon juice
and rinsed that out with the hottest water I could stand.
While rinsing with lemon juice my heart soared,
Dark brown dye was actually rinsing out, not much
mind you but I had high hopes.
After the hot water rinse and shampoo I was left with
95% black hair. I had some darker brown highlights
but no one I knew would even notice that compared to
the horrible black I'm seemingly stuck with.
Less than 24 hours since and I've been contemplating trying it again but I'm afraid the brown highlights will just get lighter and the black will stay the same. So I gave my hair dresser a call and told her my de lima, she's assured me that she'll get my hair color the way I want it and with today's remedies, that my hair will remain undamaged. just 8 hours until I go.
I really hope the lemon juice works for you and you don't haveto go through the trouble I have.
help ive recked my hair! (addicted to dyes)
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xxdonnaxx on 2008-07-26
blonde 1day brown the next,but then decicd i want it bk blonde,now im ginger and my hair is snaping! promise if sum 1 can giv me a tip on how to get blonde wiv out my hair falling out i wont ever go bk addy if the lemon works on orangey pink il try it.
help ive recked my hair! (addicted to dyes)
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xxdonnaxx on 2008-07-26
blonde 1day brown the next,but then decicd i want it bk blonde,now im ginger and my hair is snaping! promise if sum 1 can giv me a tip on how to get blonde wiv out my hair falling out i wont ever go bk addy if the lemon works on orangey pink il try it.
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Anna on 2008-07-27
I ended up with purple hair after putting dark brown dye on my highlights. It was terrible, I couldnt get an appointment with a hairdresser and shampooing was doing nothing at all. I found this online, tried it and now y hair is a lovely natural looking brown with some of my highlights coming through. Wow. Very good tip, thanks so much.
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How you like me now in Texas on 2008-07-27
I initially was reluctant, being that I am African American with chemically treated hair. My story, I had my hair highlighted and decided that the highlights were to blond and decided to DIY (Mistake #1) and color my hair with L'Oreals Light Ash Brown (Mistake #2). Un-highlighted hair turned out perfect, highlighted hair turned light ashish gray with a hint of green (ON A SUNDAY--NO HAIRDRESSER UNTIL TUESDAY). After contacting hair stylist and going to the local hair supply and asking their licensed personnel (didn't like the answers) without any immediate solutions, I found this site and tried the lemon juice. I squeezed the juice of 3 whole lemons and 1/2 oz. deep conditioner, mixed together and applied to hair. Sat under hairdryer for thirty minutes. Rinsed, washed & conditioned and styled. PERFECT and love the new highlighted color.
brassy blond to minging green to darker blonde....
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Sarah on 2008-07-27
about 2 months ago I dyed my hair from dark red to bleach blonde, obviously leaving my hair in awful condition. I used a deep conditioning treatment regularly and got my hair back to a reasonable condition. I wasn't happy with the brassy, ash blonde colour of my hair and wanted to get back to my natural 'shit blonde' colour, so bought some boots 'darkest blonde' dye (which assured me it was fine to use on good conditioned bleached hair).
My hair came out a grayish green colour from the mid-lengths down, which I was mortified at.
Being a student couldn't afford hairdresser, so tried tomato sauce (didn't work) and then stumbled across this tip.
I changed it slightly; nearly half a cup of pure lemon juice mixed with 1/4 cup of deep conditioning conditioner on damp hair, warmed my hair up briefly with a hair-dryer before wrapping it in clingfilm for 45min. I then blow dryed it until it was nearly dry and then washed it out and shampooed and conditioned it.
I am currently waiting for it to dry naturally but the green has completely gone to be replaced by a lovely blonde colour; I CANNOT thank you enough for this tip- i really thought i'd either have to dye it dark again ( :( ) or pay for a hairdresser to do it. whoever you are, i love you. it feels like christmas! xxxxxxx
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Trudie on 2008-07-28
As I am a hairdresser that no longer works in a shop I am afraid I begrudge paying shop prices to colour my hair!!! Thought I would go a lighter shade as I was fed up being brunette, knowing that shop colours don't lighten enough I used a pre-lightener and then coloured my hair with a light brown. HMMMMMM-went a nasty ash greenish colour and really dried out aswell. This has happened to me before and I have usually ended up going back to the darker shade but with a red in it to ensure it gets rid of the green and then 9times out of 10 it ends up being too dark. I found this site a cure for my mistake and IT WORKS!!!! I used the mixture on dry hair for two days. 1st day I left on the mixture for 20 mins then the 2nd day for 45 mins and now my hair is a lovely light golden brown. I feel I can go out with confidence again. Thanks again for this really useful tip and I wish I knew about it years ago.
Saved me from my Stylist's wrath!
Comments By:
Linda on 2008-07-31
OMG! This really works! I used a light ash blonde, Hi-lift color on my light blond highlighted hair. What a mistake. My hair turned a lovely shade of grey/ with green tones. I used 1/4 cup lemon juice to 3/4 cup Biolage conditioner. Applied it with a paintbrush, covered it with a shower cap for 25 min. Blew it dry, and followed with a lemon rinse. I did this twice. Finally washing and conditioning as usual. The grey/green is gone! I am back to my my very light blonde with NO brassiness. You are a life saver. And i won't suffer my Stylist's wrath.
it REALLY does work
Comments By:
kathy on 2008-08-01
I spent a fortune at a salon -highlights, lowlights and then they coloured over everything with a too dark permanent dye. once I got outside I realized it was reddish too. I tried the rinse, left it on for 10 min. and first I thought nothing was happening but when I rinsed it out, the water was brown - my hair is lighter and I will be doing it again until it is back to my real colour. Thanks for the great tip.
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Dee on 2008-08-01
my naturaly dark blond hair has been over processed with highlights etc. PROFESSIONAL dyed my hair with low lights and high lights and TOP layer all turned GREY. toner made it more grey? They wanted to STRIP my hair to correct and i said NO WAY.
Found this, tried it, did mixture on 1 hour, dryed w/dryer, rinsed with straight lemon juice and prayed. Believe it or not..... it fixed it!
I'm still in shock it actually worked.
If you have GREY/purple hair this actually works. ANd it actually made it look NATURAL because it was very subtle. Amazing.
I love the person who put this up on here. I really do :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Ash colour hair....yuk!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-08-04
This did work, truly. I had a wedding to go to and tried to tone down my very blonde hair (after holiday), but it turned ash grey. Rushed to my hairdresser who added a toner, but I still looked like a witch. Tried this formula and it really did work. My hair is now a more natural blonde colour.
hair coloring tip
Comments By:
ashleeeeee on 2008-08-09
Well ive been reading results and they sound great. Im sitting here with it on my hair and its been about 25 minutes. Im trying a hour cause i have a dark brown almost pure black. I will post another comment and tell you how it looks. i hope it works!!! :)
hair went black
Comments By:
Sharon on 2008-08-07
I Tried the lemon juice & Conditioner to take my hair from black to brown it did tone it down quiet a bit although I had to use more than you said because my hair is quiet long did I mind no way it was worth the result.
patiently waiting
Comments By:
ladyluckV8 on 2008-08-10
Yesterday, used Castings semi permanent in lightest blonde, turned out grey green. (My natural colour is dark blonde almost mousey brown) I have coloured my hair blonde for ever, and have always been bright blonde. Not last night! After using semi permanent for a change from hairdressers bleaches and tints - hair looked nothing like it said on the box! So, found your tip on lemon/conditioner - trying it right now - will let you know the result. Only prob is Ive used all the lemon juice i had in the house 3 parts lemon to one part conditioner (johnfreida blonde)and im supposed to be rinsing it out with lemon juice....o well we shall see.......
patiently waiting
Comments By:
ladyluckv8 on 2008-08-10
iv done it! and the grey and green has definitely gone - the result is like a champagne blonde. not as bright as before but its not goin to glad i dont need to visit the hairdressers and will try this again tomorrow to see if it will become lighter again......fabulous....happy now! many thanks!
thank you :)
Comments By:
Claire on 2008-08-12
I had really blonde hair and wanted to colour it a light brown, so I used a L'oreal colour gloss in Iced Latte thinking it would be ok. How wrong I was!! When I rinsed the dye out it was very, very dark brown, with some murky grey tinge also. I panicked, went on the internet for some hope of a quick fix and found this! The next day I went out and bought some lemon juice.
I mixed 4 parts lemon juice to 1 part conditioner ( I used one from Boots, from the Naked range), coated my hair in it and wrapped it in cling film and a towel. I left this on for an hour, then took the towel and film off and dried my hair with the hairdryer on its hottest heat until it was about 70% dry, and after that I rinsed it out using only water, no products. I saw a little bit of colour come out but not much so I wasnt hopeful. But as I was blowdrying my hair I noticed it was about 2/3 shades lighter with some blonde poking through. Its now a medium brown (a little bit orange but still!) and a lot more liveable! So it does work!
Comments By:
ashleeeee on 2008-08-12
well yeah it does lighten. my almost pure black hair looks pretty good.
its so many colors though like a gold on top in a highlights way and then its dark brown then unders black. ahh. but it looks pretty good. this tip is a good hair quick fixer try it it wont hurt! ;)
Absolutely a life saver!! Thanks a Million!!
Comments By:
Tyler on 2008-08-17
I am a very light almost platinum blonde, I went to my hairdresser as usual to get my roots done and I mentioned to her that I had a little bit of gold in my hair last time, she said ok, she did everything as usual and then toned my hair and left the toner on too long, and the top of my hair was ash grey,she then said don't worry it will just wash out. Uh NO it didn't!!! I went home and washed it 3 times..I swear it got worse...then I searched to whole internet, and went to 2 beauty supply stores bought all kind of dye removal products...and this tip worked out of all of it!! Thank you!!
Wish i had seen this sooner
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anon on 2008-08-19
I had dyed medium brown hair with a few blonde highlights and thought i would put a richer brown on, biggest mistake ever it turned nearly black, i washed it with every thing going including washing powder, a small amount of dye came out but so did my highlights, my fringe is now about a quarter of an inch long where my hair has broken off, it's too short to pin back as the ends all stand up, im going to try this tomorrow just to get the dark colour out and ive had to order a wig from hothair in desperation, that will teaach me, i just wish i had never touched my hair in the first place.
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adele on 2008-08-20
Ive had my hair dyed for about a year maybe,im natrually ginger but im tired of re-dyeing it due to roots,any idea if the the stripping does actually work and wud it b possible to down it brown afta???
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Anon on 2008-08-21
I was in so much shock that I couldnt even cry when I saw my hair after trying Natural Instincts Dark Natural Blonde. I had dyed my hair a few days ago and it turned bright yellow with orangish highlights so I knew that by using a natural color, it would neutralize the highlighter colors. It did not work out the way I expected. I came out of the shower and stood there for 5 minutes in disbelief. The top of my head was a dark beige and the mid to end of my hair was a purplish grey. This had happened to me before two years ago and I thought my hair died so I had it cut really short. I didnt want to through with all of that again so I immediately went online to see what came up. Thats when I almost started crying when I saw this. I took the conditioner that the hair color box provided and mixed it with lemon juice that comes in the bottle. I mixed a sh*tload of it and soaked my hair in it. I took the idea of a few others here and wrapped my head in seran wrap, I didnt towel dry my hair before, I just wrapped it soaking wet in the plastic. I made a skin tight shower cap and let it alone for two hours and every half hour I used my hairdryer on it. Sometimes I squeezed the lemon juice under the cap until it was all gone between the 2 hrs. I washed out in clear water, I didnt see the color running out but I think its because I used a blonde color. Anyway, I take a look after towel-drying and my hair was a normal color!! Its a dark natural looking blonde, the lemon juice conditioner also completely evened out my hair color. Where before it was a lighter blonde on top going into a light to a dark orange on the bottom, my hair is completely one color top to bottom. Its amazing! I applied some more pure lemon juice sans the conditioner and soaked my hair in it again, and it lightened it even more. I've been keeping it in for the past 2.5 hours and I plan on keeping it until the next morning. I cannot tell you how grateful and thankful I am that I found this tip, I have to go to work tomorrow and it was embarrassing enough to be seen with highlighter hair, let alone with gray. I'm not totally thrilled with my hair color now, but its a lot better than it was earlier. Thank you again!!
Does it work?
Comments By:
Tammy on 2008-08-26
Will this work if the color has been on for about 1 week?
this works on asian hair too!!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-08-29
What the heck?! it's true! it does work! I first tried Garnier's # 43 dark golden brown more than a month after having my hair "cellophaned" by my stylist with mahogany (it washed my fair yellow toned skin out it didn't work for me) hoping that it would tone down the redness but my hair turned even more black than my real black-brown hair. A week later I got Revlon's #54 light golden brown hoping to see better results but all I got was semi-brown hair 2 inches from the roots and really black onwards till the end of my elbow-length hair- not only that my hair was sooo dry it felt like my hair had sand everytime I shampooed. I contemplated between suicide,just begging for my stylist's forgiveness or bleaching my hair until I found this fairy godmothersite this afternoon. I didn't think it would work since asian hair's different & it's been over a month since I last dyed it but conveniently I had more than enough lemons in the kitchen to make the magic potion, what's the harm in trying right? How much damage can I still do to my hair anyway? I might as well deep fry it if this still didn't work.
I mixed 1 cup of lemon juice & 1/4 cup of hair mask, massaged it in my dry hair, put the shower cap on and continued to scroll down the screen since I didn't notice that there was a response column below it. Well, well, there's a lot of positive responses & I slowly begin to get my hopes up. I left it on for 1 hour, blow dried it until crunchy just as a lady described it & I noticed that the ends were now just as brown as my roots. I rinsed my hair with hot water first, then rinsed with the lemon juice. My hair didn't feel all sandy anymore too! I put loreal leave on conditioner before blow drying it again and I AM SO, SO VERY HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS! My hair has gone super shiny, and the color to me looks like alexis bledel's- a dominant rich dark brown, with a medium brown highlights with just a small hint of red when under some light. It's just the shade I was looking for before I ever made a huge mess of things. THANK YOU VERY MUCH- YOU DESERVE AN AWARD!
help help help
Comments By:
JELLYTOTS on 2008-08-29
i am in the process now of the lemon and conditioner. im a naturalbrown but going very grey at the roots for some time now, so...... i bleached my hair myself and it went orange so i bleached it again and it was so bright white i looked like radiadion, i was practacly glowing, so....
my mum told me to put an ash blond toner on it and it went metalic silver grey, my son was devestaTED WHEN HE SAW ME WITH SILVER GREY HAIR SO I THEN PUT ON A LIGHT BROWN, AND IT TURNED GREEN.....
This really works!!!!
Comments By:
DAISI on 2008-08-29
I usually dye my hair every couple of months with a beige blonde to cover some greys in my naturally blonde hair. Instead of my usual champagne blonde from feria I bought a light ash blonde from another mfr. The test strand was fine but when I did my whole head I was horrified at the way the ash made me look so tired and how un-natural it looked. My first reaction was to buy color remover but was hesitant to use it after reading that so many people destroyed their hair with that stuff. My hair is long - more than halfway down my back - so cutting isn't an option, nor is letting it grow out. I came across this tip and figured I'd try it first and IT WORKED! I dumped the mixture on my hair, blow dried for a few minutes then put on a plastic cap for about a half hour. Rinsed with lemon juice then washed it with dish detergent for good measure (I read that this also removes some color if it is fresh) and conditioned again. I am thrilled that after this process my hair is back to it's natural looking blonde with sunny highlights...all traces of the ash are gone! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
What a life saver!
Comments By:
Danny on 2008-09-04
I dyed my hair from a light blonde to a medium blonde colour and the outcome was a horrible grey/green colour. I washed it many times before trying another colour which was a light blonde. This made it even worse. The hairdresser suggested I try washing it with Head & Shoulders but it made no difference. After reading all these comments I squeezed my lemons and mixed them with conditioner and left it on for 45 mins and I am now so happy as I have my normal hair colour back.
doing it now!!
Comments By:
HL on 2008-09-07
i am at this very moment mixing lemon juice into my best mates hair, it seems like a very weird thing to do as ive never heard of it before, how long do you reckon we should leave it?
hope this works!
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-09-07
well I've dyed my hair most colours over the past 15 years but I'v emade a mess this time (not the first time) My hair is naturally a medium golden brown but it usually looks washed out so I dye it, I've been going for a dark warm brown over the past year but decided I wanted to go darker as I love the look of real dark brunettes. I wanted a really dark brown with warm highlights in it - disaster its gone BLACK BLACK BLACK - and its horrible with my skin tone!
Just trying this tip now, have mixed 90ml of lemon juice (squeezed) with 30ml conditioner and brushed some of it thorugh. I plan to sleep with it in then rinse it out and do another lot in the morning blowdrying it this time before I go to work in the afternoon.
I would like a tip on how to make my light hair a bit darker as it way too light. I used to be a dar
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theresa bradford on 2008-09-22
I need help to get it dark brown again without resorting to chemicals again as i am alergic to commercial home dyes.
Color burguny not honey chestnut
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LA Girl on 2008-09-26
Last night I colored the crown of my head using a permanent honey bronze color and now my hair is reddish burgundy. I have an event tomorrow and want to match the top portion with the dark brown. What can I do to get the honey bronze color I desire in 24 hours without going to a colorist?
OMG thank you jesus =D
Comments By:
Hilary on 2008-10-06
i tried dying my champange blond hair dark blond and it came out brown with blue/green tips! but i put this in and left it over night. and my hair looks and feels 10x better and the color is amazing =D
Sorry but does not work for me
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New Hampshire on 2008-10-23
It did not work in my hair.. naturally dirty blonde, bleached and redyed but the redye made it bronze/red in color? Tried this method using the correct measurements, but it did not work.
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-10-26
I had always had my hair highlighted blonde(full head) in a professional hairdressers, but now being a poor student i decided to try a do it urself dye to save money! I use a hair lightener and this worked fine except gave me YELLOW roots!! it was awful! so then a few days after, i bought a laight ash blonde loreal excellence creme dye..thinking this would tone down my horrible yellow roots!How wrong was I! My hair turned out GREY!!! altough my roots were less yellow. Not knowing what on earth to do i came on the internet for some help, i couldnt even leav the house lookin like this. And i tried this..mixing lemon juice with conditioner and leaving it on my hair wrapped in cling film for around an hour. i then dried it off slightly then rinsed my hair in more lemon juice. i then dried my hair as usual..and the greyness has gone! yey! but i want to go get proper highlights done in a hairdresers soom..maybe tomoro? do u think this would b a bad idea?
YELLOW!!! gone thankyou
Comments By:
Donna on 2008-10-31
I thought Id give it a try but I used lime juice twice as I had no lemon and it worked. Although its not the colour I want it has took the disgusting yellow away and made it lighter i am gona get lemon juice and do it again hopefully I will get an even better result. THANKYOU
YELLOW!!!!!!!! please help
Comments By:
Donna on 2008-10-31
I put plantnium blonde dye onto my dull dark blonde hair and it has came out yellow its disgusting please help me someone
Worked! Thank you so much!
Comments By:
LizG on 2008-11-09
After reading all the positive comments, I decided to try this. I had been to a hair salon and this MORON put highlights (low lights and high) over ALL my hair. She had the chair turned away from the mirror and I was reading a magazine and by the time I saw she was highlighting all the hair, it was too late. I specified "no ash" but, alas, the low light was ash. Worse, she weaved the highlights together, creating this flat blah blonde with a certain green undertone, defeating the definition of highlights in the first place. Man, was I pissed! And it cost me $140 for this abomination. So, after internet research, and seeing all the good comments, I mixed about 2/3 lemon juice (the kind from the yellow plastic bottle by the lemons) and 1/3 good conditioner. I put it all over my hair. Put the blow dryer over it 3 minutes to warm it, then put a clear plastic cap on and sat in the sun. I think it's the heat element that activates the lemon, so the sun is not crucial. I left it on an hour, then leaned over the sink, poured a good dose of lemon into the mixture, and ran it thru hair, then rinsed. Then shampoo and conditioner. the green is just a hint, but more blonde and clean now. Back to my old self instead of this witchy hag.
Hoping this will work...
Comments By:
Anon on 2008-11-09
I decided to try this fix after ending up with almost-black hair when I wanted dark brown. The last time I colored my hair was BEFORE I got a perm (a month and 1/2 ago) so I figure that has something to do with the darker color Id never gotten before. Hopefully this will take out the blackish edges and get me back to the chocolaty brown I wanted! :(
*****SAVED MY HAIR!!!!******
Comments By:
anon on 2008-11-21
2 days ago i dyed my hair "natural brown"......i dont think so, it went very much BLACK!!! im not plae but it didnt suit my face as i had recently had a fringe cut in and the dark colour was too much for my face. so i serched the web looking for a quick fix. I came across the lemon juice solution, so u got in my car went and bought 6 lemons....lemon juice was sold out!
squeezed them into a pint glass, they filled about 2/3 of it. i then added 1/3 of conditioner. it says deep conditioner but i used my normal everyday one. i then squeezed the excess out, covered my head in cling film and left it for about an hour. i washed it out and none of the dye seemed to be coming out and my hair looked no different. so i blowed dried it and wow it changed!! there was still some dark bit but it had lightened alot of it, to a really warm brown so it looked like natural highlights. the fringe lifted aswel so i was very very happy. im going to do it for the next two days to hopefully lighten it a bit more but it definitely worked for me!!
Didn't do Lemon Juice but here's my $15 fix......
Comments By:
Karina on 2008-11-23
I too messed up my hair....what was supposed to be a medium brown with red shades turned out a very dark burgandy/wine/purple color.....nothing near what I wanted, and a color that looked completely unnatural! I saw this lemon juice advise and considered it but was afraid it would turn the burgandy wrong and I'd end up after further research I combined 3 things I heard....I don't know which one worked but one did! My hair is now the color I wanted, a med brown with soft red tones...not deep super dark burgandy/purple!
First I threw a handful of vitamin C pills into the coffee grinder and ground them up, I mixed them with my usual shampoo (Nexxus Therape) and made a paste. (adjust the quantity to hair length, mine quite long) General is 1 part vitamin C to 2 parts shampoo. I wet my hair, applied paste very liberally so hair was saturated and left it on for 15 minutes. Rinsed.
I then did a hot oil treatment. Rinse.
I then washed it with Neutragena T Gel shampoo. Rinse.
Used my normal conditioner (Nexxus Humectress) coated hair and left in.
Vitamin C - $6
Hot Oil - $3
Nutragena Shampoo - $6
All 3 I saw in other sites recommended to remove hair dye...I did them all right in a row, so I don't know which worked...but something did as my hair color looks great now! It totally removed the darkness of the color and the purple tint...if your trying to completely remove color I've heard leave Vit C mix for an hour...I was only trying to lighten, and it did that for me!
Thank goodness for lemon juice!
Comments By:
MrsS on 2008-11-29
I coloured my hair last night from a dark blonde to a natural light ash brown (as it said on the packet!) but my hair came out really dark brown. As I have fair skin it made me look sickly! I tried the lemon juice today and thank god it's worked! My hair is now a medium brown. I
I used 3/4 cup of lemon juice mixed with 1/4 cup normal conditioner, slathered it all over my hair and left it for an hour then blow dried it for 10 minutes. I rinsed it out the mixture in the shower and blow dried again and it's definately lighter. I didn't see any dye come out in the shower so was sceptical this was going to work, but it has!
Comments By:
Gabriela on 2008-12-08
ive got the mixture in my hair now and im waiting hopefully!! i rlly hope this works as i dyed my hair blue black. I did like it at first but it has faded to a purpley dark reddish brown and looks YUCK!!!!
i really hope this works as i dont want to have to strip the dye out of my hair =]
Comments By:
JEN on 2008-12-09
man, i was so hoping this would work. I don even wanna go out in public. I wont lie, i did notice a bit of a change after i tried this but my roots are kindy orangy now. I was oroginally bleach blonde and wanted to go dark blonde, so a few days ago i dyed it but it went like an ashy/purple color, and omg, im going to cry:( im going to do it again. Maybe i used to much conditioner, LOL ummm ya, i think that might have been it, My hair had wayy to much condioner in it, it wouldnt even dry at all. Hmmmm ill come back and let u know how it went. Maybe the hair dryer is was does the major fix. I JUST dont want orange roots.
try it.....worked like a charm!
Comments By:
Tess on 2008-12-15
Dyed my naturally dark blonde hair 2 days ago to dark brown but it came out black!! awful beyond belief! gothic was not the look I was going for at all... i have very pale skin made me look all washed out and didnt suit my usual subtle make up at all...felt like crying. I found this site and decided to give it a go... I mixed up 1 part conditioner to 3 parts lemon juice (from a bottle i had in the fridge!) mixed it up and massaged in all over my hair, wrapped in a towel and left for about 35 mins. i then blow dried and immediately rinced with lemon juice, washed with head and shoulders, conditioned again and blow dried as normal.... hair is about 2 shades lighter....a lovely chocolate brown, i am going to do it again tomorrow to lighten again. thanks so much.... hair nightmare is over.
Get compenation for hair gone wrong
Comments By:
jim cruise on 2008-12-16
When i had my hair colour done wrong from a local salon i made a claims from and got some compensation in the pot :)
Great Tip!
Comments By:
Much Happier on 2008-12-23
I have been freaking out for days, repeatedly shampooing my hair because it turned an ashy green/gray when a new hairdresser attempted to take some of the brassiness out of my blond hair. IT LOOKED TERRIBLE! I stumbled upon this tip and gave it a whirl. I mixed the conditioner & lemon juice and massaged it into my hair. I then put it up in a shower cap and left it on for an hour before shampooing. It made a HUGE difference. I am really impressed! There is still some ashiness in it but its much much better. Thanks so much!!!
Comments By:
Ali on 2009-01-29
I wanted to dye my hair dark brown and was horrified that it came out jet black, panick set in so i searched for ideas on the internet, i came across this site and decided to give this method ago, it really worked my hair is now a lovely chocolate brown colour thanks to the lemon juice and conditioner i did do it again the folloeing day and it is lovely now, i would definately recommend it to anyone.
hair too blonde
Comments By:
anon on 2009-02-02
my hair is too blonde plus it's a bit yellow on the ends, how can i tone it down without it going too dark ?
Worth A Shot!
Comments By:
Leah on 2009-01-18
So does it work better if you put the micture on dry or damp hair?
It Does Work....
Comments By:
Karen on 2009-01-23
My hair is a golden brown and wanted to go a bit darker but to my horror what should have been a shade darker is now BLACK, I found this tip and gave it ago, it has worked a little and I am sure if i keep repeating the process I will get back to a colour I happy with.
Comments By:
anon on 2009-01-03
I used semi dye and my hair went black. Its been in for a month now but its not really fading except for some patches and I'm getting regrowth. Do you think this will help the black fade? And will it make the regrowth lighter?
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ABBIE on 2009-01-07
WOW! :)
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Alissa x on 2009-01-08
Ok, so I had blonde hair but had my roots showing through so I decided to use an all over colour to do my roots and the rest of the hair too... Big Mistake! I used a Loreal Feria colour which seems to be what others have also used and acheieved what can only be described as GREY hair! :( :(
Well, as others have said I was a little skeptical when reading all this that it would actually work, but thought there wasn't to be anything lost from trying.
Tried the mixture, with 3 fresh lemons and the good conditioner, waited about an hour, blow dried it on the hot setting, rinsed out with a bit of washing up liquid and followed by shampoo.... et Voila! My hair's now great, almost back to normal. So Guys, this totally works!
Thanks for the tip! :) x
Whoever you are... You are BRILLIANT!!!
Comments By:
Anne Hopkins on 2009-01-08
I was a bit panic stricken this week.. My hair looked the best it's been in a LONG time, I just needed a color touch up.. Did my usual color job.. (blond - L'Oreal excellence) but this time it turned a grey/green gross ashy color!!! It would have been perfect for Halloween, but here I am packing to leave for the Dominican tomorrow evening with the worst hair I've ever had in my life!! Couldn't get my friend who's a Salon owner to book me in.. too busy.. so I researched on the web, looking for some natural solution.. and found you! Just happened to have a lemon in my fridge.. and gave it a go!!! Nothing to lose! Now, my hair is back to it's normal color.. of blond!!! Thank you sooo much for posting this page!! I'm doing it for a bit again tonight.. just to make sure it's for real.. and taking a lemon with me, just in case the chlorine does a little number on my head.. Huge hugs from me.. and if I had your address.. I'd send a postcard!!! xx
No more ashy grey !
Comments By:
Marilyn on 2009-01-11
This really does work. I had been using an extra light ash blond from L'Oreal (Blondissmes)for years because I have red undertones. I wanted to go a shade darker, so I tried the Light Ash Blond from L'Oreal, and it was really dark. I recolored my hair with the Blondissmes and it turned an awful ashy grey. I was almost in tears. I came across this remedy and tried it this afternoon. All of the grey is gone, and my hair is back to the original blond I had been using. I am going to stick with this color and not do anymore experimenting. You're a lifesaver!
Meyer lemons for California blonde!
Comments By:
Jennifer on 2009-01-12
Couldn't stand my dark roots with the blonde hair anymore. Money is tight so decided to color my own hair. The Loreal medium ash matched my roots so put it on this afternoon. Like everyone else on this site, my hair turned grey/green - not the color on the box! Ran to my computer to see what I could do (what did we do before the internet?!) and found this site. I immediately ran outside and grabbed lemons. Threw it on my hair and wow! my scalp burned like crazy. Then when grabbing a towel lemon juice went in my eye! Wow again! Anyway, I just rinsed out my lemony hair and the greenish gray is now more of a dull blonde. Thank you. I don't have to take a day off work tomorrow. I will treat my lemon tree to some fertilizer tomorrow.
Comments By:
Anh on 2009-02-05
IT was like a miracle. Left the mixture in for 1 hour, and some of the ugly black dye was removed..not all but some so it's much softer looking than before!! WOW!!! THANK YOU!!
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Eliana. x3 on 2009-02-05
ive got like really dark brown/black hair and most of it at the bottom has gone lightish brown, but i wanna die half me hair platinum blonde, but if lookd everywere on the internet and it says if i use bleach it will reck me hair, so im thinkin of tryin elimin8 by rusk but what colour will my hair turn wen i wash it off and can i die it platinum blonde as soon as i wash it off and were can i buy elimin8 by rusk from ? i would REALLY like helpp haha cheers x
Give this a try!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-02-06
This is a fantastic tip. Just like the others on here, I got the bright idea to color my hair myself. I have a light dirty blonde color and decided to go "Dark Blonde" ended up with grey and purple! Tried another dye that lightened it up but still had grey/purple with orange roots..Lovely,ha! Found this tip online and figured it was worth a try..I didn't follow exact measurements with the lemon juice and conditioner, just guessed. Put it on, blow dried until crunchy then left on for about an hour. Washed and conditioned hair- and it came out so much better. Did it again the next day (just for good measure) and it is my normal shade of blonde and looks great! Thank you so much for this tip!
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Charlie on 2009-02-13
Im 16 and i have dyed my hair many colours, brown,purple,black,red, blonde with of course many mishaps lol. I had bleached my hair and it started to grow out so i thought i would dye it back to my natural colour.I brought an ash blonde,BAD MOVE lol.It came out a dark ashy grey colour with a slight green tinge to it. and then i stubbled aross this site. At first i was skeptical,but i tired this method & when i combed the stuff through my hair,i could see the colour comming out in the conditioner :) now my hair is more golden than grey/green :)Amaizing.I have to say, I love you lol
Something that actually worked!
Comments By:
Jen on 2009-02-25
I have blonde hair, I had it black back in october, then fixed so it was blonde again. it was a strawberry blonde and I dyed my hair last night, I guess it had "ash" in the color title. Well it turned my hair GRAY with a green tinge to it. I did this just the way it says, but rinsed it out about 20 minutes later, dried it and the grey and the green tinge were gone, just blonde hair...Thankl yoooou thank you thank you
didnt work....made worse!!!!
Comments By:
emma on 2009-02-26
turned my hair orange....bad idea. just get your hair stripped at a salon. and have them fix it!!!
Awesome.. Miracle cure!
Comments By:
Carrie on 2009-03-04
I always had dyed blonde hair but had toned it down to just a few blonde streaks.. Lately decided to go back to all over blonde only to find that my natural hair colour had darkened over the years.. It was horrendous, and the roots came thru after 2 weeks and they were BLACK!!! so i decided to dye my hair medium brown but with my hair being so pourus after the blonde dye the brown dye took so quickly and my hair turned a shade lighter than black(this was not what i had in mind!!)Went home and tried the lemon juice mix and after about 15 mins i could see it lighten my hair..I blow dried then to as dry as i could manage with the mixture still on and Rinsed it off with more lemon juice and i could see dye run out of my hair. When i blow dried it it was a lovely dark drown colour. Its gorgeous!! I cannot believe it.. Thank you so so so so much !!xxxx
Comments By:
Agnes on 2009-03-11
I have a very light blonde hair and I decided to use the over-the-counter hair dye (to cover my roots, but foolishly also apply it all over my head...). My hair turned into this horrific greyish-greenish-bluish hue! I was mortified!!!!! So, (in tears) I started to browse the web for some quick fixing tips. Your suggestion had saved my hair!!! I kept the lemon juice/conditioner on my head for 1 hour and ALL ugliness completely (literally -completely!) faded away. If anything, my hair now looks even better than before. Thanks so much -- you're the best!!!!!
It Worked!! Thank God!!!
Comments By:
Bean on 2009-03-13
My hair is colored a light blonde. I bought an over the counter kit to touch up my roots. I did not think nothing of it and pull it all over my hair. Well my hair turned a BLUE/GRAY color. It looked Really Bad!! So I tried this and it WORKED!! Thank U Sooo Much!!! : )
i couldnt believe how well this works!!!
Comments By:
christine on 2009-03-21
i usually wear my hair bleached blonde, and yest i decided to go a shade darker, and a shade darker turned into gray hair! i swear my hair was silver! i didnt know what to do i started to cry.around3am i decided to chk online and came across this,and THANK GOD!!i must say i did this with absolutely NO hope at all whatsoever. i mixed 100%lemon juice w mastey cond. 3to1,i saturated my hair in it,lightly towel dried it, then dried it on high heat. i left the mixture on my hair for 1hour. Then,in the shower i rinsed my hair with 1cup of lemon juice and shamp and cond as usual and i must say, when i looked into the mirror, NO MORE GRAY!! my hair is now a nice beige blonde i love it, THANK U SOOO MUCH FOR THIS TIP!
Amazing !!!
Comments By:
urshie on 2009-03-19
Like the rest, I've been skeptical about this thing, but after reading the reviews I've decided to give it a try. I always had blonde hair but this time when I colored it ash blonde (cause I wanted a lighter version of the blonde like on the cover) it turned completely grey and it made me look extreeemely old, like I'm literally an old woman with a young face. So I mixed the conditioner and my dad's favourite 100% lemon juice, put it on and left it for about half an hour, rapped it and put a towel on the wrapped head to keep the heat in, left it for another half an hour, then blow dried it, rinsed again with lemon juice and shampooed like normally - not a hint left of grey - I mean WOW!!! I'm still hyped about it :D thank you so so so much!!! I couldn't ask for a better colour, it's so bright and sunny now, I can go on the beach with ease :) Thanks again!
Comments By:
Zoe on 2009-03-23
I am currently sat with the lemon juice/ conditioner on my hair. I used schwarzkoft live XXL ice blonde but found it was abit 2 bright so decided i wanted it a little darker. This morning I put on schwarzkoft ultimate gloss champayne blonde but notice it had turned purple. Went hunting on google as I needed a quick fix and found this page. Sent my mum 2 the shops 4 a bottle of lemon juice and some different hair dye. After applying the lemon juice and conditioner to my hair 4 an hour in a shower cap, washed it off and the purple had gone but it was a very dull white colour so then used nice and easy baby blonde which was going darker but then changed 2 a green colour, so again washed off the hair dye and covered my hair again in lemon juice and conditioner. i no its going 2 go a pale colour again which is better than purple or green but what on earth am i suppose 2 do now 2 get an even all over golden blonde colour?!!!
Comments By:
Sam on 2009-03-22
I also decided to use ash blonde on my bleached hair.... I have orange roots with a beautiful rainbow of silver, blue and green streaks running thru my hair. Tomorrow I am going to the store and buying lemon juice and trying this... I will love you forver if this works I look RIDICULOUS!! hahaha thank you very much I am so excited to try this!
Comments By:
Mara Jade on 2009-03-24
I bleached my hair, it went yellow-orange,then I dyed it with a dark ash blonde (I know...Duh..) to attempt to minimize the brassiness...and got a hideous grey green...did the lemon and conditioner thing that night, and HALLELUJAH!!! Beautiful, light blonde, shiny, soft, dare I say almost natural looking hair!!! Thank you thank you thank you from British Columbia!!! :)
In the process right now!
Comments By:
Trinket on 2009-03-26
I'm sitting here with the mixture on my head. PRAYING for a miracle. Three days ago my hair got completely ruined at a HAIR SALON, of all places. I put my trust in a professional who has been doing this for 6 years, and she ruined my hair. I was a blonde, but decided to go a medium brown with blonde highlights. I turned a dark grey/silver/green!!! Needless to say I can't leave the house as I'm completely mortified. I'm crossing my fingers that this works:) I'll let you know in about... 40 minutes!!
Comments By:
trinket on 2009-03-26
I just finished the treatment. I put 1/3 cup of conditioner. Herbal Essance to be exact. (for dry/damaged) & 3/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemons. Approximately 2 large lemons. Mixed the 2 together and applied it to my hair. I made sure to saturate all of it and worked it all in. I left it on for a good hour. I could literally see the ugly ash/grey lift out of my hair. I watched the highlights brighten! Finally I was able to rinse it with lemon juice, then proceed with regular wash. I washed with Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo. It's a clarifying shampoo so it helped clear away any access crap left over. When I rinsed and dried my hair I couldn't believe my eyes! My hair was a beautiful light brown color with gorgeous multi-tonal highlights throughout. Unbelieveable. All I can say is thank you sooooo very much for this tip. You seriously saved me from bleaching out my whole head! (which is what my next step was gonna be :s) Lots of love to ya!!!
Blown Away.. With gorgeous Hair!
Comments By:
PoorPlatinum on 2009-03-29
After bleaching my dark roots (as I always do when they grow in) I figured trying a toner with a platinum hue (base Blue/Violet) would tone my blonde to the color in mind..Wrong!! Should of used the other toner but didn't and now had BLUE hair streaks with GREY base!! How am I to step out like this to go to the supply store.? Again? Must say, this HOME REMEDY should be in the book of records cause now I'm more a blonde bomb shell than I ever imagined to turn out!! Golden color with great highlights! You are sent from HEAVEN!!!
Removed purplish grey tinge
Comments By:
Claire on 2009-04-05
I tried unsuccessfully to darken my bleached yellow blonde hair with Belle Colour's Medium Blonde. It turned a weird purply gray colour and looked really dull and lifeless.
I tried your tip in desperation, leaving the lemon juice /conditioner on for only half an hour before rinsing. And it worked!!
My hair is now a lovely medium golden blonde colour with no brassiness at all, and most importantly no purple/grey ends. Its also really shiny and looks healthy and natural.
Thank you so much - you've saved my hair!!
Comments By:
El on 2009-04-05
I went from bleach, bleach white blonde to dark dark chocolate brown today (by choice - at the hairdresser!) but it came out BLACK (except around the roots where it was a lovely dark brown).
I mixed about 10mL conditioner with 30mL lemon juice (from a bottle) and put it on dry hair, left it about 45 mins and voila! I rinsed with pure lemon juice then jumped in shower and used Head&Shoulders shampoo and normal conditioner ... has made it a gorgeous chocolate brown!
Did the ends again for another 20 mins, as they were the blackest bit, and the result is a lovely all over colour.
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU as this natural remedy can definitley work!!!!
Good luck to all!
The most valuable hair advice I have ever read!
Comments By:
DP on 2009-04-06
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much! I have had numerous colour disasters and had to wait for the colour to fade. This time.. I dyed my honey coloured blonde hair an ash colour and was left with grey/green! I found this advice, took a rather embarassing trip to the supermarket, and hey presto! The grey green has completely gone! You saved my life!!
Pleasse Help !
Comments By:
Terri wilson on 2009-04-13
About 2 mths ago I was completely grey and my daughter talked me into applying a medium brown and it looked great until it started growing out and the roots started to show the grey again so I decided to frost it with Loreal Frost and Design. I have a head full of orange and yellow and I don't know what to do . How long do I wait until I apply a darker color over my hair ?
Also waiting
Comments By:
Shell on 2009-04-19
I went to my stylist who I have gone to for 10 years...we have always done my hair various shades of blond. Well, I wanted to spice things up abit and asked for red. She put blonde highlights and a alburn base. It washed out after the 1st wash, so the next day I went back for another go. She went with an all over medium red brown and it turned purple. I am praying that this comes out with this trick...Will post more soon!
Didn't work for me either...
Comments By:
blueovalgal on 2009-04-20
Maybe it works best when you have lighter colored hair though I'm confused why it worked for some people with dark brown hair accidentally dyed black. It didn't work for me and I left the mix in my hair for more than an hour. Oh. well.
Worked on a disasterous red shade
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-04-23
I'm mousey blonde. I was hoping to spice things up a bit with a red shade - it came out mahagoney. Tried this treatment and was amazed that it took out 90% of the color and gave my natural hair a nice conditioning/shine with highlights.
Comments By:
Sharon on 2009-04-27
What do you mean by 3 parts lemon juice and 1 part conditioner? how much of each should I use? and how long should I leave it on for? I'm really desperate, I tried to dye my hair dark ash brown and it came out wrong. My roots came out brown and my ends look black. It's two different colors now and looks awful. Please let me know what to do.
Can't actually believe it!
Comments By:
Jane on 2009-04-28
I am absolutely amazed. Dyed over my very blonde hair with a champagne blonde but it went grey and patchy...dyed over that with a beige blonde but still didn't get rid of the grey, just darkened my whole head. Saw this advice and thought I might as well give it a try and voila...most to all of the grey is gone and all of my hair is a honey blonde...still not the blonde I want but it's all even! I mean even more even than before, my roots match the rest of my hair for once! This is the most valuable piece of hair advice I have ever come across...thank you so much!
Comments By:
xxsianypantsxx on 2009-04-29
I know this has nothing 2 do with above comment but i was just wondering if some1 could help me.... my hair is naturally a kind of dark blonde colourd but ive been dying it dark for years... i lightened it and i have white roots and the rest is pinky-orange.. of i applied a frosted blonde dye over it would it cver the orange?
home diy blond hair dyes should be ILLEGAL
Comments By:
laura on 2009-05-03
yesterday i decided to go for the cheap option and attempt to dye my lovely blond highlighed hair because i was getting bad root regrowth. ive had bad experiences in the past with home dyes but thought "this time it will work". in the past i have gave in to the bad orange result i got and went dark brown. this time i used a product called smart blonde, omg my whole hair went white with bits of yellow(no orange tones this time tho) i looked awfull! really disgusting especially my roots. used an ash blonde by excellence and my hair also went green/gray. been crying for about an hour as this horror story gets worse. found this and immediatly felt possitive reading others stories. tried it and notice a difference. green tinge has nearly gone. will be doing again tomorrow as my hair needs a break i think. but definatly recommend to others in same position. will let u know how i get on tomorrow. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thank Goodness!!!
Comments By:
Susan on 2009-05-06
Thank goodness I found this tip! I have medium dark brown hair. I've been dying my hair for about 2 years to cover the gray. This morning I tried a different hair color (dark ash brown) and almost cried when I saw I had black hair. Luckily I found this hair fix. I used 1/4 cup conditioner and 3/4 cup of 100 % bottled lemon juice and massaged in my hair. I put a plastic cap over my hair and left this on for 45 minutes and then blew it dry until crispy. I then rinsed it out with hot water and followed with a rinse of lemon juice and then shampoo/conditioner. After blow drying it, amazingly, it now how back some of the brown highlights. I'm going to try this ritual again in a few days. Thanks again!
need help!
Comments By:
chloe on 2009-05-08
i haven't tried it yet but i aim plannin on but i was just wondering whether it will still work on my hair becasuse i dyed it quite a long time ago. so will it not work unless i dyed it dat day? And do you know any other tips that would help me, my hair is brown with black bits which is realli annoying.
neon yellow - green/grey - BLONDE!
Comments By:
Chloe on 2009-05-15
I swear... this is smazing.
Maybe it's not a well known technique because it would lose the salon industry cash, but it really, really, REALLY works.
my hair was bleached and looked extremely unnatural, so I had an a toner put on the hair. my hair was a lovely dishwatery grey with a hint of green... yum. NOT.
I thought my blonde phase was all over and I was preparing to go dark again but i came across this tip last night.
heres what i did - I squeezed about 5 small/medium lemons into a measuring cup.. about 150 mls. I then seperately measured out 50 mls of conditioner.. i mixed them together (i actually thought the fluid was a little too watery and was scared alot of it would go down the drain so i added another 30 - 50 mls of conditioner) i applied to DRY hair and made sure every part of it was covered.
I then blowdryed it for about 20 - 30 mins until it was almost dry. it doesnt have to be completely dry. I may have left it on longer but i could see my hair lighening up as i blowdryed and was unsure of the results so i decided to rinse.
just a note.. i know its common sense but make sure you apply the heat to all parts of the hair. its good to have a nozzle on your hairdryer so you can point the hot air DOWN the hairshaft, it'll prevent tangles and make it easier to work with
I rinsed my hair with warm water and then chucked the rest of the mixture I had left over on my hair.. i rubbed it in to the hair and then rinsed out again with water. then.. I shampooed.. rinsed with warm water... and then left plain conditioner on my hair for 15 minutes... rinsed again with warm water and VIOLA. blonde hair!
Thank you so much for the tip.
btw.. this procedure does NO damage to the condition of you hair. My hair is very weak after all the bleaching, and this did no further damage.
results will probably vary for people with LAYERS of hair colour.. and i hate to say it but box dye can stick to your hair like glue
It was 24 hours since I had the toner applied and that was professional colour... so my results were favourable
Comments By:
marie on 2009-05-15
I was a little bit scared about this,but watching so many positive comments about it made me give it a try.
I was about to cry and laugh and everything when my hair was dry.
I wanted a nice light brown color,but it just turned way so dark and I was desperate I didnt know what to do I really looked so bad and felt so bad.
Comments By:
Jennah on 2009-05-24
I tried this idea with all the positive comments and was very dissapointed. Followed all the instruction with 3/4 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 conditioner. BUT my hair wasn't died. I had a semi-light brown NATURAL hair and it turned out...semi-light brown hair... I will try again tomorrow and see what happens (:
thank uuuuuu so much
Comments By:
scottish-chick on 2009-05-25
thank you so much i actually am crying, unlike everyone else on thismy hair went grey/blue, this worked perfect.
Thanks for the this worked well!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-06-01
I used this tip after I left my usual (permanent)color on too long (thinking it would last longer, duh). This was a life saver. My hair looked painted, it was so dark and I am fair skinned. My hair is naturally red and I color it my regular color to hide some greying. I bought 5 lemons and used about 3/4 cup lemon juice mixed with 1/4 cup conditioner and used the rest of the lemon juice for the last rinsing. I saturated my hair and started blow drying for about 40 minutes, until my hair was almost dry and sticky. Then I poured the last of the lemon juice from the 2 other lemons on my hair and I could feel a tingle. I rinsed with warm water and my hair is perfect as it should have been, if not over processed. What a great tip! Thank you!
God Bless You!!!
Comments By:
Allie on 2009-06-08
Thank you so much for this tip. I was so emabarrassed and didn't know what I was going to do when my highlights turned a blue/purplish color. Did this and worked like a charm. Hair looks awesome!!! :)
I am so glad I found this site! It worked!
Comments By:
KerryO on 2009-06-08
My hair which has been bleached for the past three years was getting on my nerves. My roots kept showing through and I felt I should dye it light brown/dark blonde... and what do you know it turned out grey! I am soooo happy I found this site, it started working right away.. I'm doing it again and letting it sit in my hair as we speak! I don't know what kind of excuse I was gonna make up to miss work tomorrow due to grey hair and this website saved me. Thanks so much!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-06-10
My original hair color is a dark medium brown. I keep my hair colored a light brown almost blonde and have blonde highlights. My roots were about 2" growth and I had the brilliant idea to do my own hair because i used to-not thinking of the fact that my hair had been profesionally dyed/highlighted for about 4 years now! I used Feria Hi-Lift Cool Brown thinking it would take my hair to a light brown color and put it on my roots and all over hair. BIG MISTAKE! My roots turned out great but the parts where my hair had been highlighted blonde turned a gray/blue/silver that was just awful! I went to bed heartbroken with the idea that I woiuld call a stylist in the morning to see what they could do. I got up and just decided to see what I could find online while I was waiting for the salon to open and found this site. LIFESAVER! I mixed 3/4 Real Lemon and 1/4 conditioner, left it on my hair, put a shower cap on. After about 45 minutes, I used a blow dryer but not completely. I rinsed with some more lemon juice, then used Nuetrogena Anti-residue shampoo and conditioned as usual. The gray is gone and I was left with the brown/blonde highlighted hair I wanted! Thank you SO MUCH to whoever posted this and to everyone who commented because that's what made me try it!
Thank You!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-06-14
my hair was bleach blonde and I tried to dye it dark blonde and it turned and grey green color. i used this tip and it worked great now my hair is the color I wanted. Thank you so much for this tip!!!
Not so much
Comments By:
Eco on 2009-06-15
Been doing my own hair for years & I know better than to put ash on blonde hair but the box said "beige" and the color on the box & the swatch looked gold & platinum. Ended up with a green cast that's more obvious to me than others. Left this mix on 30 minutes, dried, rinsed, shampooed. Might have lightened up a bit but still has a green cast. I'll be going to my hairdresser.
straight away
Comments By:
greatful thanks on 2009-06-16
my hair should have gone blonde but went gray so i dyed it again went purple and gray thought i had nout to lose so tried the lemon mix saw resaults straight away .ps it works on permenent hair dye soz about spellings
Please help!
Comments By:
Elizabeth on 2009-06-16
I dyed my hair dark brown yesterday and it turned out black. So i tried the lemon thing today and i got no results. Please email me to tell me exactly how to do it or if you have any other ideas..
It Worked!!!
Comments By:
Stephanie on 2009-06-18
After trying to dye my hair a dark brown with black results, I looked for a remedy. I was skeptical at first glance but after reading the other comments I decided to try this process. IT WORKED! Now my hair is a lovely shade of dark brown (my intended color). I used 1/4 cup conditioner with 3/4 cup of lemon juice. I left it on for 1.5 hours and then blow dried it until almost dry. I rinsed with lemon juice and then used regular shampoo and conditioner. My hair is so pretty. Thank you for this genius solution to a common problem.
Shocked and happy
Comments By:
Shari on 2009-06-17
My hair had turned slightly orange from bleach/color. My hair sylist used a violet bleach to correct the orange, but it turned my hair a steely blue color in some places. I used the lemon conditioner mix and my hair looks much better. Thanks for the tip!
it really works
Comments By:
debbie on 2009-06-21
i died my hair with a medium chestnut brown colour. mmmm it went nearly black with red roots, so saw the lemon juice tip and tried it. now i have a lighter even reddish brown colour and all for 54 pence.
thank you it really does work
Comments By:
Martha on 2009-06-21
It didn't work for me, I dyed my hair Dark Brown and it turned out black.
well anyway ive done this twice now and still no change.
really disappointed.
not sure about this
Comments By:
Sarah on 2009-06-22
My honey blonde hair was lowlighted badly in a salon. They said they put two parts blonde (ash i think) and one part deep brown however it came out really dark and the contrast has made it look grey. I'm so disappointed because my hair was a lovely warm light blonde before this and it cost me £70!! I just tried this but it hasnt really worked for me, it still looks grey. I was hoping it would fade the dark brown as the contrast is awful but no luck, and its made my hair quite dry and frizzy too :( I'm glad this has worked for most others though. Its crazy how badly such a stupid thing as hair can make you feel. Does anyone know any other things which could help warm my hair up again??
dosent work.
Comments By:
Anon. on 2009-06-22
I got mine done at a salon and it ended up black. I tried this to make it go back to a medium brown..
and there was NO CHANGE.
not as blonde
Comments By:
KAREN on 2009-06-26
used wella streaking kit a few days ago it hasnt turned out as good as i had has went a golden colour instead of the blond i wanted.i have shoulder length dark brown hair so i think i should have used 2 boxed instead of the 1 that i just wondering if you think it would be ok to repeat the process with the same dye to see if i get a lighter result or do you think it will go green.??or do you think using the lemon idea might lighten it enough to look blonder or do you think it would just return me to brown??? HELP
It worked enough for me
Comments By:
Sue Williams on 2009-06-25
I went to a salon and told the woman I wanted a light/medium blond color,so she bleached it (why I don't know)and put a toner in it.I looked like Storm from X-Men it was so white! I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and got a darker toner and put it on my hair.It turned blue lol (just my luck) so I tried the lemon juice and left it on for 2 hours,rinsed,then put it on for another 2 hours and it worked enough for the blue to blend into my hair so it doesn't look silly! Now I can go on vacation! I'm still getting my money back from the salon! Thank you so much for your help!
trying it now!!!
Comments By:
ashley on 2009-07-13
i'm trying it now and really hope it works. trying to get my hair a darker brown ended up going black!! NO GOOD. so im trying this now and HOPING it will work!!!
Grey and Green
Comments By:
Maz on 2009-07-16
Thank you soooo much, dyed my hair with a Light ash blonde(L'oreal) OMG ive just aged 30years!!! tried the lemon juice trick and it Works, back to a lovley blonde colour.I left mine for 1hr and then added some more lemon juice, wrapped it in cling film left for another hour and then blow dryed,wash out with shampoo and cond.Thanks again
Blonde to Black
Comments By:
Bluebell on 2009-07-20
Trying your tip to lighten my hair. I am sitting with plastic bag over mixture. Will let you know how it goes.
lime juice?
Comments By:
Amy on 2009-07-17
Would lime juice give the same results?
Blue hair be gone!
Comments By:
Amy on 2009-07-17
I did not think this would work, but since I had everything I needed and I was off today I decided to try it and it really works! I have light blonde (dyed) hair that also has highlights throughout, when I noticed my hair looking brassy, I used toner to counteract it but must have left it on too long because all my highlights turned to light blue/violet streaks. I freaked out and searched the web for a remedy when I came across this tip. Theres no more blue streaks and it actully seemed to brighten me up all over which was nice! My hair feels softer and is shiny too.Whoever suggested this is genius!
It is awsome, red-purple-red
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red-head on 2009-07-21
I just wanted to have my red hair richer and I ended up with super dark, redish/purpleish hair. It looked awful. I tried to the tip 3 parts of lemon juice to 1 part conditioner, I left it in my hair for 1 hour then i dryed it and washed out my hair with the left over mixture a warm water and it is now a very nice rich red, still a little too dark for my taste, think I'm going to try it again tomorrow to see if it lightens it up some more, but a VAST difference, what a lifesaver!
Comments By:
Alana on 2009-08-04
i had beautiful bleach blonde hair, i decided my roots where annoying me so i would run to the supermarket and buy a champagne blonde to cover them... my hair went white but greyish, almost like i had put a blue rinse through old granny grey hair...:(
i went back and bought another, nice and easy ultra light natural blonde.... disaster! it went worse....
bearing in mind this all happened in the one night, i jumped onto the computer to find advice.... then rushed to get lemon juice.
i have just followed the procedure and i cannot thankyou enough for the results.... my beautiful platinum blonde is back!!!! :D:D honestly, whoever wrote this is god in my eyes... thank god for lemon juice and the internet... honestly this does work.... thank you again! and ive learned my lesson i will never buy cheap hair dye from the shop....xx
fingers crossed
Comments By:
becky on 2009-08-04
2 days ago i brought a Schwarzkopf Colour kit but i picked up the wrong one it was shades darker so i just thought that id try it to see what it looked like, I applied the colour and 10 minuites later i checked in the bathroom mirror and i was horrified to see grey and purple. I washed it out immediately and then blow dried my hair i looked like storm out of X-men :( i couldnt go out anywhere but ive just came across this site and read some of the comments soo i ran down stairs and made a mixture with canditioner and lemons. It seems to me that it doesnt really work on dark hair but im blonde and it apperently seems to work very well im just about to apply the mixture i hope it workss :/
brown to black---yuck
Comments By:
SOS on 2009-08-20
Iam going to try this after work, hope it works..Any more die on my hair, it might fall out......I hope it works, better than nuttin and going nuts
Will ALWAYS strip test from now on!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-08-23
One lesson I learned, I will never dye my hair again without strip testing first!
My hair was too blonde from summer highlites, had some regrowth, so I decided to 'tone it down' with a dark blond ash (permanent color. Well, that came out too ashy/sorta green tinged. So i figured to counter act the 'ashy/greenish' go with a golden dark blond ( used a semi permanent (THANK GOD)one of those 10 minute Natural Instincts semi's.
I actually checked my bangs after about 8 minutes and they were fine, but wow, my ends looked dark...left it on the 10 ( big mistake) washed bottom half of my hair was BLACK (this had NEVER happened to me before in all my years of coloring) The roots were the nice warm golden brown I wanted. UGH.
Found this advice with the lemon juice. Did it once, noticed a difference not black anymore but dark brown. Did the lemon juice again today ( wrapped my head in saran wrap with a towel for 1 hour, then towel dried and blow dried, then rinsed with more lemon juice- straight-rinsed in hot water, conditioned the hell out of it) Today I can really see the black is totally gone! The bottom half of my hair now matches the top and over all i have a medium brown with warm golden highlites ( not brassy or orange at all)It's still darker than I had planned...and I contemplated going for highlites to try and lighten my hair closer to the dark blonde I wanted, but now I am getting used to my darker hair and like the change.
Thanks for this lemon juice advice!!! and I am thinking it works best for ppl who have used a semi perm color.
Comments By:
Nicci on 2009-08-23
Fantastic!!!!! you are a life saver. Dashed out with green hair and a very glum look to buy lemons and more conditioner. Had got bored with being so blonde and wanted only to be a few shades darker and YUK!!, the nice darker blonde I chose turned my hair brown with GREEN highlights. Made up the mix and left it for 45 mins and hey presto....NO GREEN. Thank you xxxxxxx
toning turned lavender
Comments By:
SHEILAH on 2009-08-23
OMG TYTYTY I hate toner -and my hair is VERY short -but when I bleached it up - it was a bit too yellow... I usewWella Irovy Lady - and the ends were lavender! Theres not much to cut -so I Googles - found your site and used the lemon juice!!! IT WORKED AND I CANT TY ENOUGH!!!
excellent tip, no money spent 2 fix
Comments By:
angela on 2009-08-23
what a drama, had to take the day off work, didn't want 2 b a laughing stock. When I read your post it seemed unbelievable, so I read the comments to check the feedback was good. Overwhelming to see over 200 positive results, GOLD STAR ********* U R AN ANGEL
Comments By:
tri on 2009-08-27
i have just done it, my hair was being dyed ash pearl by my stylist and it is now turquise!!! i have just applied the mixture a little ran out but i am still left with turquise hair...ahhh!!
Thank you!!!
Comments By:
Patricia on 2009-09-01
I just colored my hair the other day...mixing my usual color (a light blonde) with a medium blonde (I wanted to go a little darker). Instead of a nice neutral blonde I got mousy gray! So I applied the 3:1 lemon juice/conditioner to my hair and piled it on top of my head for an hour or so before jumping in the shower and rinsing out and shampooing/conditioning as usual. WOW! It's almost back to the color I had before! Just a bit of 'ashiness' left but this most definitely made a HUGE difference!! Can't thank you enough for this awesome tip!! ;)
Hair color Purple
Comments By:
sabrina on 2009-09-04
My hair was blond i went to color it burgundy and now its black and purple well more purple than anything.. what can i do go get a brown and put over?
This tip SAVED my hair!!
Comments By:
Patty on 2009-09-05
For the past few months I've been doing root touch ups at home with no problems. When I attempted to dye all over hair with same color the bottom part of hair with highlights turned GREENISH-GRAY I died!Completely mortified by what I did I didn't know what to do...My bf found this tip for me online & reading the other comments left I felt hopeful trying this tip. My hair guess what...Took ALL of that greenish crap right out! The highlights went back to normal and the roots were the brownish color, like it never turned green.
How I did it:
*Need bottle of lemon juice & conditioner
1) Mixed 3parts lemon juice to conditioner in bowl (in bowl I kind of eye balled it)
2)Applied to dry hair ends first
(didn't put a lot of mix on top roots since wasn't green)
3)Clipped in a bun & wrapped a towel around neck for leaks
4) Left my hair w/ mix for 2 hours
5) At 2hrs blew-dry my hair w/ mix still in hair. When done blow-drying
6) Go rinse hair in sink: use hot water then poured lemon juice to rinse out conditioner (only used lemon juice & nothing else)
7) After rinse pat dry w/ a towel and then used blowdryer to dry hair.
It was ALL GONE I couldn't believe it, I'm so grateful for the tip to take out green hair & the comments posted truly saved my hair. Thanks
What a relief!!
Comments By:
Val on 2009-09-07
Coloured hair at home, but too dark. Had done this years ago and had to go to a salon who put on a bleach bath.That cost me a packet. The lemon juice and conditioner are amazing, my colour is so natural, just matches my eyebrows. Thanks so much
Comments By:
Jackie on 2009-09-07
I have colored my hair for years. Was blonde wanted to go to natural brown. I now have a dull gray/green brown. what should I do
Thanks for sharing your wonderful fix
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grateful on 2009-09-16
I dyed my hair med. blonde to get a little darker blonde. Unfortunately, my hair turned light purple (ash). Tried the lemon juice & conditioner---IT WORKED! Thanks! So grateful for those who share.
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Anon on 2009-09-22
I tried the lemon juice and conditioner treatment , i have to say IT DID HELP. My hair had a grey/green tint to it after coloring it a dark blond.Its not exactly what i was hoping for, but it did take away the green tint. I plan on doing it again tomorow, i dont think i used enough lemon juice.I also washed my hair 2x with head and sholders shampoo then conditioned it.Thanks sooo much for the advice, i can at least go to work now!!!lol
Did NOT work
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-10-04
This was a horrible idea, not only did it waste my time, but it made my already discolored hair blotchy and uneven! I don't recommend it!
Really Works!!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-10-09
Worked perfectly. 2/3 C lemon juice, 1/3 cup conditioner. Put all over hair, piled on top of head and covered with plastic cap for 45 minutes. Combed out and dried for 10 minutes. Rinsed with lemon juice twice, shampooed and conditioned, then dried normally. Unbelievable results!!!
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Leia on 2009-10-21
Hey ive just read this tip nd i am really quite interested if the length of your hair has anything 2 do with the amount of conditioner you put on.
I am only 14 years old, and i only started dying my hair a year ago. Now i can shamefully say i am obsessed/addicted with dying my hair. My once nice healthy looking bob is like now an inch shorter at the front than the other side because a few months ago i bleached it myself. BIG MISTAKE!
I have had light brown (natural), purple (intended, and then told off by my head of year AND was put on hair and makeup report card, but thats a different story), red hair (just to annoy the teacher lol), then black/brown hair (accident) and then finally blonde with highlights in april till june/july.
After that i went darker to a "chocolate brown" by myself. It luckly turned out amazing, with golden highlights from the previous bleach fiasco. But i thought it faded way too fast, so i picked up one what i thought was the same colour and put that on. It turned black! That was in august and to this day im still trying to find something that works that will fade the black gothic colour.
Hopefuly this tip will work tho!
Truly a lifesaver
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Stefanie B on 2009-10-21
I have to say I thought this would never work either..My hair was a bleach blonde color and I wanted to tone it down some so I bought some blue base toner at Sally's....the after results were terrible....I had gray mousey hair...I mixed 1/4 cup of conditioner to 3/4 cup of lemon juice and put it on my dry unwashed hair for thirty minutes, using the hair dryer every 5 min or so for heat..gave it a pure lemon juice rinse then washed and conditioned my hair and when I blew it dry it was literally beautiful...This worked great for me, truly a lifesaver....Thank you so much
Ashy Gray To Sunkissed Blond!!
Comments By:
Anon on 2009-10-25
WOW!! This really works. Thank You, thank you, thank-you for sharing this tip. I have natural dark blond hair and went to a new hairdresser because I had a gift certificate for the salon (BIG mistake). I went to get my usual foil highlights and this guy went overboard with the highlights. In the front it looked like all the highlights ran together and it looked like a really bad blond dye job with about an inch of dark roots. It just looked trashy. It looked like I needed my hair done instead of like I just left a salon. Too afraid that this guy would trash my hair more, I left the salon and said nothing. I went to the store the next day and bought a box of ash blond hair dye to tone down the brassy yellow highlights. It calmed down the brassy tones and actually looked a lot better except a few strands took on a ashy/gray color that almost looked purple. I tried the lemon and conditioner this morning and it not only lifted the gray/purple but also brought back shine to my hair that had been over processed. Again... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! This really does work.
my hair turned blue/greyish
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babygrl1211 on 2009-10-24
well i had a medium blonde color hair but wanted to go to a light blond well actually it stained my hair and left me with blue gay hair ..i called sally's gave d me the tip of kethcup to remove blue and actually did help i did about 4 rinses.. now that the blue was gone it was still the grey so now im trying the lemon maynaise see if this method works leaving it for an hr..hopfully works cuz i gotta b at work at 5:30 am :( pray for me
brown hair gone black !
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isla on 2009-10-25
Thank goodness for this tip! Dyed my light brown hair with blonde highlights supposedly dark brown with a permenant loreal colour It went black! After my husbands look of shock was desperate !
Did the lemons and left it for 45 mins, it is still dark but more of a dark brown not a black. It does have a reddish tinge where the highlights where but is miles better, can actually leave the house without frightening anyone.
Going to give the lemons another go tomorrow to try and lift it a touch more. Also not sure if anyone else had this, but the lemons tingle a bit. I had washed my hair 6 times prior to this so may have been a combination of the two. Defintiely worth a shot! Thanks again.
A Big Thank you to you all
Comments By:
Teresa Blair on 2009-10-28
Tried darker blonde with multi high lights from superdrug turned out gray ahh ,so tried 3 lemons 2 tablespoons of conditioner mixed in jug put on dry hair left 1 hour rinced all out then shampoed and conditioned my hair then blowed dried.Yes all the gray has gone and my hair seems very soft back to normal do try it it really works Thankyou all.
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ZOE W on 2009-10-31
I had dyed blonde hair but needed my roots redoing. Instead of my normal Perfect 10 I bought Loreal Excellence super blonding light ash blonde. The dye turned my hair grey!! I used 9 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of conditioner on dry hair. I left it for 20 minutes then rinsed it out with water. All the grey has gone - now I'm blonde again (and very happy!!)
color to dark
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ali opps on 2009-11-14
thank you Karina for sharing your color gone wrong tip. I am trying to grow out my natural silver grey.I have cut my hair short, one inch grey roots and two inch dark brown ends. I look like a skunk. I used the lemon conditioner to night and it lightened a little, will use again tomorrow. Bless you for sharing.
please help
Comments By:
meme on 2009-11-18
hi i used a ash brown to cover my blond hair it turned out way to dark and you can see my old blond streeks my hair looks like a rainbow is bouncing of the top of it i want to be the lightest brown even doe im naturally a red head what dye would you suggest to make my hair lighter ???????? x
thnk god for lemmons
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nina on 2009-11-28
i had bleached blonde hair and i decided to dye the underneath part black. well it bled into the blonde and turned it completley grey. i saw this lemon thing and decided to try it and it worked :D im soo happt to have back the blonde and it even turned the black into a beutifull chestnut brown :)
pleeeeese work ur magic!!!
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Katrina on 2009-11-30
i have the lemons and condinior on now.. fingers crossed.. so scared!!
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meegm on 2009-12-04
I have been crying since yesterday - i have naturally dark brown and was pretty blonde i did my roots and this time they came out orange and my lengths were looking a little to bleached so stupidly i bought a perm platinum blonde to try do my roots and maybe even out colour slightly - so i thoughtafter 5 minutes of the dye being on my hair went grey/bluish tinge all over - horrible - thought what do i have to lose and did it - Wala back to what i had before this latest disaster.... Thanks
Worked great for me!
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Sassy Mama on 2009-12-07
Like others here, I dyed over a lighter with a darker. Most of it turned out okay, but it was darker than I expected with areas the areas that were previously highlighted (and therefore the lightest, most over processed) turned dark blond with a grayish tinge. I followed the instructions and it worked great. The lemon juice lightened all over and seems to have added a bit more gold to my color...which is what I wanted! When I added the lemon juice "rinse", I started squeezing the conditioner out of my hair and I could see the color coming out. It wasn't dramatic, but the conditioner I flicked into the sink was tinted a light, ashy color. Good luck! I hope it works for you.
Dark Brunette + Pre-lightener + Blonde = GINGER MAYHEM? HELP ME!!!
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Tuesdee :) on 2009-12-09
like the title says i had dark brunette hair and wanted to go blonde, mum said to "strip" it using a pre-lightener. I did this and my hair went a horrible orange with near enough white roots.. eek! She then decided to try and fix the problem using a really light blonde to try and match the ginger to the roots all it did was make the orange oranger! I didnt want to put anything else on it because of the condition but i couldnt leave it like this! i decided to sleep with conditioner all over my hair seeled with cling film! the next day mum put a light brown/dark blonde on top and now i have strawberry blonde hair. Mum said she thinks i need to dye it brown and then blonde! thats going to be 5 dyes including a "stripper" and so far mums advice hasnt been to handy! So i woundered if this would help me? i really want to be a caramel blonde without having to go to the hairdressers, plus i havnt been to school for two days, im a fifteen year old girl :| imagine! please get back to me and save my life :) many thanks xx
Purple Hair
Comments By:
Lauren on 2009-12-09
I have blond foils in my hair and i was using a purple shampoo left it in for wayy to long (i forgot i had it in) and now my foils r literaly purple.
wold this help or any other ideas???
Help me , please .
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Anne on 2009-12-13
I have a question for you . Will it work if my hair is orange with yellow roots? :|
purple haze - and I ain't jamming....
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Elsa on 2009-12-13
Light blond hair turned greenish with L'oreal Preference Light Ash Blond - I freaked.....I still had some silver shampoo around.........WRONG MOVE...purple haze instead. O.....MY......GOD.....
My hair looks quite normal again, after applying the mixture and then rinsing with lemon juice. I then rinsed with warm water and low and behold, it looks very much better, did not see any color come out while rinsing but it works. My hair shines nicely too now and has a more natural light golden color. A true rescue!
im trying it as i type
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racheal on 2009-12-14
i died my hair with the new home kit that only takes 10 mins well like a donut i left it on for the normal 30-40 mins without realising and it has turned from what should have been light natural brwon to almost black im now sitting on sofa with my hair soaked in lemon and conditioner wrapped with clingfilm hoping and praying it works as i have work in the morning!!!!
Fantastic solution!!
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Donna on 2009-12-18
I was blonde with a few highlights but decided to go a bit darker. What was supposed to be a light brown turned out to be nearly black with mahogany red patches!!!
I was reluctant to put any more colours on my hair because didn't want to get a colour build up so decided I would have to wait for it to fade...that was until I saw this solution! I was a little reluctant at first but went ahead with it any way. mixed roughly 3 lemon juice:1 conditioner, left it on for an hour and a half and rinsed it with neat lemon juice and then water and shampoo. Definitely looked lighter but was still a bit patchy in places. I did it again about 2 hours later and really noticed the difference. The red has all gone and my hair is a lovely golden brown and is lovely and soft!U r a life saver..thankyou!
hair salons
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non believer on 2009-12-26
people there is a reason why we should all go to a hair colorist, they know what they are doing. you can not lighten your dark hair, it,s not possible. really lemon juice and conditioner? get a clue.
to non believer
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sam on 2009-12-27
I went to the salon to have dark red lowlight on my mid brown hair..i came out like a pumpkin, with bright orange..and i mean orange hair. I had to go back and get it re didnt look and better..luckily it was halloween and people thought it was deliberate. I had to put another brown over it to hide it. and now its just black.
So dont you tell us it is a stupid idea to do it ourselves when some of us have had our hair messed up in a salon !
it actually worked 4 weeks after dying
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sam on 2009-12-27
I just tried this after reading.My hairdressed messed up my red hair (went orange) so i dyed it a midnight red, but it went the darkest black instead. I thought i had put it through enough messing, so decided to leave it and let it fade..4 weeks later its still black (although a little lighter)I read this and decided to give it a whirl....and it actually worked (i really didnt think it would) I can now see the red. It also left my hair soft. Gonna do it again tomorrow to get out a bit more red.
I used bottled lemon juice on dry hair and left it on for an hour.When i washed it out i saw the black come out..and that was after washing it every day with my normal shampoo. Give it a go, youve nothing to lose !
Ash Purple Hair!!!!
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Harry Shinner on 2010-01-01
ok so i youst to have very very light blonde hair! and i wanted to go back to my original colour which was brown/light blonde! so i got the hair dye and it turned my hair ASH PURPLE!! i freaked out and went on the internet to see how to get rid of the colour! i found this site and did the lemon mixture. i did it about 5 times in one day! it worked SOOO well! my hair has gone from purple to a light golden blonde! no yellow or brassiness either :) Thankyou SOO much xxx
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sam on 2010-01-01
I have now done it a couple of times over 3 days, i love my hair colour now..still cant believe how well it worked !
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
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bleach blonde on 2010-01-03
I took dark brown hair (with red color leftover from coloring 2 months before) down about a zillion shades with bleach and then high lift ash blonde. Now i know what i will look like in about 30 years. I was contemplating not going to work the next day until I found this post. This took out the grey and left a nice golden blonde in its place. You are a lifesaver, whoever you are!!!
giving it a go tomoro
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tammi white on 2010-01-16
hey iv read all the comments people have written and sounds good, so im gonna give it a go tomorrow. i really hope it works on me, was just wondering if it does go lighter, will it stay light or will then lightness go, hope i get a quick reply for tomorrow lol thanks.
good, but....
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teal streaks! on 2010-01-16
I had really blonde hair full of highlights an lowlights, an decided to put a temporary dark ash brown on it, this turn my base blonde a lovely colour, but left my recent low lights a bright green/blue colour, and this was really obvious, so i gave this a go, i found the best way to figure out ur measurements was to use a shot glass! i put one shot of conditioner an 2 shots of lemon juice, covered my hair in it, then wrapped it in cling film for an hour and a half, blasting it with a hair dryer every half hour. then rinsed it with fresh lemon juice before shampooing an conditioning as normal. when it was dry, you could still see the funny coulour parts, but it all blended loads better! and even though it is still slightly off colour/green, its a hell of a lot better than it was and i bet if i were to do it again it would be even better, but u need patience!
Just what i needed
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Anon on 2010-01-18
I started with trying to lighten my light brown hair to blonde. It turned WAY to blonde/brassy. I then went to the salon, and the stylist countered the gold in my hair with a violet dye. Unfortunately, she overdid it and all the gold was gone. I was left with grayish/violet hair. This lemon trick worked really well. When I rinsed in the end, the water was light gray! It actually removed some of the toner that my stylist used!
What I did:
Mixed 1/4 cup conditioner with 3/4 lemon juice
saturaed dry hair with it
plopped hair on top of head and covered with saran wrap for 25 min
blow dried hair for 5-10 min. I think the heat helps the lemon juice do it's thing.
rinsed with hot water
Thank you soooo much :)
White hair disaster
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Barbara on 2010-01-20
I have naturally white hair that I haven't colored in approx. 3 yrs. I thought it made me look much older than I felt at 62. Tried Clairols Gray Solutions in med. blond. I just wanted a light warm blond. Nothing too over the top. I ended up with a dark grayish blond with a green tint. (Ash)? I tried the lemon and conditioner treatment this morning, and I'm thrilled with the results. It lifted out all the gray and green tint and I'm left with a light to med. warm blond that I was looking for in the first place. Thank you soooo much. Now I look as young as I feel.
Who knew??
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Roberto on 2010-01-21
It really works! I googled how to get rid of ashy hair color and I found this simple site. Boy am I glad I did! I wanted to add some tone to my normally platinum blonde hair. Instead it turned a nasty grey color, while the roots were bright. Yuck. Put it on my hair for an hour and it is much much better! Didn't see the color wash out, but the grey is noticably blonde now instead of grey. Thank you thank you! Will never forget this tip for the future.
Comments By:
--- on 2010-01-22
My hair had turned blue, because of using Ash Blonde. This worked!!! I am so happy!
Miracle Fix
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Kristina on 2010-01-26
Have colored for 30 yrs, using a med. blonde color. I am over 70% gray. Last wk. I tried a different brand of dark blonde. What a disaster! I ended up with a gun metal, ashy, opaque gray! Called the (very prominent haircolor company). She told me to wash w/baking soda and shampoo. It did NOTHING. I figured I had nothing to lose, so tried this. But was nervous, because my hair is was SO BRITTLE and damaged, I thought this may dry it even more. I left the lemon/conditioner, 3:1 on my hair 45 mins. Blew dry about half way dry and rinsed. It was AMAZING!!! Even the gray roots are gorgeous blonde! Not only do I have the blonde color I was trying to achieve all along, but it changed the texture from brittle, steel wool like to blonde, shiny silk!! I canceled the appt. with my hairstylist to fix my hair, saved me $65 and I have a glorious head of blonde hair for the FIRST time in my life! THANK YOU!!
It Really Worked!!!!!!!!!!
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S on 2010-01-30
Thank you for this tip.It saved an expensive and embarrassing trip to the hairdressers.My hair turned a light green after using a new blonde colour that was on special offer. As well as using the conditioner mix I left watered down lemon juice on my hair overnight.
I can go out in public again!!
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Kristen on 2010-02-02
I have naturally mousy light brown/dirty blonde hair but have been dying my hair light blonde for over a decade. The last few years I started using Loreal's Super Blonde Lightening kit which effectively transformed my hair to platinum almost white blonde. Recently I decided I wanted to try being brunette. Now I realize, I should have had this professionally done but I thought "How hard could it be?" Well..Lesson learned!
I thought it would be too dramatic of a change to go from platinum to a rich brown so I decided to dye my hair a dark blonde for the time being and then eventually work up to brunette. Just last night, I tried a Feria Ash Blonde shade. Here's what I've learned. Ash Blonde + Bleached Hair = Disaster I could NOT believe the color my hair turned out! I had bronzey brownish roots and the rest of my hair was a DARK cigarette ash grey with a sickly blue tinge! I started panicking. I had no idea how to correct this. Then I came across this article and decided to try it figuring it at least couldnt make my sad, sad situation any worse.
I am SO happy so say that this saved my hair color! My hair lightened quite a bit and now I'm now a dark slightly ashy blonde. My roots are slightly more bronzed than the rest of my hair but that's because my roots were already very grown out when I used the Feria. My hair is still a little ashy on the bottom, however there is no odd blue hue and my hair at least looks normal.
What I did was I mixed 3/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice with 1/4 cup rich conditioner. I slathered it all over my hair and worked it in well. I piled my hair on top of my head, covered in saran wrap and just left it in for an hour. Then I followed the directions and towel dried my hair, then blow dried it until it was almost completely dry. I rinsed my hair with some remaining lemon juice, then shampooed and coniditoned as usual. I let my hair air dry this time just to give my hair a break. I already can see such an improvement. No more blue!! I'm going to repeat this process again tomorrow or the following day and I'll report back if my results improved. In the meantime, I'm just trilled to have a normal haircolor again, even if it wasnt the color I had originally hoped for (no ones fault but my own!)
absoultely amazing!!
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nancy on 2010-02-03
I bleached my dark blonde hair to platinum on the top and a very dark brown underneath, long story short, my blonde turned purple/gray! Tried scrubbing, thought I was doomed, then I tried the lemon juice. Amazing! My hair went from disaster to absolutely flawless! Thank you sooooooo much! I was very skeptical....(:
helllppp meeeeeeee
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christina on 2010-02-09
okay so i really want to try this but i dyed my hair first golden brown and it came out orangish so than i wanted to dye bach to my natural color which is brown so i dyed it the next day again to dark brown and turned out black if i try this will my hair color turn to my previous hair dye ???
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anon on 2010-02-09
how much limon ???
going to try it hope it works on my black hair !!!!!
Magically fixed this blonde's ashy disaster!
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Ashy no more! on 2010-02-10
So glad I found this tip!
After years of salon coloring, I asked my hair stylist to make my light-blonde hair a shade darker to a medium golden blonde. It turned ashy gray, from about an inch or so beyond the scalp, getting VERY gray out at the ends. When she tried to fix it, she turned the roots orangy, and lightened the gray sides to a sandy light ash. I went to another stylist who re-colored it all, and he did smooth out the orangy stripe down my roots, but he turned the rest all ashy again!
I found this tip that night, went out to buy lemons first thing in the morning, and fixed it! This process removed the ashiness, turned my hair a very natural golden blonde, and further blended the colors together so it all blended nicely from scalp to ends.
I totally soaked my hair from roots to ends in about a cup-full of the lemon/conditioner mix, working it into the hair. Put on a shower cap and heated it up with a blow dryer. After an hour, I blow-dried it about 10 minutes until nearly dry, then soaked my hair in pure lemon juice, leaving that in about 10 minutes. Shampooed, conditioned, and blow-dried. (I used Pantene "clarifying" shampoo.)
I never saw any color leaving my hair during this process, but when I finished it was finally a pretty, natural blonde, with no ash-gray to it. This did not harm my hair at all -- no breakage or hair loss, no change in texture.
It worked like a charm!
hair colour disaster
Comments By:
julie on 2010-02-13
my natural colour is dark brown,but ive had silver/blonde hair for 4 yrs,i have recently gone to hairdressers and had it coloured to a redish/plum colour,and not liking it at there any way i can go back to being silver blonde again asap
Thank goodness. IT WORKED!!
Comments By:
Janmarie on 2010-02-22
I am thrilled. I colored my hair for my birthday with Preference "ASH" thinking it would only lightly color my faded blonde hair. OMG What a disaster and I only left it on for 15mins. Turned dark grey/blue.
3 days later I found your tip and tried it. Left 1/2 on for 15mins then slapped the rest on for 20mins. I was in a rush so just rinsed it out without applying the pure juice. Yippee. It looks so much better. Slight residue, but very acceptable. I remember a hairdresser telling me many years ago "NEVER use Ash color". Wish I'd listened. Thank you SO much.
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ANN on 2010-02-25
Thank you, thank you, thank you- this works!!
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flicka on 2010-02-26
I have been getting progressively lighter at a hair salon. I have dark blonde ashy hair colored very light/white blonde with slight yellow and get my roots done with a high-lift blonde which works well. My stylist has been tweaking the formula to make it less brassy and warm at the roots and it has been getting more and more beautiful pale, whitish blonde without brassy roots. Well, last week she touched up the roots and the hair around my hairline turned gray/blue! She said it would wash out, but I tried it the next day and it didn't. I couldn't even wear my hair up because the hairline in back at the nape was a silver/ashy/gunmetal color about an inch up. I looked older and my hair looked dark instead of lighter, as I had asked. Well, I found this sight and did what you said. I used a fresh lemon and good conditioner, put it all around hairline and blew it dry. After 30 or so minutes I rinsed it out and it is just perfect. The gray is gone and the sparkle is back. It's bright blonde without brassiness. The texture and health of my hair is the same, so the lemon didn't seem to do anything damaging. I'm so grateful to you, whoever you are. I love my stylist and she has been doing a wonderful job for 4 years on my long hair. Next time I go, i will tell her not to make it so, so ashy at the roots, but if this ever happens again, I know what to do. I was so happy that she had found a formula that lightened my hair so much and she finally was able to get rid of the brassiness, but I guess it's harder to judge each time and hair reacts differently, esp. when you color new growth every three weeks.
I was so proven wrong..
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Dinskeh on 2010-02-28
Honestly, being as sceptical as I am, I really didn't think this would work.
HOWEVER, thought to try it since I'm sick of waiting for this black dye to grow out. Even before rinsing I noticed it slightly lighter, and after blowdrying much more obvious. Proof that some home remedies really do work!
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Janine on 2010-03-01
I have bleach blonde hair and i decided to tone out the yellow and put on a light ash blonde hair color by l'oreal.
WOW WHAT A MISTAKE my hair was completely grey and purple and horrible i cried for hours, since i also dyed my expensive hair extensions that turned out the exact same grey purple. I was so dissapointed in myself i was warned but didn't listen. i am trying the lemon juice on my hair and my extensions this instant i am going to leave it on for a long time because so far i am not seeing the results i need. PLEASE WORK fingers crossed Question- can you leave the lemon juice and conditioner on your hair for too long?
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Janine on 2010-03-02
I left the lemon juice on my hair all night i put a towel over my pillow and just let my hair dry naturally with the lemon juice in it. I did the same for my extensions. IT WORKED i have the gorgeous blonde i wanted in the first place, no more GREY/PURPLE/GREEN. i am so surprized i thought there would be no cure since the grey was so dark. thankyou thankyou thankyou
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Blondie on 2010-03-04
great tip! I went to the hair salon and my hairdresser colored my light blonde hair one shade darker. My hair turned ash gray. I applied this treatment all over. I took someones advice and wrapped my hair in saran wrap. Left it in for 1hr. Occasionally blow drying. Removed the saran wrap and blew dry until the ends were crunchy. Then shampooed and conditioned. The grey was completely gone but the roots turned a brassy orange. I am now working with a purple shampoo to tone down the roots. Great advice. Thx!
So grateful for this!
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Anita on 2010-03-07
I did the home hair dye and my golden blonde hair turned an ashy, greenish, bluish silvery color. I was mortified! I did a google search, found this search and was thrilled! I read through a lot of comments and everyone said good things. Despite the few people who said it didn't work, I decided to try it. AND IT WORKED! 10 lemons later my hair is much closer to what it should have been and almost all the ashiness is gone. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Brilliant Tip!
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Bex on 2010-03-12
Thank you so much for this tip. Saved my hair! Now a nice medium blonde with my natural highlights showing, rather than dark dingy colour with purple tint!
Thank you Thank you Thank you
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Patty on 2010-03-12
I colored my hair with a medium ash blond and I was horrified when it came out steal grey. I had read that lemon juice w/ conditioner (3 to 1 ratio)would help. Because of all the positive comments on this website, I gave it a shot. I was amazed that within 15 minutes I could start to see improvement. Lastly any remaining grey I saw after 40 minutes with the lemon juice mixture on my head, I rubbed a baking soda paste (2tbsp w/ a little water)into and then rinsed with apple cider vinegar and ice cold water (1 cp vinegar to 3 cups water). I finished rinsing with more cold wate and my hair now looks amazing and back to the original beautiful light blonde it was before my coloring disaster. This really works.
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Laurel on 2010-03-14
I was in near tears earlier, and I'm so very happy now!!! I had very light blond hair, and I tried to darken it a couple shades. Well the ugly ash gray is what I got...I then tried to lighten it back today, and it just turned brassy with gray highlights :(
So, I turned to the internet for help...WOW! My hair is beautiful! No gray in sight, and I have my wonderful highlights back! It looks like it was professionally done!
hoping it works
Comments By:
Susan on 2010-03-19
Arrived home from the salon today, where my medium gold blonde hair was supposed to be lightened to sand blonde with platinum highlights, and it is DARK GREY!! Darker color by far than when I went in , with thin white highlights. In the words of my husband when he saw it, "Ummm, weird." So, then about an hour after I got home my head started itching, I realized there was a residual dye still on my head! So I washed it in the shower and the water was coming off my head a dark grey color, now I have ashy green hair with white highlights!!! I used normal good shampoo and conditioner, nothing harsh. I was shocked at the result. And, I just paid $140 for this mess! I am going to go in with my "weird" hair tomorrow and demand my money back but no way in hell am I going to let them fix this as I don't want to end up with even weirder hair, so I will wait a few days and keep washing it, then try the lemons. I will post again when I do, but right now I want you all to know you just saved that wretched hairdresser's life as I was tempted to go run her down in the parking lot before I googled help!
Worth a try, worked for me!
Comments By:
Nicole on 2010-03-25
Okay, after two trips to the salon (have two toddlers and little $ so that is a big deal for me) here was my problem. First trip, too many foils too light of color--from a previous warm blonde/brown to a frosty white kind. So skunk streaks. Awesome. Second trip free of charge, but from what I hear from friends, the toner was left on too long and/or wasn't right for my type of hair as the "warm ash" I was assured I would get turned a ruddy brown with no highlights. They rubbed oil in which made it look shiny, but when I got home and looked at myself in the mirror, I thought I saw greenish tinges when I'd move and it was a flat no shine brown wig mess. Yup. This is one day before a vacation. I would have lived with it. Have no more time to get it fixed when I thought to do a search online, much like you probably did to arrive here. I actually read this tip, went to the bus stop, drove to the store for lemon juice and came home forgetting the exact instructions. Here's what I did: 1 part lemon juice to 2 parts conditioner (yeah, I don't know how I remembered it so so wrong but it did work, more to follow), put on dry hair (was making dinner at time), twisted up and clipped. Waited about half hour and washed out. I could tell it was better even wet out of the shower. Blew dry and have hair that looks like my natural color again--no real highlights to note (but better than one tone greenish tinge ash brown color) and my hair is only moderately dry. I am very very happy and hope you are too after you try this. One note, I do have some very very hidden natural strawberry blonde and this did bring that out a little. Nothing drastic and way better than the muddy flat toner mess it was. Good luck!
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Katrina on 2010-03-25
I am getting headshots (which cost $250!) taken in two days. This morning, I decided to give my hair a touch up application, and get rid of the roots. I have dirty blond hair naturally, and dye it to be a light golden blond. The last time I dyed my hair, it was a tiny bit on the yellow side, so I tried a different shade -- ash blond. This was a HUGE mistake! I could say that my hair was turning a dark greyish-blue shade as soon as a I put the color in. The dye was only in for about 5 minutes, but the damage had been done. My golden blonde hair had turned grey -- even my husband (who usually doesn't notice a thing about my hair) was appalled! I rushed to the store to buy the original golden blond color to dye over the mess. It lightened things a bit in the root area, but the rest was still grey as could be. I emailed my photographer to postpone the headshots, but there was no way...she was booked up. I started panicking and was in tears!
Then I came across this site, what a godsend! I followed the 3 parts/1 part mixture, and left it on my hair for 1 hour, while wrapped in a plastic grocery sack to keep it from dripping. I then blow-dryed, rinsed with lemon juice, and then with water so my hair wasn't sticky. The results -- gorgeous! It almost seemed to good to be true! My hair is back to a beautiful golden blond (this time without the yellow) and has subtle, natural highlights. It feels soft, shiny and healthy. Thanks so much for posting this tip. You helped me take some truly disastrous hair, and make it look the best is has in months! I was really skeptical about trying this, but am SO glad I did. If you need to get the "ash" out of your color, run to the grocery store and buy some lemon juice ASAP!!!
Get the black out
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mum of 3 on 2010-03-31
I picked a brown shade for my hair that went black ! Sat here now with the lemon mixture on ........
Will see soon if it worked
Fantastic Tip
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Debra on 2010-04-01
I was horrified when I dyed my blonde hair hoping to go mid brown when it came out very dark brown. I tried your advice, soaked my hair with 3 parts lemon juice and one part conditioner, wrapped cling film round my head for an hour, dried it, then rinsed with lemon juice and then styled it and YIPPEE it's now the mid brown I wanted. I can face the world again.
help me
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abigayl on 2010-04-07
my hair has gone pink!... how do i get it back red?!
dyed hair from blonde to black
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ginney griswold on 2010-04-11
i dyed my hair black from the blonde and ended up with a blue tint, so how do i get rid of the blue tint, i want to keep it black but not with the blue tint so what do i use.
WOW - It really worked!
Comments By:
Jess on 2010-04-11
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This worked wonderfully :) I am expecting twins later this year, so I knew I was not going to be able to keep up with my monthly highlighting that I was used to doing. My hair is naturally light brown and I have tons of blonde highlights in it. I decided to go back to my natural color and found a product online safe for expecting moms. I thought this would be perfect. I ordered a light ash brown thinking it wouldn't pull red through. Well that was correct, but it made my highlights turn a greenish grey. I read this post about 36 hours after I had colored my hair. I followed the 3 parts lemon to 1 part conditioner, left on my hair for 1 hour, dried it and then rinsed with lemon juice. I then shampooed and conditioned my hair and it's gone!
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anoyn on 2010-04-22
i left toner in for much too long and it went a light purple colour, i was devastated! so i tried this and it went a lovely colour x
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anon on 2010-04-23
i dyed my bleached hair ash blonde with a blue base toner & it turned blue. used real lemon & pantene conditioner, left it in for 15 mins and my hair is a prettier shade of blonde then i originally wanted!
You are my new hero!
Comments By:
Anon on 2010-04-29
Thanks so much! I put an Ash Blonde through my hair to cover up a yellow catastrophe after removing Darkest Brown (almost Black) dye from my hair. I knew the Ash Blonde was the fix for the yellow (I've used it before), but this time it came out very grey-green. Also, it looked really dull and flat, and you could only see the highlights I'd put through it in certain light.
I used the lemon juice, thanks to my flatmate being well prepared :), and conditioner and I could see the difference straight away! It took away a lot of the grey-green, and now it looks warmer and more golden! I'll see how it looks tomorrow, and might repeat.
Thanks again, this is awesome!!!
A priceless tip!
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Lydie on 2010-05-10
I just dyed my hair for the first time using Casting. I thought I had chosen a color very similar to my natural red hair, just wanting to cover my first white hairs and bring back some punch to the rest. I left the dye on for 10min as directed but it came out really dark and turned some hair bright orange. OMG
As soon as I was over the shock, I started GGGling and found this site. Wow! It worked.
I squeezed lemons to get about a half cup juice and added a portion of pantene hair creme. I left it on for a hour or so, then dried my hair on high heat until it was dry as possible. Then I rinsed my hair using hot water and shampooed and conditioned it.
It completely removed the orange and the remaining color is perfect. Thanks so much for sharing.
Don't tone with a darker color guys...
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Tiff on 2010-05-15
I read many of these ppl's comments. Many i've found end up in this situation because they toned with a darker shade than what they had. When you do that you are bound to get grey or green undertones. If that should happen just mix some bleach and shampoo together and wash your hair a couple times. It will take it right out in a matter of ten to fifteen minutes with minimal damage.
does this really work
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Rachelle on 2010-05-17
I had blonde hair, the roots looked terrible.I put light golden blonde o(#903 from Pravana) my roots had red tint. So, I decided to go back to my nutralcolor which is sandy blone(dark blonde with lighter blonde). I bought lt brown(#51 Revlon and medium blonde (#74 Revlon) and mixed 1/2 of the light brown with the med blonde. I got a wide tooth comd to make it look like highlights- it starte lloking good until I contiuned palying with it to grt the resukts I wanted. To make a long story short. MY hair has a greenish,gray to it especially the ends where it grab. I didn't use a filler.
should I soap cap or should I use a toner and with what base and color? I need help I have a job interview coming up and i look like a freak.
Thank You,
Comments By:
klongo on 2010-05-18
this product turned my hair to gray with a green tinge ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Searching the internet I found advice about 3 parts lemon juice and 1 part conditioner and hooray I have a great color again. thank you very much
Worked on blonde w. grey and purple ends
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txstevensgirl on 2010-05-19
I too tried a different color than my normal Loreal shade. I wanted to go lighter for the summer and chose a "high lift" blonde and WOW was I surprised when I finished and my blonde wasn't blonde at all but a really a nice shade of grey and purple. I flipped out and my husband couldn't believe it. Thank goodness I found this post. I did just what the directions said and did 3 parts lemon juice and 1 part conditioner (I used 6 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 table spoons of conditioner. Applied to my hair, wrapped in plastic wrap and left it on for one hour. Dried hair gently with hair dryer then rinsed with straight lemon juice. Washed and conditioned as normal. My hair looks awesome now. And it isn't brittle and over processed. I was afraid it would be fried from the coloring and then the lemon juice but it wasn't. Great life saver!!!
What do you expect
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Anon on 2010-05-19
When you play "Kitchen Beautician" it's pretty much a shot in the dark.Especially when you are wanting to darken your hair. Look at it this way a brown crayon on white paper is more visiable than brown on say tan paper. Hairdressers take a lot of factors into consideration when tinting a client back or lightening.Go to your Hairdresser if your not happy with one you have find another one. Liquid Tide might help but Black is hard to get out the hair period..
A Brilliant Solution to Correcting Hair Dye Disasters
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Solitaire on 2010-05-25
For all of those of us who have bought a boxed hair colour dye kit from the chemist or supermarket and gone home and applied it to our hair and then realised what a mistake!! DISASTER!!
Now there is a solution... even if you have dyed/coloured your hair several times with different colours ( i have gone from blonde to dark brown and even black ) and now want to go back to something near your old natural colour or have a "clean slate" to start again with. Go to Boots or Superdrug or Tesco and buy "COLOUR B4" by Scott Cornwall ... its a hair dye removal treatment - depending on your local Boots or Superdrug you may have to order it in. Tesco have it at a bargain price of £8. It can be bought as either Regular or Extra Strength. I would say if its a one off dye disaster then choose the Regular but to remove years of hair dye build up then buy the Extra Strength. If like me you have very long hair then get 2 boxes. It does smell pretty aweful (think rotten eggs or something near) and you MUST follow the instructions to the letter. And you must rinse and rinse as instructed but you will see that the old hair dye is removed. It leaves the hair slightly dry but plently of conditioning remedies that. Another point to mention...if you have used semi or permanent haircolour they contain peroxide to lift the colour of your natural hair before depositing the box colour. When the hair dye is removed then your natural colour will have been lightened and will show up a bit gingery/coppery when dried. You will need to "fill" the colour of your own hair back to remedy this so simply get a temporary color by Clairol - its the one that shampoos out in 6 washes. THIS IS IMPORTANT.. that you don't get a permanent or semi-permanent hair colour and apply it straight away because your colour will go back to its old darker colour. Its all due to the chemical processing that you have done previously to the hair. I would suggest that you have a look at Scott Cornwall's Facebook page and read up on all the best ways to remedy your bathroom disaster. I did and i turned the clock back on my hair trauma ... my waist length dark blonde hair is back. All the hairdressers i consulted said it couldn't be done or quoted £300 to "attempt it". I found "COLOUR B4" and now i'm happy again with the colour and condition of my hair.
Comments By:
Rachelle on 2010-05-22
Thanks a million. This was incrediable!
It really worked. I did it two times and used a bidg bottle of lemon juice. Thanks so much.
You are now a friend to me!!!!
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Emma on 2010-05-23
I just cant eeven put it into words how much this means to me, my hair has turned from a dull grey matt and greeny tinge to a honey blonde!! ok its a bit to honey for my liking but christ am i relieved!!.Thank you so so much, question for those who have re applied it more than once? does it go lighter the more you apply the mixture??????
doing it as we speak
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anon on 2010-05-27
i'm doing it now ... and no dye is trickling out just water or something ...
i tried dying my hair brown and it turned an ugly black. :(
Thank you
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Elllen on 2010-05-28
I am a natural medium blonde currently living in Turkey. I recently got foils at a local salon (very expensive, about A$400+). They did a good job, however I felt the colour was slightly too blonde and I stupidly bought a home dye kit to go over it to darken slightly. I held off doing this for a few weeks as the original colour had been so expensive but last night I took the plunge and dyed. Once I had dried my hair I could not believe the colour, a grey/ green mess, nothing like the box represented. I jumped on the net to see what I could do about it as I don’t want to go back and pay the same amount at the salon if I can avoid it and was worried about dying over with another home job. This morning I tried your tip, first with 6 tablespoons of lemon juice to 2 tablespoons of Body Shop treatment conditioner and then I repeated that as I have thick hair and was worried I hadn’t saturated it enough. I wrapped my head in gladwrap and left it for about an hour going over it with the hairdryer every so often. After the hour I tried to blow-dry it completely dry however this was taking too long so after about 20 minutes I decided to rinse with lemon juice and then hot water. I then blow dried and can see a great difference. No hint or green or ash. I am very pleased with the result, it is not perfect and I am going to do it again tonight to see if I can achieve a greater result but overall a 100% improvement. One thing I would suggest is to shampoo and condition your hair as normal after because I have found there to be a lot of residue left despite thoroughly rinsing.
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nicola on 2010-05-28
hello any tips i did have bleached blonde hair,ive tried dying my roots with ash blonde hair dye,now its turned grey,what could i do to get bk to my normal blonde hair?
No More Green or Grey!
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Anon on 2010-05-31
Thank you, it took the green and the grey out of my hair! I had used Feria- Cool Medium Brown to dye my hair at home, something I had not done in over 15 years. I will never attempt to dye my hair at home after this incident. I'm sure happy to have found this site, with amazing results as compared to the UGLY green & grey left by Feria.
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Nikki on 2010-06-08
I dyed my hair with a Garnier dye this afternoon and my naturally light brown hair has now turned simulatneously orange, ashy blonde and grey! I really don't want to pay for a hairdresser as I've never had a decent dye job from any salon, but I'm concerned that this lemon/conditioner tip will wreck my hair! Help!
Dark Blonde Turned BLUE!
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Anon on 2010-06-07
Thought I'd try to disguise my roots growing in by using Loreal's Feria Hi-Lift Brown. It turned my hair a dull grey brown with my highlights in blue! Horrid! Took the day off from work since I resemble a Smurf and luckily found this website. Ran to the store wearing my sunglasses (as if this would help hide my hair), got my lemons and give this a try. It is so amazing. My hair is such a pretty color - just what I wanted in the first place.
brilliant tip
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kelly on 2010-06-09
cant beieve it really works,i tried to colour my hair golden blonde after my hairdresser had highlighted my hair white (awful) my hair then went brown/ i used an ash colour then it just went grey,using this tip my hair is a much better colour. thanks
help me lemons !
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chantelle on 2010-06-09
i am going to have to try this toniht. my hair turned a bluish grey :(
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Satisfied Lady!!!! on 2010-06-13
Amazing!!! This really works!! Today, I decided to dye my hair using Feria's Hi-Lift Downtown Brown. I had medium brown hair with blonde highlights. I wanted my hair lighter, so to me it made sense that if I dyed my hair that color, my brown and blonde hair would go lighter. Besides, my black roots had grown out a lot and I needed to dye it anyway. So I got home and dyed it. Good news were that my roots and brown hair were all the same shade of brown. Bad news were that my highlights were lovely shades of light and dark grey. My first thought was that I was going to have to dye it jet black again in order to make sure that all my hair would be even colored. I started crying because I'd dyed my hair jet black for years and gotten tired of it. This would also mean that in order to dye the black hair another color I would have to dish out money to get it bleached again. So I start to panic and googled solutions. When I read this post I highly doubted it would work. But I had nothing to lose and did it. I mixed the lemons and conditioner, saturated all my hair for an hour, blow dried until the hair was crunchy and finally rinsed with lemon juice and shampooed with clarifying shampoo. My highlights returned to their light blonde color and my brown hair turned lighter. I am ecstatic that I saved myself a trip to the salon or a black hair job!!
I made the major mistake
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Lynsey on 2010-06-13
Hi , I made the major mistake of dying my bleached blonde hair red .. then when that faded after 1 day dyed it purple which was ok, however me being me decided that I wanted to be blonde again so I then put a further three blonde hair dyes on, hence to say may hair is pretty ruined now ... it is blonde just with orangey roots and streaks through it ... I saw this Lemon juice tip and thought I would give it a go ... it did make the orange a bit lighter and the few purpley/blue bits I had have now gone.. I was expecting better results but am still very impressed with it and will continue over the next few days in the hope that it fades the orange completey if not its back to a very dark colour !!
should of listened to son
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anon. on 2010-06-13
i had died auburn brown hair wanted to lighten to blond, well it turned orange, put a medium blond on turned light grey, bleached whole thing out turned orange put another medium brown on turned dark grey, i looked like my african grey bird, then i put on a dark brown and now it looks dark brown with greyish tint still. all this in less than 24 hours. im gonna try the lemon trick and pray my hair dont fall out before i can repair it.i will never do this again im sure. i may end up purchasing a wig if my hair falls out
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soilap on 2010-06-15
i coloured my hair dark brown when my parents went away but it went sooooo wrong, i had dark patches in places and light in others, parts we even black!!! i needed to get it sorted before my parents got back, i couldnt afford to get it done at the hair-dressers so i tried it and i saw the dye run out my hair after leaving it in for only 10 mins, i have gone to get more lemons so hopefully it will return to normal. you are a life saver thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!
Saved my asian black hair
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Jen on 2010-06-14
This actually works! I'm one to usually dye my hair with asian brands because of how they're formulated and geared towards asian black hair. Most of the dyes turn out rather bright and trendy looking, which is what I've been trying to stray from these days (as I'm starting to get old... hehe). So I went for a Garnier brownish black to try to revert my hair back to its original colour. BIG MISTAKE. I didn't know American dye would darken my hair THAT much... so instead of the black with the brown tint I wanted I ended up with a pretty daring jet black. I wanted to strangle myself haha. Luckily I came across this! I didn't leave the solution in for too long (just 10 mins) cause the lemon juice started to sting my scalp a little. But after going through the entire procedure I noticed how natural my black hair became. :) it had that obvious brown tint I wanted that made it look like my virgin black-brown hair again! THANK YOU!
bleach blonde...too much yellow
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crystal on 2010-06-17
dyed my hair blonde, it was brown, turned gold!!! bleached it, just a lighter gold ugg, bleached again still too much yellow, found this, OMG, it worked, love the blonde, lighter and blended and NO YELLOW!
WHAT If!!!
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izabela on 2010-06-22
what if iput purple conditioner. will it be a bit more ashy?... would be perfect!
colour turn out too dark
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Catherine on 2010-06-29
most of problems are the colour turn out too dark. My case the color comes out too light. What should i do? My natural color is dark brown to black. Due to age, white hair are coming out. I try this sassy products which show a very close color(shade on the packing) to my natural color. It comes out more to yellow. Help! Its so frustrating. Can I use a dark color to cover it? Will it damage my hair?
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Keezy on 2010-06-29
I had the same thing happen with Loreal Feria leaving a purple dark ashe color in my hair - horrifying! The lemon juice and conditioner left on my hair for an hour took it right out! I can't thank you all enough. Wish I could post the before and after picture that I took.
Amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!
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Mimi on 2010-07-27
I went to the salon asking for my very dark roots to be lightened to a nice warm medium brown and to freshen up the ends which had become a little too light and brassy. I ended up with a horrible blackish color that looked like the ashy soot from my fireplace! I shampooed 6 times with a clarifying shampoo that has always removed some color in the past...but this time there was absolutely no change. I just cried! I wished I had just tried to do the roots myself instead of trusting the "professionals". I decided to look online and I found your advice. I mixed up the lemon juice and my conditioner and left it on for an hour, dryed it until almost dry, rinsed with lemon juice, and then shampooed and conditioned as usual. Hallelujah!!! The ugly sooty black was gone!!! I now have my lovely warm medium brown with natural highlights!! And my hair feels great!! I can't ever thank you enough!!
This DOES work!!
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Cherrie on 2010-08-18
I can't believe this truly worked. Last night I decided to try a "healthier" home color & used Light Ash Blonde by Garnier. Before that I'd been using Feria Champagne blonde for quite some time. I believe the mistake was the word "ash" in the color name, which I knew but thought it wouldn't be too drastic. For some reason my hair turned out about 3 shades darker, to an ashy/green mud color. I looked like a witch, like some other ppl have said!
I followed the instructions - 3 parts lemon juice to 1 part conditioner. I put enough on so that it was very wet & creamy. Then warmed w/hair dryer for a minute or 2 & covered with plastic wrap followed by a towel over all of it. Left on for 1 1/2 hrs. Then dried hair on the hottest setting I could stand. I dried it as much as it would dry - this is important!! It does take a while. Then wetted under faucet, rinsed w/lemon juice & shampooed. Lastly I put on a generous amount of conditioner covered w/plastic & a towel again. I am back to a blonde!!! Don't believe any of the posters who say lemon juice & condioner are ridiculous. This really does work! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Comments By:
Lori on 2010-09-15
Been using Loreal Extra Light Ash Blonde for a while. My daughter told me how great her hair felt after Garnier's hair color so I tried it last night. I have 3 big events in the next couple weeks. Holy crap! It is various shades (my own mother said it looks like Joseph's coat of many colors) of lavender, grey, blue and blonde. Picture the little blue haired ladies of yore. So my husband ran out to get my usual product as I was desperate and wasn't even all that concerned about my hair falling out. Meanwhile I did a search and found this tip. I mixed 3/4 c lemon juice to 1/4 cup conditioner, saturated my dry hair,let it "marinate" for 1 hr and sat in the sun for 15 min. I just rinsed it, not dry yet, but it already looks amazing. I'm shocked. Thank you so much. What can I do for you?
Remove the purple haze
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Kay on 2010-09-20
This process is fantastic!! I can't say enough good about it. Left toner on too long and had old lady purple,white,gray yuk. Mix 3 to 1 left on 45 minutes, then use the hair dryer on hot for a while. Shampooed with hot water, condtioned and puff...gone. Left hair a beautiful light, light blonde! Thanks so much!!!
Thank you my hair is saved
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frustrated on 2010-09-26
I colored my hair golden blonde it turned orange then I red to use ash blonde my hair grey/green so I tryed the lemon juice and conditioner, it worked great. I had to use it twice but my hair is blonde again. THANK YOU!
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Tracey on 2010-10-02
Thank you, after applying 4 different colours to get my hair right I tried this and I'm happy.... hair at a colour i can live with until I can re-colour lighter... it does work....thanks thanks thanks :)
purple hair tinge
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Emma C on 2010-10-04
ive just coloured my hair and its gone a purple tinge, ive just read this page so gonna try lemon juice, should i put the conditioner on wet hair or dry hair
Going To Try It Now..
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Teri on 2010-10-08
O.k, hair was very light from the summer, pool, beach and all that that implies!!! Have been using Nice and Easy #98 for years. Wanted to go a little darker so I bought Perfect 10 in a honey color. RED!!!! Went and bought Nice and easy again #103A. Still RED with an ashy tinge on the bottom. My hair is fairly long, will post after I am finished!!
OMG!!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!
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Teri on 2010-10-08
I posted what it looked like before I did it but it didn't work for some reason so here goes:
Basically my hair looked really bad from the summer, pool, beach and all that it implies! I have been coloring my hair for years with Nice and Easy #99, only doing the roots when they grew out. I thought the color looked pretty good until I went to a funeral over the summer and saw myself in pictures, horrors! I decided to go darker this time and choose Perfect 10 in a honey color. What did I get? RED. Called Clairol and this rep told me to put ash in it to counteract the red. Did a little research on the internet. Golden colors get you red and ash makes it gray/green. Decided to go with a neutral tone, Nice and Easy #103A. Waited a day and colored it again. Looked o.k., still red on the top though and ashy on the bottom. Thought I was stuck with it until I Googled how to get ash out of my hair and found this site. What A GODSEND! I mixed 3/4 of a cup of bottled lemon juice and 1/4 cup of conditioner. I mixed it up very well with a whisk and it came out the consistancy of a creamy hair color. I fished the applicator bottle from out of the trash can from they day before and washed it out well and put it in. I sectioned it as I would if I was coloring it, roots first and then saturated the rest, my hair is pretty long, put it up on top of my head and waited an hour. It was so creamy that it didn't really drip at all, due to whisking it together well. I dried it on a hot setting and as I was saw a complete difference. I didn't rinse it with lemon juice, I just did it normally and washed and conditioned. It worked GREAT!!! Still a tiny bit of red but NO ASH!! A little red underneath too but if I do it again only on that part it should be fine. Seemed to totally even out the color, beautiful and golden, what I wanted in the first place! Only problem is what am I going to do when I want to do my roots again? How will I match it? I might try this only on my roots and leave it in longer, will update later to let you guys know! Karina, whoever you are, MANY MANY THANKS! You are a life saver! Do It, YOU WON'T BE SORRY!!!
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Melissa on 2010-10-17
My hair color was too brassy and had orangey undertones. The lady at Sally's said I needed to add some blue pigment when I colored to have more of an ash blonde. I did this and probably got too much blue in the dye and my hair was a dull, bluish gray color - HORRIBLE. I immediately re-colored with a neutral tone but it didn't really help. In desperation I found this tip and, though very skeptical, gave it a try. OMG! I can't believe how beautifully it worked. I left the lemon juice/conditioner on my hair for 1 hr. Dryed about 3/4 and then rinsed with lemon juice and water. All the ash tones are gone and I'm left with the hair color I wanted all along. Thanks so much!!!
purple hair
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N on 2011-01-15
I dyed my hair purple about 5 weeks ago, it was brown. im fed up with it now and want to dye it blonde. The hair dresser said i would have to dye it dark brown first before i can go blonde, is this correct or shall i use the lemon juice idea to make it lighter so i dont have to go dark brown first
Glad I tried this tip!!
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Jen on 2011-01-22
Got blonde foils then tried a light beige lighter bits went a grey/green colour and the rest went slightly darker...nothing to lose so tried this and it worked. No more ugly tinge and my hair is lighter. very soft and silky. after rinsing lemon juice, i washed and then deep conditioned. My hair is in really good condition. great tip.
salon highlighted hair dyed darkbrown at home came out black and purple
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elizabeth on 2011-01-23
I will try this I don't know if it will work as my hair is naturaly med brown and I have been getting it colored proffesionaly for 7years then one crazy day I decided to color it a dark auburn like color that came out blackish realy dark and with purple highlights. it is realy ugly gothic looking and I am 50yrs old and a professional I need to fix it buy wed it is sunday now can anyone help please
was green now blonde again......phew
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happy blonde on 2011-01-30
My hair is hilighted,and my roots were very dark brown so i bought a home dye which said on the box that if ur hair colour is dark it will go blonde......big mistake,it went yellow,so i bought an ash blonde and put that on turned it gingery/peach,nxt day i bought jerome russell bleach hilighting kit,put it on with foil but it turned very brassy blonde with yellowyand gingery roots.....and then i thought sod this made an appointment to get some lolights put in,the hairdresser was very good and very attentive but when i got home after being in a low light salon i looked in the mirroe and to my horror my hair lolites looked greenish so i looked on here thank goodness and did the lemon and conditioner,i did one whole lemon with a tub of conditioner about 125ml and slapped it all on,wrapped it in cling film and a towel over top,left for about 2hrs and rinsed it off,poured some more lemons over hair from a couple of small lemons, and conditioner,,then rinsed and blo dryed....well halelulagh the green tones have gone,maybe a smidgen to see if u look close up but my fringe is now mixed in with the blonde and lolites,and looks so much better,so relieved,will maybe do some more lemon tomorrow becoz i think it will need a couple of goes but such a good idea.
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Natalieeeee on 2011-02-02
Woo im so happy right now! I bleached my hair pure blonde the other week .. and yesterday i put a medium blonde on and the colour was disgusting, i could have cried! It was like blonde/grey/green/brown .. it was such a mess!
So i found this site this morning .. went to morrisons and got myself some lemons and decent conditioner ..
I squeezed 3 lemons into a cup, and poured in about 100ml of conditioner. Now i have really short hair, but i mixed the lemon juice and conditioner and shot it all on my hair and massaged it in, getting everything!
Left it on for an hour with a plastic bag on the top, heated it up for like 2 mins with a hair dryer, then left it an hour!
Jumped in the shower, washed it out, shampood and conditioned and vwal laa ... i now have a nice medium blonde colour that it was meant to go .. without the grey, brown and green and i am OVER THE MOON! It sooo works i cant beleive it! This will be my future remedy when stuff goes wrong with hair dye .. so cheap and sooo easy!
Thank youuuuu!!!!
Worked but not in the way I thought it would
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Debbie on 2011-02-02
I dyed my hair with the new 'NICE & EASY FOAM' dye currently advertised.
I had brown hair with blonde tinted highlights.
Wanted a change, so decided on the 'medium brown' nice & easy foam.
OMG, i was SO upset when I blow dried it.
Looked a horrible black and a very 'painted' look. No shine in it whatsoever.
tried everything for a whole week to get the colour to drain out EG: Hot extra virgin olive oil, Johnsons baby shampoo.
Eventually saw this website and tried it.
Squeezed the juice from 5 lemons into a plastic jug, then poured some conditioner in (not alot, just enough to count to TWO!!) also put a bit of bottled concentrated lemon juice in to top it up!!
The slapped it on my hair, combed it through, covered in a shower cap and left an for about an hour.
No colour came out in bath, BUT the colour HAD been on my haor for 6 days so had well settled by then!!!!
Thought nothing had happened, but it HAD!!
It put a wonerful shine onto my hair, looks really healthy, had lovley reddy highlights back in it, and have had compliments!!
So im finally getting used to my darker hair, now that it looks healthier!!
Worth a go on anyones hair!!
LIFE SAVER!!!!blonde hair turned greyish tinge disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Emma jackson on 2011-02-09
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!.....i had decided to lighten my already blonde hair,....i choosed what looked like a lovely pearl blonde colour,..but much to my horror, my hair turned a dull greyish colour!!!! was late at night,..i had work next day,...was thinking my only option was a sickie off work and an expensive and embarassing trip to the hair dresser,...out of desperation i searched the web for possible tips,...and came across this, and i have to say that IT REALLY DOES WORK, hair is a lovely light shade of beige blonde, be honest i guessed the amounts of lemon juice and conditioner,...i left it on my hair whilest applying heat from my hair dryer for as longa as i could stand it,..then rinsed with just water!!!!...i used concentrated lemon juice and a lot of patience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......much gratitude,....THANK YOU!!!! XXXXX
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Gramma on 2011-02-05
Had my usual hair colour at the hairdresser my blonde usual colour turned out pale red. Devistated I returned to the Hairdresser and she did it again.( redder). Came home and hated it and everyone!!!! Anyway just tried your recommendation and WoooHooo!!!! It works. I can see the blonde colour now and another go at it tomorrow and I think it willbe back to Brilliant. Thankyou for such a great tip. Just wondering who found this out and how did they try this, must have been desperate like me.????
Fan blinking tastic
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Vicki on 2011-02-07
You have saved me from going back to the salon, mine was blonde, and I wanted Brown with a few highlights. Only what I got was reddy, dark brown with greeny highlights. This tip has sorted the whole mop out and given it a completely lovely tone..I was very sceptical but I am soooooo impressed and saved me about 100 Euros..thanks so much
Happy blonde back again
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Happy blonde. on 2011-02-07
Hi again,i have already commented on this website but just wanted to add some more.
I found that by using lemon from a bottle it was definately more effective for my hair than just lemons,i'v just done 30ml of concentrated lemon juice and 10ml of conditioner,put it on my dry hair,blo dried it then wrapped some cling film around my head for just over an hour,well pleased or what,its even blonder now with the hilights coming through,im so pleased and i can only thank the person that recommended this brilliant tip.
Too Blonde with Gray highlights
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Anon on 2011-02-10
First off, I have not touched my own hair. I have spent way too much money to have this happen. I recently moved to a new city, and I had my stylist from home write down my formula so that there would be no issues at a new salon. I made an appointment with someone after a consultation. I gave hime the formula and thought all would be well. He didn't use it!!! I walked in with med blonde hair that had light hightlights. He highlighted so much that I left with what looked like all over white with a few hints of yellow here and there. I lived with it until the roots grew in. The next place I went to coundn't even use my formula because of the mess the last guy had created. She tried, but again did not listen. I told her that I wanted to add some warm med. blonde to break up the white.I also said that my hair grabs ash and that I don't like ash. I left with the same white and Lowlighted gray streaks. I'm disgusted. I'm now our about $350.00. These were not Super Cuts places, but salons that were recommended. I'm so sick of stylist saying that people are stupid for trying to do their own hair. I could have done this to myself for about $20.00. I'm walking into the kitchen to get the lemon juice out of the fridge right now.
Brilliant Tip
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Kaz4ray on 2011-02-17
My daughter used an ash blonde loreal dye on her previously bleached blonde hair. It went old woman grey lol and wasnt a good look as she is only 16. Her birthday party is tomorrow night and as the hairdresser was reluctant to use more chemicals on her hair i went online to find a solution and found this. Thought it was worth a try so i mixed 90ml of concentrated lemon juice with 30ml of intensive conditioner and saturated her dry hair with it. Wrapped it in cling film for an hour and then blew dry it with the highest heat setting she could stand. The colour actually changed in front of my eyes as i was drying it. It was unbelievable!! She now has a gorgeous head full of baby blond hair and its brought some of her natural highlights out too. Wish i could post before and after pictures. Many many thanks xx
Make sure you blow dry it!
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SueP on 2011-02-20
I went from a light blonde to a medium blonde and lots of green. I had already shampooed after dying because the smell gives me a headache. I noticed the green, and had not time to fix it then. The next morning I sat with the mixture on for over an hour and then shampooed, a slight difference, but I remembered I hadn't blown it dry. I put on the solutions again and blew it dry. Looks much better now! And my hair is really soft from the abundance of conditioning its had! One note: while blowing my hair dry our smoke detector went off, my husband said the house had a fog throughout! And my hair wasn't even all the way dry. Not sure why, but you might want to have a window open in the vicinity!
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Andzela on 2011-02-24
I've bleached my hair for ever, I was tired of it, I wanted more natural look I decided to color my hair champagne blond, my hair turned half champagne blonde and half gray...I didn't get upset much, but my experiment definitely went wrong, so I did a little research and I was so happy to find this article, my hair look amazing, grey is all gone, I am not chompagne blonde either but with gray all gone I have a new day for an experiment... Thank you
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Tracey Perry on 2011-02-21
Put light ash dye on my blonde hair, it went very dark grey. OMG.
This tip worked instantly, back to blonde again without another dye.
Saved me twice now :-)!!!
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Lacey on 2011-02-23
I just had to come on here and share that this remedy truly truly dies work, in fact I am almost convinced that these online remedies including this lemon juice conditioner and one other I found which requires a bit more work and I believe this irked faster and better but it worked was the 8 ground up vitamin C tabs (easiest to buy a pill grinder) with a quarter size of prell shampoo mix and apply paste all over or where you want lightened and leave on for 30 min to 2 hours depending on the results your seeing which i know work. Final thought... Lemon juice (pure concentrate) mixed with a small bit of deep conditioner worked AMAZING when I accidentally used a ASH blonde on my blonde highlighted hair and it was PURPLE/BLUE BAD. Two times doing this in a row and a good shampoo in between and left it on 1 hour both times and problem solved... Beautiful blonde with golden highlights even!! So pleased... So easy and I also know this tones down orange and yellow in blondes!! Good luck everyone, so glad I didn't go crazy drastic and dye it dark!!
Bye bye ash green
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Llees on 2011-02-27
. Used clairol dark ash blonde. Light brown Roots turned strawberry blonde. Ends grabbed grey green due to the processed light blonde highlights. Juice from 2 lemons with conditioner and that was plenty for shoulder length hair. Left on for an hour. Hair dried on hot setting. Rinsed with lemon juice of 2 more lemons. Shampooed and conditioned. No more grey green. Hooray!
Much better!
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PJ on 2011-02-28
Wow, that's an awesome fix! I dyed my medium brown hair a medium auburn shade just to give it a kick. The roots came out auburn, but the ends were jet black. I used the lemon fix as directed and the ends are at least a whole shade lighter now and blend much better! I will repeat the process again next time I have to wash my hair. Hopefully, it will lighten up even more!
quick fix for yellow/orange hair
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nchesham on 2011-03-04
after bleaching my hair and being left with an orange/yellow tone i turned to the internet for a solution, i initially decided to use a semi permanent ash colour to help tone but read about the ends going grey or green. with not much time to spare i had a wedding to attend in a few days, i went to boots in a desperate attempt to find something that might help, after trawling through the hair dyes my eyes were averted to a sachet for less than £1.05 named shaders and toners, its a wash in wash out so bought the light ash blonde and figured my colur could look no worse! its like a little miracle cure, i could face the world again, its needs doing every couple of days but for that price its not expensive and will be fine until the next time i use bleach,i was unable to find the product on boots website and prior to that it was difficult to find any product suitable within the uk. so dont despair there is something that can be used.
no more green
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Abi on 2011-03-05
my hair had a strange green tint after I went from dark blonde to brown, I had the mix in my hair for an hour, blow dried it untill it was almost dry and then ended with purple shampoo to clean all the mixture out. The green tint is now gone!! Im so happy:) did not want to waste anymore money going to a professional!
SOLUTION for too dark loreal color!!!
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Anon on 2011-03-06
I used Loreal Excellence -had used Loreal Feria in past not sure why I decided to change but needed little more gray coverage.Excellence was much darker than the hair sample at Ulta and example on box.It also was dull not at all like Feria.I tried lemon juice with conditioner with minimal success. I bought Color Oops and us it --viola all hair color gone and my natural hair color returned. It says you can even recolor same day--didn't try that. Just relieved to no longer look like a Goth. this product only works if you used dark color.It cannot reverse bleaching process so if you lightened your hair it won't work. hope this helps someone put there.
highlights went wrong
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sharon on 2011-03-07
i have black hair, dyed hair red wanted highlights,brought frost & glory highlights ,hair turned out wrong ,what can i do to fix my hair
Thank you!!
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Anon on 2011-03-16
I recently bleached my hair using Clairol's maximum blonding box dye, and it came out hideously yellow. Went to Sally's beauty supply to get a toner to correct it and the lady suggested this purple-based toner called "white lady." Left it on 10 minutes and my roots turned out perfect but the rest of my hair turned a really scary lilac purple. I am currently using the lemon juice trick now and after 10 minutes, I can already see the purple is gone and my hair is going to look normal. Thank you!!!
just say i ended up with nasty dark grey hair.. This really works!!
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Lorena on 2011-03-17
i went to the salon, i had been bleaching my hair for about a year. I would bleach it then i would be a medium blondeon it.. well got tired of the look, decided i would go back to color and highlights!! well wrong it turned blackish grey, then the salon again try to fix!! dark grey now.. Well it was late so i came home shampoo with head and shoulders, it lighten it a bit but still grey.. well couldnt sleep so i got on google early in the morning and found this infor.. Well i decided to do it, it couldnt get any worse.. so i did it exactly how it says left it on for an hour and 15mins.. and all i got to say is WOW OH WOW!! my hair turned soft brown with blondle highlights!! No GREY!! Thanks to whoever came up with this!! Its amazing!!! Now i can go to the fund raiser this weekend!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!! Also thanks to God too!!! Im SO HAPPY!!
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sandra on 2011-03-19
hi would like to no if this lemon juice conditioner remedy. will work on bleach hair. want it to be lighter its a dirty blonde coulour. want it a naturall blonde beach babe. lol please help
just a question :)
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Nataliee( : on 2011-03-20
my natural hair colour was brown with blonde highlights but i dyed it red and it went a gingery red , so yesterday i dyed it and it was supposed to be light brown-blonde and its come out with blondy ginger roots , the top to my ears is dark and light brown and the bottom is blacky brown , and the dye is also permanent and does this work on permanent dye?(:
Off to work!
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Maxine on 2011-03-21
I always dye my own hair a golden blonde. This time I decided I wanted a lighter look and went for ash blonde on the recommendation of the girl in Sally's. My hair turned out lilac!!! Thank God I found this tip. I dug out the lemon juice from pancake day and went for it ... amazingly it has worked and my hair is a lovely light blonde and super soft!! Thank you so much!!!
Highlighted hair turned grey.
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Lana on 2011-03-23
I had my hair highlighted in a salon, few pieces were brassy so I used purple shampoo (left it on too long - 5 min) and it turned grey. Went back to the salon and he put a toner on which made it even more grey. HELP PLEASE
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erin on 2011-03-23
i am a natural blonde. I dyed my hair brown last winter cus i wanted to try it out and see if i liked it or not.. I ended up staying brunette for a few months and didn't love it so i went thru an extremely painfull and lengthy process of getting it back to blonde. I did it all at home too with bleach from sally beauty shop. After i bleached it it started fading into a weird colour and i kept putting different blonde colours on top trying to get my natural colour back and i kept ending up with ashy green and grey tones. I finally came across this site today and as desperate as i was i tried it right away. I mixed 3/4 cup realemon juice and 1/4 cup of regular conditioner and soaked my whole head in it. I left it on for an hour and then blow dried it til it was warm and crispy. I got in the shower and rinsed it out.. Then poured more straight lemon juice onto my head and rinsed that out too. Then i just used a blonde enhancing shampoo and conditioner right after. Blow dried my hair and it is PERFECT. Exactly the colour i wanted.. I wish i had known this sooner!! Thank you to whoever invented this!! Im so happy my hair is finally a good colour again :)
cross between Ginger Megs and an Orange
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Selina Tighe on 2011-04-06
emailed you last night. I the light of day definately an improvement but still ginger.
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Anon on 2011-03-27
I believe this tip of lemon juice works very well. The problem everyone is having when it doesn't work is probably their hard water. It stains your hair different colors and if you try dying your hair the water will make it weird colors and won't stay or take the right shades.
FIRST check your water and get a filter and if you don't have the $ then get bottled or distilled water.
2nd-If your hair is stained do the lemon process
3rd- then dye your hair. IF your are prone to ORANGE/BRASSY or YELLOW tones then you should also grab what's called LIGHT DRABBER by WELLA at Sallys or online. This is a straight BLUE dye. You should add 1 part light drabber to 1 part whatever dye you want. OR if your hair is already dyed and it's turned out ORANGE BRASS OR YELLOW you can do 1 part light drabber, 1 part water and 20 volume to match the amount of the drabber and water mixture.
I have had BRASSY ORANGE YELLOW HORRIBLE TONES IN MY HAIR FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE! It was ALL because of the hard water that my dye wasn't working at all AND because it was being stained orange by the iron in the water. SO ladies....listen to someone who has been through the ringer from age 13 (when I 1st dyed my hair) until 36 years old. I found the cure for brassy hair that won't dye the color you want. It's:
If you get a water filter, softener or wash your hair with rain water ot bottle or distilled water and you get the brass out then you might be able to continue to dye your hair and get the color you want. If not and you STILL get the the DRABBER!!!!!!! IF REALLY WORKS. My ONLY caution is don't use too much! IT IS STRAIGHT BLUE DYE used to tone down YELLOWS AND WARM TONES. The hair places like Sally's are finally catching on, the salons aren't for some reason. I REALLY HOPE THIS HELPS, I am NOT a professional but feel like I should be, I know more than any professional person I have been to. Everyone has ruined my hair and I bet I have had my hair dyed professionally and at home more than anyone on here hahaha! Not a good thing :) I do have TONS of experience, not downing anyone just telling my personal experience. Everything I said on here worked wonders for me. I finally can do my own hair, save money, have the perfect color hair and start to GROW IT LONGGGGGGGG!!!! YAY! At 36....well at least I get to be happy the last years of my life with my hair right????? Love & Light Always <3
Haven't tried this yet, but
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Hafsa on 2011-03-28
I have died my hair black over 6 months ago and now I would like to go really light for the summer. Will this lemon juice trick work for such old hair dye? If not, is there anything else that would without damaging the hair. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
It works
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Alexandra on 2011-03-29
I usually use Garnier Fructis hair dye to go from a light brown to a dark brown, but decided to use a new brand (Perfect 10) and it turned my hair BLACK. It wasn't horrible cause I have the type of skin tone that can pull it off, but after about two days, unless I put some major work into, my hair started to make me look like a witch. By the time I found this site it had been two days and a few washes, BUT I tried it anyways and it didn't make a huge, drastic change but it did make it lighter. It is no longer black. My hair is still dark, but it no longer looks fake. 3/4 lemon and 1/4 conditioner, soaked in hair for 25 minutes, blew dry, then washed regularly. I would definately recomend doing this before you try drastic, chemical measures.
SERIOUS trouble with hair color
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VioletsViolence on 2011-03-30
So, this is a bit of a long winded story.. but with the new hair color remover on the market, I didn't think that it would be impossible to go from my cherry red / black hair to my natural color of a dark golden blonde (the Canadian color) So - after the color remover, YIKES. I mean, I knew I had to recolor after the color remover.. so being that it was.. yellow.. white.. orange.. TERRIBLE!! I decided that strawberry blonde was the way to go - being that there was reddish orange in my hair already. BAD idea.. so far.. this cost me about 60$ CDN. My hair at this point looks like strawberry ice cream. Honestly, there was red... blonde red and cream. So, I go to the local pharmacy and talk to a Cosmetologist and she suggests that I put "Dream Blonde" on my hair. It should take everything out and give me a blank slate. hahaha.. I also got a brass banisher.. which actually helped a little to get the brassy orange and neon yellow to sort of match the white blonde of the roots and the ends of my hair. At this point I've spent about 100$ CDN. So, I wait a couple weeks.. amid a lot of comments on my 'lime green' hair.. apparently thats what it looked like in the florescent lights of work. Anyway - my fav hair color is on sale at Shoppers Drug mart. I decide its time to give my natural color a go. I try a Dark Golden Blonde.. pretty much exactly what my natural color is.. lo and behold.. the really blonde parts are GREY! Including my roots. Haha.. so at this point.. i've spent about 150$ CDN (I know, should have just went to the salon) I'm freaking out at this point and I am on my way out the door to the drug store to find yet another color to dump on my poor abused hair. at this point i am surprised that i am not bald. if this doesn't work, i've advised hubbs that I am going to shave my hair. So he goes "Why not google it" and then, I found you..TipKing. my knight in shining armor! Seriously.. I'm sitting through the second treatment of lemon and conditioner (its almost 4 am at this point) there is no sunshine clearly.. but it doesn't matter.. a little blow drying actually works as well.. the first one worked to tone down the grey.. i had to wash it out because the concentrated lemon is killer on my skin... but now that I know it works.. I will do it 10 times if it gets the terrible grey out. Thanks for the tip! My once straw hair is now soft and luscious.. I love it! Thanks again.
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Liz on 2011-03-31
so i dyed my hair today its supposed to be brown but the top half came out reddish brown which i have dyed my hair red so many times i don't mind it but the bottom is sooo much darker! its almost black! will this work if i just put it at the bottom of my hair? or should i try to put it on my whole head? heeeelp!
Why you make sure you dont try to dye your hair back to brown , after dying it auburn
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Mariah Mckenzie on 2011-04-03
I know this is very obvious , but i dyed my hair auburn about alittle more than 2 weeks ago . And to make sure if i died it back to brown not turning to a wicked color i put brown highlight's in it. (myself) . It turned out Orange. So i am a redhead with orange Highlights. and i am naturally Brown Headed. Soo , What should i do . Should i Dye my hair by myself and Temp . back to brown . OR should i save the money and go to someone who is actually knowing what there doing. and it turns out good. and wait another month or 2?
HELP - black w/ highlights now gray
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Nat1993 on 2011-04-04
Will this work for for hair that was professionally died with black low lights and highlights that are white? It has a gray tint? My hair dresser won't fix it!!!!!!!
We ALL make mistakes - some more tips to help you with too dark hair!
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Christine on 2011-04-05
I ALSO dyed my hair a 'Dark' brown which came out BLACK!
Arghhhhh Gothic Vampire look, the lemon has helped, only a little, I guess it depends on the brand and how long you left it before you found this site....excellent tip though.
If it hasn't worked, you still feel... angry and not good at all!so here are my tried tips to HELP you!
I realized by looking carefully at other dark haired ladies and celebs that what was really making me wierd looking was my face with my hair!!
So I went out and got my eye lashes and eye brows tinted to match the dark color, almost black - now it looks more like it is my natural colour and I don't cry every time I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror!
I have embraced the dark look, playing with make up etc... Demi Moore look.
Also check the colour combos of your wardrobe! and get friends to help tell you what makes you look 'not goth' check out magazines, web pages to see pics of ladies with dark hair...their make up, their clothes...
So having your eye lashes tinted means once all the make up is off, you still have dark lashes in the morning, the dark brows matching is such a big difference and then have a nice bronzer & brush on you all the time, give yourself a healthy brown glow instead of pale white - so whilst you wait for the color to fade, you too can embrace the mistake, enjoy the new look and feel SEXY!!!! Confidence ladies! Good luck sexy dark haired ladies! =)
Kept it on overnight
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anon on 2011-04-05
I mixed conditioner with the lemon juice as suggested, about 1/2 & 1/2, saturated the hair and left it in overnight in a bun. I washed it out the following morning and the ashy gray was a lot better. I suspect another night like this and it will just about dissapear.
Cross between Ginger Megs and an orange
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Selina Tighe on 2011-04-06
Had my roots retouched with Rosso elgon
and they are ginger.!!!
Tried your remedy but did not work.Live in Espiritu Santo Vanuatu with no hairdresser in town. Deperate
What a relief, Thank you Soooooo much!!
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Jan on 2011-04-09
I have white hair and usually dye my hair light Ash blonde (as my hair has previously grabbed red tones) This week I used Loreal Excellence light Ash blonde, and hey presto, it turned out battle ship grey with purple tips! Although my friends at work were sweet and said it suited me, I was horrified.
I luckily found your site, and followed the advice. Even after the lemon mixture was on my hair for 20mins, I could already see a difference, after the hour, and a normal wash, the colour was back to a lovely warm blonde colour. What a relief! Thankyou so much!!!
Comments By:
IsobelAdes on 2011-04-10
Oh my goodness, I'm so excited this works. I have naturally mousy brown hair, but I've had it bleached platinum for quite a while now, but then I got bored with that and decided to go back to brown. BUT the dye I used decided to turn my head black with blue undertones. NOT a good look. I left the 3:1 mix of lemon to conditioner on for about 45 minutes, blow dried, rinsed with more lemon, shampooed and condioned with my normal conditioner, and even though I didn't see color running out like some of the other posters have, it worked. ALL the blue tones are gone, and my hair is definitely a nice chocolatey brown, instead of horridly blueblack. There are some highlights too, so it looks nice and natural. This tip is a LIFESAVER! For sure. Thanks millions.
im in need of some help!!!!!!!
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Vanessa on 2011-04-10
i dyed my whole head bleach blonde and one of my friends recommended that i used the purple shampoo to get ride of the brassy colour. I used it like i was supposed to and now my hair has a tint of purple in it. how do i get ride of that?
Hair color gone ugly!!!
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Dot on 2011-04-11
Did your lemon rinse tip and it WORKED for getting my blonde hair color back on track. I was a yellow blonde and wanted the yellow taken out. I came home with 'ugly' gun-mentle gray hair. Did your lemon rinse and I am back to blonde WITHOUT yellow!!! Could not be happier!!! Saved me from having to do another all over bleach job.
Thanx-a-million for the tip!!!
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tiffany on 2011-04-11
Hi i have blonde hair and i wanted to put dark brown highlights but the french hairdresser did not understand and put black. now my hair has got a silver grey tinge how do i get rid of this and make it look nice again?
for more stuborn darker hair,
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cheesemonster777 on 2011-04-11
I totally agree with this tip, if you are having problems with stubborn darker hair I suggest lemon juice 1/2 cup to vinegar 1/2 cup, mix in ground cinnamon till it turns to a paste.leave in for 40 mins do it twice a week and condition and wash hair thoroughly after use. This works, Its kinder on your hair than trying to bleach it back,I've been, blue purple black and green, my natural is a dark blonde with light tones. This also works if you have reddish orange tones to some degree too.
Woo Hoo!!
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Blondie on 2011-04-12
Having not learned my lesson the previous 400 times I have dyed my hair at home and ended up with a disaster, I did it again and ended up with grey hair instead of golden blonde (THAT hasn't happened before!) Was resigned to the fact I would have to walk around looking like an old lady for a few months, until I decided maybe the Internet could help. It did! Grey is completely GONE, unbelievable. Still can't believe it! Just do it, it's not going to make your hair look any worse, is it?
Really Works!!!!!!!!!!
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Croatia on 2011-04-14
I added too much of anti red concentrate in my color and turn out BLUE!
This is the simplest and best advice I have found on the internet...and the best thin really worked for me! after cca 2 h BLUE was gone and nice ash blond color stayed!Thanks!
it works!
Comments By:
JerBear on 2011-04-14
I went to the hairdresser and asked for jen aniston hair and got something very different. instead i got ashy dark brown hair instead of sunkissed golden brown/blonde. i had highlights and lowlights done and then a toner applied on top, but the toner was TOOO dark and turned my hair a grayish greeney colour. lets just say i'm not going back again... i paid wayyy too much for what she did, so i was looking for a cheap solution. i used 3/4 cups of lemon juice the kind that comes in the bottle and one quarter conditioner. mixed it together. i have medium length hair so 30 ml would not cover my whole head. left it on for 30 mins, towel dried a bit (which i could see the dark toner being removed) and wrap it up in a plastic bag. waited 30 mins, and blowdried it out. it gets kinda crispy but dont be afraid, lemon juice makes your hair soooo soft. i went into the shower rinse it out then rinse again with plain lemon juice. shampoo and conditionered and blowdried again. my hair is MUCH lighter now and looks like my natural browny/blonde colour! THANK YOU!
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Karen Porter on 2011-04-15
Well I must admit I was sceptical but it worked a treat! My hair is lighter and looks so glossy. Thank you so much for your help, you are amazing!
I redyed my hair over highlights and they turned blue gray
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SusieQ on 2011-04-15
I used your suggestion of lemon and conditioner. And it worked!!!!
My hair looks great. I left the soloution in about 2 hours. It saved me a bundle. I can"t thank you enough.
WOW! It really worked . . .
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Cindy on 2011-05-10
My hair is naturally strawberry blond. Over the years I have had light highlights to the point that my hair was more blond than strawberry. So to try and blend my hair back to the color of the roots and tone down the old highlights I used Loreal's natural golden blond last night and came out with a very deep dark red - terrible with my light skin tone. Stayed up late and googled what to do about bad haircolor. Your site came up almost immediately and thank goodness it did. I read all the many comments and knew there must be something to it but not too many of them were dealing with RED hair. But since I couldn't leave it the way it was, I knew I had to try it and it really did lighten it up considerably. With nice golden highlights! I think the key is in the blowdrying right after you saturate with the lemon juice/conditioner mixture. I noticed it getting lighter the longer I dried it. I did leave it on for about 45 minutes but it didn't seem to get any lighter during that time. Also, I didn't see a bit of color come out when I rinsed it with the lemon juice, but in the final drying it was considerably lighter. This really works so don't be afraid to try it, even with red color! Thanks so much for the tip!
hair to dark and how to lighten it
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silvia on 2011-04-23
i went to a beauty shop to have my hair dyed light ash brown with honey highlights, well the highlites to me looked white, so i looked like i had more salt and pepper colored hair, she said to come in and she would tone down the highlites and she did this, then what happened when i got home they seemed to be gone, no high lites at all. I called her right away and she said that since i use an ash brown which is darker to wash it with dish soap? i was scared, she said to trust her and the yellow highlites would come back, she said to do this for two days and then if I still didnt see a differnce to come back sat. the day before easter. so i did this with conditioner of course and it worked, it washed out the ash and brought out the highlites, alot. i am going back to have just a few more put in around my bangs, and that is it but this did work. i bought dawn dish soap, and washed one night, and then the next night, and the hightlights all started to show back up, cuz the stuff she used to tone down the white highlites acually turned them honey bloned but when i got home and styled my hair they seemed to be gone, so thats when i called her,and she told me to wash out the ash i need to use dish soap cuz of the strong ph balance in that stuff. it worked, so if your hair is too dark try it, it wont hurt it not if you use conditioner after words, i also used a leave in conditioner before i blew it dry, but they look great, i am going tomorrow to have just a few more put in around my bangs and she better not charge me because i paid alot in the first place for this whole shibang. LOL good luck
turned my dark blonde purple hue a beautiful beige natural blonde!
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katy on 2011-04-26
This mixture is a god send, I would reccomend it to anyone who has a hair crisis! my light blonde hair turned a purple hue after using a medium blonde hair dye. came across this site and never thought it would work but ALAS, it has, i am deffo one happy bunny! :D
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Amy on 2011-04-29
i decided to dye my hair an ice blonde to get a more platinum look and my hair turned a blue/grey colour. i was really sceptical about this so i bought bleach just incase it didnt work. it worked a charm no need to ruin my hair by piling more dye on.
i have quite long hair so i used 6 lemons and 2 shot glasses of conditioner. left it on for 20 minutes, dried it with a hair dryer and then washed it out. it got every bit of the blue and grey out and my hair is back to blonde again.
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Kelsey on 2011-05-02
I had medium blonde hair with platinum highlights for a couple months, but it was hard to maintain. So I decided to go back to my natural light brown hair.
I used a "pure light brown" dye and ended up with borderline black/brown hair with a green tint and light brown roots.
I immediately ran back to store, bought more and dyed again. It only got worse. So after living with the embarrassing mess that I created for two days, I discovered this site and the lemon juice/conditioner treatment.
I PROMISE you, and this is coming from a cereal hair destroyer, this treatment WILL REMOVE GREEN ASHY TONES.
Saturate your hair with the treatment, towel dry, blow dry a little then pour more lemon juice over your head and you'll see the dye going down the drain, its amazing.
I washed my hair with a clarifying shampoo directly after and left a deep conditioner on for a few minutes.
My hair is still a few different shades of brown from my lack of hair dying talent. BUT NO GREEN ANYMOREEE:)
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vicky on 2011-05-15
I was at 9pm this evening a ash blonde, i decided to put on a different shade.....not good turned out a really vile dark grey/purple. Since i have work tomorrow i was totally gutted to say the least!!! Anyway i found this post and to say its saved me is an understatement, i literally left the lemon juice and conditioner on my hair twenty mins blow dryed somewhat and washed off and i can't believe myself that i have now a real nice colour, i am truly shocked its actually better than the normal colour i use ha. to say an hour ago i was so upset and praying this worked is great. If your reading this and sat looking for answers in despair look no further, it really does work. and i'm thankful i can sleep easy and tomorrow no one will believe me that my hair was grey/purple. My hair even feels better. good luck
Works better than you think!
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Melissa on 2011-05-16
I've been trying to get light brown forever . I've gone through boxes of colour remover and dye and always turned out with orangish brown blonde hair. I used colour foam light brown at another attempt to get the orange out but my hair turned out dark brown almost black!! I had enough, so I went on google and found this. I am soooooo happy with the result. It's better than any of my other results . My hair is a light brown with nice highlights. My hair is so shiny and natural looking. My hair doesn't even look dyed. I reccommend this to anyone, but make sure you follow every step!!
Yay - this worked!
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Anon on 2011-05-21
I was touching up my roots, and wanted to slightly tone my highlights, NOT cover them (they cost too much to cover!!). I only pulled the dye through for 2 minutes, but the highlights were gone :( So I did the lemon juice and they are back! blow-drying is the key - if you can sit in the sun, that's even better!
Amazing - it does work!
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Angelfish on 2011-06-07
I can't believe it works but I'm so glad it does! I dyed my hair with l'oreal light ash blonde yesterday - they should be done under the trade descriptions act because it was nothing like the picture on the box and actually turned my hair dark grey (I was using another baby blonde colour previously but it had gone too light)- I work in a school and I had to go to work today and you know how cruel kids can be (say no more!) so you can imagine my embarassment. I thought I'd got nothing to lose so I bought some bottled lemon juice and I used 5ml medicine spoons to put in 6 spoons of lemon juice and 2 spoons of apple conditioner. I have only just finished blowdrying and I can already see a huge improvement - gonna rinse it now so it can only get better. Thankyou to the person who posted!
Absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!!
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Anon on 2011-06-06
This is a fantastic tip!!!! I've had hundreds of hair disasters since I started dying my hair at 15, if only I knew this sooner!!!!! My hair was very light blonde and I decided to colour it more of an ash blonde, what I got was GREY from root to tip!!!! This mix is brilliant, I put it in my hair left it for half an hour then went to blow dry it, I noticed a difference before I even started drying it!.....I then rinsed with the lemon juice and shampood as normal. What a flipping fantastic result, I've got the colour I always wanted with no grey to be seen :) very very happy :)
Natural Back to Bleach Blonde to Silver/Grey/Blue
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Jolienne on 2011-06-06
Thank you so much for the posting. All I have to say is...YOUR THE BEST!
Hard to believe something so inexpensive and easy can work so well
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Jenn on 2011-06-14
I over-toned my bleached blonde hair and the results were a greyish-blue all over tinge. Before I panicked and bleached it again, I checked online for advise and found this tip. It worked perfectly. I only had one large lemon on hand, which squeezed, gave me 1/4 cup of juice. I mixed that with a tube of conditioner that came with a bottle dye kit. I applied the mixture to my dry hair and massaged it in for a couple of minutes. I was about to haul out my hood dryer and let the mixture dry for 15 minutes, but by the time I returned to the mirror, I could see that the blue/gray color was gone. In just 5 minutes! I rinsed my hair with warm water, skipping the lemon juice rinse and dried my hair as normal. The results are amazing! My hair is the perfect shade of platinum, it's soft and shiny and the whole thing cost me 50¢ and 5 minutes. I could have easily spent $75 and 2 hours at a salon fixing this problem. To quote another reviewer "This is the most priceless hair tip I have ever seen."
Thank you!
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Linzpiration on 2011-06-18
This really does work. I had a disaster yesterday trying to do my dark roots with Loreal Ash Blonde to match the rest of my hair which had been bleached with foils. My roots went really orange and the rest of my hair had an awful blue tinge through it. I googled for help and found this site. I squeezed out 10 lemons and mixed the juice with some conditioner, smothered it through my hair and put on a shower cap for about an hour. Then I washed it out and all the blue is gone and my hair is a gorgeous apricot blonde color all through and it's so very soft! Thank you so much!
Really does work
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Denise on 2011-06-19
I too was skeptical when I came upon this site after checking the internet on how to get the grey out of my hair after using a beige blonde hair color. My hair is light blonde and I was going for a whiter shade of blonde so tried the L'Oreal Excellence Lightest Beige Blonde. It did not say "ash" on the box as I know not to use ash on my hair because it leaves a grey tint. It did say "cooler" but I've used those kinds of colors before. It was supposed to soften facial features for "mature" skin. Great I thought. So, I used it and got a silver, which was pretty, but not what I was going for. I tried the 3 part lemon to 1 part conditioner and left it on for 30 min., ran the hair dryer about 10 min., left it on 15 min. after that, rinsed some more lemon from the bottle, and then shampooed and conditioned my hair. Well, to my amazement, my hair is back to blonde. Not the color I wanted but at least it's not silver grey! I may be in my 50's but I don't want my hair to look that way. I use a purple shampoo and conditioner daily to keep out the brassiness so I should be able to get the blonde I want using that. I am so glad I found this site because I was going to have to go to work tomorrow with silver grey hair and try to wash it out all week. This tip really is a life saver. Thanks very much for sharing!
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rachel on 2011-06-19
I dont usually comment on these things but I was in desperate need of a fix today having put a light ash blondue dye on my head to discover on washing ut out that is was very very silver/grey/purple.
Muh to my despair I trawled through google in the hope of a remedy or at least temporary fix when i found this.
I must admit I was very sceptical but had nothing to lose so followed the above advice and after an hour washed it out...I was absolutely delighted and amazed that it worked, this was a godsend and lifesaver, thank you so much!!!!! I am one happy lady - it has left a lovely colour and not a hint of silver/blue/purple.
Whoever posted this is pure genious!!! It really does work, so well that i hjad to log back on to leave a comment. It defo washes away the worst of ashy silver colours amazingly :D
L'oreal Nutriese Cocoa no 4
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Phillippa on 2011-06-30
I coloured my hair dark brown which previous had a colour brown before i noticed when after bleaching the roots went a golden blonde spoken with L'oreal and all they said go to the shops and get a toner offered to look at the photo's but still refused compensation i feel disgusted that that's how they speak to customers at their help line its outrageous and don't even want to help with fixing the matter!!!!
Not sure
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SAS on 2011-07-04
I tried the lemon and conditioner I can't see much difference. I may try again when I get home from work tomorrow and sit in the sun for a bit. Wish I would have read the idea earlier in the day before the sun started to set.
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TERRY on 2011-07-06
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Tania on 2011-07-15
Can't thank you enough. Dyed my hair a permanent medium brown and it went way to dark. Tried to live with it for a week but I was so unhappy. Mixed the lemon and conditioner together as stated, left it on for just under a hour and have come out with a really lovely brown hair colour. Can't thank you enough for this tip. It couldn't have worked out any better.
This actually worked!!!
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Barrie Girl! on 2011-07-17
Unbelievable, I thought I was going to have to spend a fortune to correct this greyish/ green hair of mine!!! I had beautiful highlights and went to get the roots touched, when my hairdresser thought it best to pull my natural hair color thru. BIG MISTAKE!!! I ended up with actual grey looking hair. I thought I'd give this a try and am extremely happy with the end result. Thanks for sharing!!! :)
blonde hair with orange and yellow !
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Renee (: on 2011-07-21
i died my hair this morning to a blonde, it has now gone to a blonde with bits of orange and yellow through it. i was wondering if i used the lemon and conditioner will it get rid of the orange and yellow. PLEASE HELP!
OMG this actually works !!!
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Linziw on 2011-08-12
I have always dyed my hair blonde over the years but decided yesterday to go white blonde. Well results were blue/grey patches, disaster !! Found this site and decided to give a try after all the positive comments on here,only had lemon juice in squeezy bottle in fridge ( few months old ), left on for about an hour and did all the directions given at top of this page,results were 75% better. So today went and bought fresh lemons, shampooed hair twice before applying ang drying which I didnt do the night before and amazingly all the grey/blue has disappeared and now left with lovely blonde color.Def great tip. thanx
Blue hair disaster
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Yorkshire blue hair! on 2011-08-24
Went to sallys to buy my hair dye, always been there for my platinum hair dye. This time is went blue/grey/lilac. Put a shop bought beige blonde that i had in my drawer which improved it a little - went to asda to buy a warmer blonde. It's a gorgeous colour but with a blue tint all over! Going back to asda (1am now) to get lemons to put the mixture on over night!! Wish me luck...will post the outcome. I'm hopeful!! xx
Thank Heavens for Lemons!!!
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Jill on 2011-08-30
Oh wow well let me just say I tried this after reading all 75 or more reviews. After being blonde for years and having an uneven amount of blonde I tried wella ivory lady toner....bad idea. While ud think blue/purple base is safe and will help avoid brassiness it will turn ur blonde to a gawd awful grey. Just happened to have a small bottle of expired lemon juice in the frig and mixed it with good conditioner started slapping it on my hair. Root to tip, did this twice for a total of an hour and UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I honestly did not measure anything bc I was doubtful...I mean how lucky could I get using an expired bottle of lemon juice? JACKPOT. Now I have restored the blonde with natural subtle highlights and no grey, blue etc...healthier than it ever has been. Patience is mandatory, along with some heat (use hairdryer) do it long enough till ur hair feels like straw. Then rinse it well with hot water, shampoo, condition and dry then style. Literally cost me nothing, especially since the lemon juice was expired. Dont hesitate, the longer u wait the worst it will be. I did my bad toner job within 24 hours and this trick took less than an hour. Dont think too long or u may not be as lucky and will have to re-dye or re-bleach. GOT LEMON?!!?
its working
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gemma on 2011-09-02
i dyed my hair last night and it was a disaster medium brown went jet black so i tried this method this morning and its working gonna do it again till it fades quite a lot
It works!
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Clare on 2011-09-19
Had platinum blonde hair went salon to get lowlights and they were too dark and too many! Did this finished with dandruff shampoo and so much lighter and more blended rather than salt n pepper look! Going to do it again and think I may get rid all dark and have my lovely blonde hair again! Did as others cling film and left 1 hour natural sun in!
This Saved Me, Big Time!!!!
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kikij on 2011-10-24
Thank you, this tip truly saved me! I had beige blonde, with dark blonde, brassy, roots. I used a light ash blonde, at home die, and my hair turned out bluish, grey in the front. Your trick has my hair looking perfect!! Wow, awesome!!