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Summer Camp. Advice for summer camps

The long hot days of summer bring moments when you sometimes wish your children were back in school. Summer camps offer you a little time to yourself and at the same time, something fun for your child to do. Summer camps can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, even an entire month!

What kind of camps can you find to send your children to in the summer months when they most need a little extra activity? If you have never looked into the various types of camps that are available for children, you might be surprised. There are swim camps, scouting camps, hiking, running, and fitness camps. You may find computer camps, reading camps, big brother or sister camps, or you may find camps that are geared towards basketball, baseball, football, cheerleading and just about any other type of sport that you can think of. 

How can you choose a great summer camp that you know is safe? One of the first things you need to find out about the camp that you are possibly going to send your children too is about safety. Look at what activities that are going to be done by your children while they are at camp, are they age appropriate? Find out how many adults are going to be present for every five or ten children in the camp. 

An open line of communication between you and your child while he/she is at camp is important. Camps that do not allow visits, phone calls, letters, or even email could be hiding something. Of course, you want some type of security and accountability Yes, all children do get homesick at one time or another, but having a form of communication in case your child is in trouble and wants to talk to you directly is important in this modern world. 

What can you send with your small child to make them feel more comfortable while they are away at wilderness camp or kid camp? Sending photos, a stuffed animal, and a few things of their very own that make them feel a little more grown up is going to keep them from missing you so much and from wanting to come home as fast. Sending a photo book, a letter that you tuck in their suitcase, or just a picture of the entire family is going to make their stay at camp much easier, knowing that you haven’t just ‘shipped’ them off, but you are sending them on an adventure of their own. 

Learn more about camps that are located near you that you can afford. While some camps are going to be very expensive, you can also find that some camps run by children’s groups, by government funded programs, and even by church organizations can be very inexpensive. If you are sending your child to a sport related camp or even an academic related camp, there are various types of funding and scholarships that you may want to check out to keep your costs lower. Sometimes even sending more than one child to camp can offer you a discount. 

What types of camps could your children be most interested in? If you are thinking about sending your child to a summer camp to expand their horizons, to teach them more or even just to help them make more friends, look at their daily life and find out more about what they are interested in. Wild life camps might sound exciting but they are not for every child. If your child has an interest in animals, horses, dogs, pets, or even in farms, you can find a camp that is more suited for their interests instead of getting out in the wildness and camping. 

If you want your child to relax and make more friends, scouting camps, church camps, or any type of camp is going to give this to them, it just has to be age appropriate. You don’t wan to send a twelve year old to a six to ten year old camp or the twelve year old would most likely just be bored. Find out the ages of the campers, and those who are supervising your child for a great summer placement.

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