Home : Health : Remedies : Hangovers : Benadryl and Gatorade

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Benadryl and Gatorade for hangovers

Submitted by Shannon

After a night of drinking and smoking, take two Benadryl Sinus and Allergy Headache releif pills (the green box) and chug a bottle of Gatorade. Keep a bottle of water on hand in case of middle of the night thirst. When morning comes, you'll feel like you never partied the night before.

Visitors comments

Benedryl is the cure! Comments By: -T on 2010-09-13
I stumbled across the great Benedryl cure after much drinking one night, with a cold. I took Benedryl before going to bed, and although it shouldn't be possible that I did not wake up with a massive hangover-I didn't. For the past four years now, I have taken four benedryl before going to bed after consuming alcohol. Never a hangover one since!

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