Home : Outdoors : Garden and yard : Kill dandelions with salt

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Dandelions. Kill dandelions with salt

You can kill dandelion weeds in your lawn and landscape by putting a teaspoon of salt directly onto the base of the dandelion. The salt will work into the soil and kill the roots. This does take a little time but your yard can be beautiful for just pennies!

Visitors comments

useful... Comments By: j on 2005-04-22
...if i had a dumptruck full of salt. that is the most idiotic thing i have ever heard in my life. it is absolutely ridiculous. ...a teaspoon of salt on the roots of each dandelion.... my yard would be nothing but a teaspoon thick of salt. good day and good luck on draining the ocean. jdlee
waste Comments By: jack on 2005-05-12
This is a really stupid method but whatever works for ya. Maybe if you spend a few extra dollars you can get your lawn care provider to fix that for you. Its not that hard and it doesnt tale up to 2 weeks to work
Genius Comments By: Bob Hoskins on 2009-04-22
This works a treat, good thinking that man! Sure, if you must kill all dandelions NOW, and you don't mind pumping poisonous chemicals onto your children's playground, and you don't want to save a few quid, or have a "lawn care provider", then maybe it's not for you. But me, I'm not too fussed by any of the above and I'll be spreading the word to like-minded folk
Silly Comments By: Suzy on 2009-05-13
You will quickly poison your soil with this method and soon nothing will grow. Seaside gardeners have a hard time finding naturally salt resistant plants.
Great Tip! Comments By: Utah home gardener on 2010-05-01
Not only did it kill my wicked dandelions but I put a tsp on some other weeds I HAD. Yes, they are dead too! Hooray! I also have peace knowing I didn't have to chance any chemicals around my little dogs.
Archaeological site full of dandelions Comments By: Anon on 2010-11-11
Thanks for the tip! We have an archaeological site which is marble based with a colonade. Dandelions have spread in the cracks and were are at loss how to remove them without defiling the ancient stones. Although!.......we eat dandelions (whole plant, root included) in warm salads and in other form here in Greece. You may say amongst other pot herbs they are our staple diet! You can dig out plenty of them - albeit in stunted form- by the seaside washed over and over and over and over by the waves...... So...cant wait to try your tip and pour salt in the cracks of the marble colonade.
RE RATING archaeological site etc.! Comments By: Anon on 2010-11-13
The tip works so far! The plants started to wilt the second day and they seem to be on their way out, hopefully for good. There should be no problem in the future however, as we intend to regularly treat the sensitive areas and so prevent re colonisation. Thus no damage to the antiquities and safe for children and animals. Any good tips for removing brambles permanently and safely please?

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