Slugs Snails. Slugs and snails remove them with ease
A great way that is most effective in dealing with slugs and snails is to buy chemical pellets and the slugs eat them up and appear to die after eating these pellets. You can find them in any home center near you. But if this process fills you with dread and you would like a couple of alternatives then read on.
Get rid of snails by crushing egg shells and placing them around the base of your tender plants, flowers and through out the garden. The slugs and snails do not like to rub their belly across them and will stay away from your plants!
Scatter powdered chalk around lime-loving garden plants to repel slugs.
Another method in getting rid of snails is to put a jam jar with beer in the bottom and then you sink the jar half into the soil near your tender plants. Snails and slugs are very attracted to the smell so they throw themselves in and get stuck! Of course when the jar has a few slugs in it you have to get rid of it.
I have heard of gardeners going around in the early hours of the morning with a torch and manually removing these slimy little critters. And this works as well!
You can bait snails with a bit of lettuce or cabbage leaves, placing them out in the evenings and in the morning you will find snails and just throw them away! Other items that work are slices of turnip, potato or inverted grapefruit rinds trick the snail for your capture as well. Wait until they are snacking away on their goodies and them pitch them in the garbage!
You can also deter slugs and snails by lining the exterior of your garden with salt. Slugs and snails won't cross over the salt.
Snakes and salamaders are great for getting rid of snails and slugs. Don't kill off the snakes in your garden because they will control these other pests.
Putting a few clay pots in your garden, just laying them on their sides - the snails and slugs will gather here in the shade during the heat of the day. You can wash off the clay pots in hot soapy water and dispose of snails as they come to your pots.